Off With Sick Again


Complex Psycho trivia- Did you know, the reason I choose Henry as the maknae of the Kim and not Ryeowook was because 
A- I had a discussion with my friends who were writers too and they vote for Henry.
B- The reason why I went along with the idea was because Henry is an ABline too XD. -End- 


The sunray beam into the room as bird chirping, joining the ray to pierce the sleeping man’s closed lid. Not enough with that, an alarm blaring from his phone. Succeed in throwing him into an annoyance fit.

“Hyung wake up.”

Hearing someone calling him up, he focus his tired eyes toward the man. Donghae had show up with tray of foods and medicine.

“Hae?… why… I’m here?” said Yesung as he seated himself and lean towards the bedhead. Looking down, he found out his hand were attached to an iv drip.

Donghae sigh. Taking a small table and place it on top of Yesung’s lap.

“You fainted last night. Remember? Thank goodness our partner won’t mind you ‘falling’ in the midst of handshake. Why didn’t you alert me sooner? Zhoumi said it wasn’t just because the lack of the meals. You dehydrated so bad that your kidney give you massive pain. I should have watch over your meals intake…”

“No.. it’s my fault. I didn’t realize I was in pain…” said Yesung timidly.

“Ahah. No sh*t. eat your breakfast. You should be grateful today is your off day. If not, we have to tell your father about this.”

“Yah! Don’t tell him!”

“Oh energetic, are we? Now eat. I’ll be in the living room.” 

With that Donghae leave him alone with a tray of soups and bread. Sighing as he saw the amount of pills he had to swallow for that day.


Lunch coming. After seeing the episodes of Yesung fainted right in front of his eyes, Heechul had been seen more spaced out the next day. He had came to Shindong’s house for a lunch with Henry as the younger had no class that day.

“Hyung? Your foods gonna get cold.” said Henry, nudging the older softly.

“Oh sorry. I was thinking of something.”

Together with Ryeowook, they eat with peaceful manners. Snipping in some small conversation between themselves.

“Hyung! Did you know we had new neighbour? He live across our house. His name's Eunhyuk!” said Ryeowook with bright smiles.

“Really? Did you guys meet each other already?” said Heechul lovingly. To him, Ryeowook more like his younger brother. Feelings comfortable by the bright expression, he treat both Henry and Ryeowook equally as his dongsengs.

“Yes. We already become close. He move here last month. Hyung should meet him. He’s so kind.” Henry chirped into the conversation.

“Really? I’ll meet him later. My lunch time are about to finish.”

“I’m done eating!” said Ryeowook, leaving the table first.

Heechul glances towards Henry who almost finish his meals. Wanting to engage into a conversation that he been wanting to do.

“Henry ah.”

“Yes?” Henry turn his look towards the older once he finish his meals.

“What do you think about Yesung?”

Henry looks a bit surprised by the sudden question. “Ah… Yesung hyung? Why did you ask?”

“Nothing. I just wanna know. Since it’s been ages from the last time I saw him.”

“Emm… to be honest. I come to hate him in the past. He always act nicely towards mom and dad. I can’t even tell he’s being a good child or he just want the whole attention to him.”

Heechul nod. It was the exact thought he had on Yesung. Greedy, arrogant and spoiled for their parent treatment.

“But. I change my mind after I know what he had been through form Shindong hyung. Every night, Yesung hyung always come to visit my room. Mom locked it from the outside. And sometimes. I can heard a rattle on the knob and knew it was Yesung hyung who trying to meet me.”

“He did that?” Heechul ask in disbelieve.

“Yup. And the reason why he always away from me was because dad force him to work 24 hours. He always come back late but despite that he still had the time trying to meet me. And the last time… before I got.. into the incident, I saw his face. He look different than the last time I saw him. He look empty and yet, that day. He look as if he could kill anyone at that time if it weren’t for those big bastard guys taking him away from saving me.”

“Wait… you never told me this.” Heechul groan by the missed information.

“Eh I didn’t? sorry. But why did you mention about him? Did you meet him?! Where!? I miss him so much!” said Henry enthusiastically.

“No. I didn't. I’m just asking whether or not he cares about you. To me, he still the one who to be blame for your mistreatment.” Heechul snort from the thought of telling the truth about his meeting with Yesung.

“Tssk. I told you. He’s not guilty. And I think mom and dad knew they can control Yesung hyung so they treat him like that all the time. Now I think about it, Yesung hyung look more naive and dumber than me. I bet he didn’t even know about .” Henry giggling by the thought.

“Yah! Just because you had your boyfriend, doesn’t mean you can talk about openly!” said Heechul, pinching his brother’s chubby cheeks.

“Ow hyung! But it’s true! He has been working all his life! I bet he never touch any woman or man before!”

Heechul clicking his tongue, annoyed by the ual topic. But deep down, the curiosity building up about his younger brother ual life.

“Nah. He’s a celebrity before. So he might have done it. You can’t trust his innocent face.”

