
salt and sky • jongdae x minseok


The moon was waxing again and Minseok hoped he would still be around when it became full. Every chance he got to be with Jongdae was a blessing. He would never take a moment for granted and couldn't wait to feel his legs again.


He floated on the surface and wriggled his tail a little as he remembered the way Jongdae made him feel the night they mated. It made him feel funny inside, fluttery in his stomach, and itchy in his tail in a weird way. Like his legs were dying to split and break apart. He groaned aloud with frustration and dived under the water before surfacing again.


"Hello Moon..." he said as he spoke aloud to the sky. "I need to say thankyou. I didn't understand why you brought me here at first. Why you chose me to leave my land life behind." He closed his eyes and gave in to the weightlessness of the water below him. "But now I do. I know why I'm here. I'm here to bring our brothers home. I'm here to help Yixing connect with his mate." He swam in a little circle as he thought carefully before floating on his back again. "Most importantly I'm here to keep Jongdae safe." He smiled as the beautiful name slipped past his cold lips. 


"I want to ask you just one favour." He thought carefully before he spoke again. "There were eight before they were lost. Then when I came I made them six." The tears of humanity that remained alive spread thickly across his deep dark irises that reflected the sincerity of the stars overhead. "If I bring three home then surely you could spare me. They would be eight again. And I could go back to land." His bottom lip trembled at his own words. Sad words of longing and loneliness, of hopeful subservience, of a chance to be happy again. "I know you wouldn't have shown my mate to me if we couldn't be together." He had faith in his golden goddess, the light and guide of his magical life, and he knew she wouldn't let him down.


He didn't know what was going to happen that night but he knew he had to try.


After his private worship and deference, his quiet plea to the sky, he dipped below the waves. He found Yixing waiting on the ocean floor for him swirling his long tail in the soft sand. He was singing quietly to himself as his tail made patterns on the ocean floor and when he saw Minseok coming he looked up and smiled. "Are you ready?" he asked and Minseok nodded. He led the way East across the ocean bed towards their meeting place where he hoped Jongdae would be waiting.


"Don't be scared." Minseok gripped Yixing's soft white hands and the backs of them. Where his hands travelled skin and scale in pearl and pink glowed softly in response to his touch. "Jongdae is gentle. He's a little bit loud but he doesn't mean it and he would never hurt you." Yixing shivered and nodded. He was terrified of humans, as was his merling nature and instinct, but he trusted his beautiful teal-tailed brother. And he wanted to bring their brothers home. They needed help.






Jongdae had been waiting for a while. It gave him comfort to just be in their meeting place. He was happiest here where he could almost feel Minseok's presence, his magic in the air, his aura in the night.


He heard a splash and then another and he leaned over to see two heads poking up out of the water. He waved to Minseok who waved back and he had to smile at the shy merling hiding behind Minseok in fear. "Come down!" Minseok called out and Jongdae shed his clothes and jumped over the side.



He swam to his mate and when they were together Minseok left his place of protection to go to Jongdae. They embraced and shared a kiss and Jongdae was suddenly aware they weren't alone. "Is this your brother?" he asked and Minseok smiled. He grabbed Yixing and pulled him out from behind and Yixing smiled shyly. "Hi," he said and his fear disappeared. He could feel Jongdae's gentleness and his concern, his affinity for the waves and the water, his love of the salt and sky that ruled their lives. 


He reached out with a pink scaled arm and Jongdae's cheek. "You're right!" he said with an exclamation of surprise as he turned towards Minseok. "He is like us! He feels like us!" Yixing pulled Jongdae into a hug and the man was surprised at how different he felt. Minseok's hugs felt warming and weightless and tinged with a tingle. He likened it to the feeling when your feet are so cold that you can't feel them and then they start warming up. Yixing's hugs were heavy and powerful even though the creature looked fine and delicate. And when Yixing pulled him close he felt every ache and pain, every injury he'd ever felt, dissipate like dissolving salt into the water around him.


Minseok held him by one hand and Yixing by the other as they told Jongdae what they were going to do. Minseok was going to find their brothers and try to somehow negate the magic keeping them captive. Yixing would stay close enough to help but far enough to be safe. He was vulnerable to the evil that hid in the red tinged cave. If something happened to Minseok he would try to bring him to the surface. Jongdae didn't know how he could help but at least he could be there for whatever fate had decided.


"Are you sure about this?" he asked quietly and Minseok nodded. "I've asked the moon for a deal!" he said excitedly. He was worried about Yixing's reaction but he was too lost in love to care. "I've asked her if I can bring my brothers home and return to land. An exchange." Jongdae furrowed his brow as he considered this deal. He wondered if he could make such a sacrifice. Could he give up a magical life under the ocean? As he looked at Minseok, moonlight reflecting off his hair and scale, he knew the answer immediately. Of course he could. He would give up everything for Minseok. Even his life. Not just his life on land, or a magical life under the waves, but his whole existence if it meant Minseok's survival.


"Lead the way," he said to the merling creatures and swam back to his fishing boat. He climbed over the side and back onto the deck and dressed in his clothes again. He raised the anchor and turned the boat and followed the merling's luminescent glow as they made their way slowly through the night. An ominous feeling descended over Jongdae, he didn't know what fate had decided for him this night, but he knew whatever it was he would face it with bravery. 


For Minseok.


For his mate.

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Chapter 22: Oh my gahd! This is so lovely!!! I fell in love! So heartwarming and how the story’s twist is really amazing. I just feel bad for TaoRis here though, but overall, this is really amazing. Great job, dear author

I was wondering though if Minseok finally met Little Mermaid xD xD
Chapter 22: That was beautiful!
Sure, it was short but the emotions I felt while reading through this story was overwhelming. The happiness, the heartbreak, it was all worth it in the end.
Thank you for sharing this story with us, Author-nim!
Chapter 21: Oh my gosh! I almost tossed my laptop from so much happiness.
I was so ready to mourn another fanfic but, OMG, I'm so glad it didn't end up the way I expected. I'm so happy for Xiumin. But I still hope they would be able to save the other two.
Chapter 16: My heart is breaking for Sehun and Yixing.
I'm literally crying over this story while gobbling up a tub of ice cream.
Chapter 9: They're just so sweet! I love them so much.
I especially love how Jongdae seemed so gentle with Minseok every time they're together.
Chapter 8: That was so sweet! That was so beautiful!
That was the most beautiful moment under the moon!
I'm so giddy and , I'd probably die ting rainbows!
I'm so in love with this fic...
Chapter 4: Oh my gosh, my heart broke when Xiumin was attacked by the other merlings!
That is so sad. I'm glad Jongdae found him.
I can't wait to learn what drove the other merlings to attack one of their own.
Chapter 1: Aww..this is beautiful! (I mean, all your stories are, what did I expect?)
The introduction to the characters and their appearances were already captivating enough, so I'm really excited to see how you built your mermaid world! I'm sure this would be another amazing ride.
Chapter 22: This was so beautiful ?
ynaffittaffy #10
Chapter 22: This is such a beautiful story. I love it so much I cannot express it in words. thank you so much. This was so captivating to read and I loved your beautiful descriptions of everything; the mermaids, the sea, the sky, everything. Thank you