“Aish, you saying about his face as if you’ve met him already. Wanna bet? What if I try to find him and ask him about it?” said Henry with a smirk.

“Yah! Don’t try to look for him! And moreover, drop his uality topic!”

“Why not! I miss him!” said Henry with a pout. “But you right… he might be working with dad now. And heck I wanna show my face there after what they done to me.”

“Good. Just stay away from them. We are no longer their family nor we need them. Aish, hyung have to go now. Your brother in-law keep calling me.” said Heechul as he scroll down his screen’s phone. Bunch of messages and calls from the clingy lover.

Henry chuckles from Heechul annoyed face. Only Hangeng can make the diva annoyed but submissive in the same time.

“Go. I wanna hang out with my boyfriend after this.” said Henry happily as he went to his room to get ready for the date.

“Yah! You better focus on your study more or I’ll cut your boyfriend’s long leg!” shouts Heechul, earning a giggles from Ryeowook who had been watching them since the beginning.


A tall man pacing around inside his room. In dilemma by certain issues that had him forgetting his important date.


“Hello?” said him, ignoring the caller name that obviously shown on the screen.

Yah hyung! You forgot aren’t you?”

“Eh?…. Ah! I’m sorry. I was busy with my patient just now.”

Aish Zhoumi hyung. I thought you said you had take a day off today.”

Zhoumi almost cursing out loud for his big mouth. “Ah no. This is a random patient that happen been needing my help. I’m done already so I’ll be on my way soon.”

You better be. My hyung gonna cut your leg if you late again.” said Henry in wicked tone.

“Aish don’t bring up the diva. Now, I need to get ready, see you soon, baby.”

Hyung… it’s embarrassing to call me a baby… see you soon.”


“Argh!!! what should I do! I had to check on Yesung hyung after this!” shouts Zhoumi in frustration.

‘Why did hyung got sick! What did the Kim done to him again… I need to come to Donghae’s house to check on him for the last time but the date…’ thought him. He shrug it off for a moment just to get ready for his date. ‘Henry come first, I'll check on him as soon as i can’


“Hyung, you should stay in bed for today. Zhoumi will come again this evening, okay?”

“But I’m bored…” Yesung whine as he fiddling with the tube that attached on his hand.

Donghae slap Yesung’s hand away from touching his other hand. “Stop playing with that. You gonna hurt yourself.”

“It would better be that.” whisper Yesung softly.

“What was that?”

“Nothing.” he threw away his look, avoiding the suspicion stare.

Yesung keep watching as Donghae begin to get ready. The younger were running around with a faint smile on his fair, irking Yesung suspicion on he younger reason.

“Hae… why you looking like your about to go on a date?” asked Yesung.

Donghae face the older while combing his hair, smiling sheepishly towards Yesung.

“I am. Now you’ll be good boy and stay here till Zhoumi come,okay? He need to change the water later.”

“Eoh? But who’s your date?”

“Shhh. Don’t worry about it. I’m going now!” said Donghae as he ran towards the door, leaving the older agape at his answer.

‘Aish that brat…’

He look towards the table stand where his phone were placed. Carefully without hitting his needled hand, he reach for the phone and settle himself back on leaning towards the bedhead.

Typing a number that he had to memorize it for a safety caution and begin to text the owner of the number.

“How was it” he send it. Waiting patiently for the recipient to reply.


Just fine. All went well.

A smirk begin to plastered itself on the rosy lips. As wicked as it is, the petite man’s thought are more gruesome than anything in the world.

“Good. I am so sorry. After years with no meeting each other, you had to meet me in this situation.”

Nah it’s okay. Tho I’m quite shocked when you ask me to do it, I’m sure you had your reason. So hyung, ready to get back to our world?”

“Being an idol again? Nah… everything’s already ruined… I have no place there. Besides, you know my parent.”

“Ah… that can be understandable. You change a lot hyung. I can’t believe my innocent sunbae turn this way *winkyface*”

“Hahaha. Do I? I don’t think I change that much. I’m just trying to straighten things up.”

Yeah right. What you asked me to do and your act doesn’t say it that way.

“Well… you’re the only one I know can do such thing… I’m begin to regret for asking your help…”

Aish don’t be that way. I’m glad tho! Besides, you know I can’t use my skills being an idol right now. So thanks to you, I can freshen up my buried talent.

“Haha you’re welcome then. But I’m sure we are not done yet. I can’t meet you right now but when I heard there’s more, be ready for me.”

Sure do hyung! I’ll do whatever you ask me to do!”

“You sound like an underling, Sungminssi” Yesung type in joking manner. 

“I am, for you! *Kissemoji

“Haha, thank you so much, Minnie ah.”

You welcome, Sungie hyung~”


Zhoumi driving through the road with happy face. Smiling as his young lover humming to the radio’s song. Feeling giddy for the date that had been planned for a long time.

“Hyung, where are we going for today?”

“Hemm. I don’t know. Where did you wanna go?” said Zhoumi as he keep focusing on the road.

“Can we go to a music store first? I wanna pick up a violin that Heechul hyung gave to me as a present.”

“Oh? A new hobby? Why did he ask you to fetch your own gift? That diva.”

“Haha, I’m sure he gonna get mad if he heard you. It’s not a new hobby. I’ve secretly learn to play it at school before but never had one on my own. Beside, it was a custom made one so Heechul hyung didn’t had the time to fetch it up. It’s at the S street. Can we go there?” said Henry with puppy eyes that surely melts Zhoumi’s heart.

“Of course, Henry ah. That’s close to the M Mall so we can have a date there next.”

“Thanks hyung, love you!” said Henry happily, feeling more excited for the violin than the date.

Zhoumi smile to himself, liking the excited younger’s new side. Working for the kim for years had him watch from the side for the younger. It’s been years long of him falling for the younger but he had been busying taking care of Yesung to the point he had lost his focus on the smaller till last year. When Heechul had ask him to heal the younger daily until they become so close, it was like a door had opens up freely for him. So warm and opens up to each other thus the love blooming in short time.

‘Seems like I’m forgetting something…. Nah. Might be something not important.’



“Come in.”

“Sir. I had the information you asking for.”

“Oh Kangin ah. Sit here. I’m done with my work so let’s discuss it together.” said Hangeng, putting away the files.

After Kangin settles in front of the older, he begin to go through the documents.

“It’s weird Sir, from my inspection, the Kim’s never had something going on in their company. Instead, their reputation went sky rocket after Kim Yesung begin to had his part inside the family business.” said Kangin with a frown.

“Just call me hyung went we discussing something out of work.” said Hangeng, earning a nod from Kangin. “You’re right. It is weird. But judging from Yesung’s condition the other day, he look worst. I mean his work are undeniably good but something seems weird.”

“Well aside from the workers said bad thing about his attitude, everything seems fine.”

“Bad impressions huh? What did they say?”

“Here’s said that the worker never seeing him aside from company’s meeting. If they ever to stumble upon him, he act as cold as possible. Different than the 'idol' him.”

“Oh I heard about him being an artist before. Maybe the Kim’s pressure him too much. But why did he never tried to search for Henry before? I heard from Heechul that even after he left them when they were young, Yesung really fond of Henry. Even Shindong can’t deny their good relationship. Until Yesung had to work under his dad, it was then when Shindong said something went wrong.”

“What is it?” Kangin ask curiously.

“He said that Yesung never once had the chance to meet Henry. Wasn’t that weird? They live in the same house.”

“Hah. That is bizarre. Do you think it has to do with the mother or the father?”

“Maybe. They can chase out Heechul when he was young. So it was easy for them to do more than that. Anyway, did Heechul already come back from lunch?”

“Oh he’s already in his office. Want me to call him?” said Kangin as he about to stand up.



The clock’s ticking loudly, the sounds of water droplets from the bathroom echoes till the bedroom. Annoying the man that lying weak on the bed. With nothing much to do and the inability to walk around without feeling headache, Yesung begin to groan from the irritation of waiting Zhoumi.

His phone had long out of battery, dying on him as he forgot to ask Donghae to charge it for him that morning.

Irked by the long wait and dry throat, he begin to climb down the bed, holding the water stand as his hand still attached to the needle. Fortunate for him to use the stand as his walking support.

Heaving his heavy body towards the kitchen with much struggles, he manage to get himself a cup of water.

‘Tssk. With this thing attached to me, I’m still feels worst..’ thought him in annoyance.

He look around the house, feeling empty without the younger nagging at him 24 hours.

‘Now I think about it… I only have Donghae. What would I do without him.’

He walk towards the couch, slumping in between the soft cushion as he begin to turn the television on. Trying to entertain himself while waiting for the young doctor.


Hours had pass. The water begin to run out, in exchange of the empty plastic that hanging from the stand, his blood begin to out trough the small tube.

“Eh…?” Yesung realized the long red tube from the corner of his eyes. “What happen?” said him, begin to feel frighten up by the drawn blood.

With fears of losing his blood, he tears off the needles away from his hand. Gaped hole from the pierced needles had left him with blood stricken down his palm, dirtying the white floor.

‘Ah.. is it my time already?’ thought him as he begin to think negatively from the bad reaction of his own act.

Headache begin to take over his head. Dizzying from the blood scene as he’s not used to seeing red.

‘Well…at least I’m not gonna be missed.’


A banged door and a stomping sounds had him turning his head groggily towards the door. With blurry eyes, he tried to make out what it’s seems like two silhouette of men in front of him.

“Hae?” said him with hoarse voice.


An hour ago

“That was so fun! We should go this arcade again hyung!” said Henry happily, hugging a soft teddy bear that Zhoumi had won for him.

“Sure. I want to play that game again.”

They walk towards their next stops but the older of the two had to stop midway when his phone had went off.

“Donghae?” muttered him but still been heard by Henry.




A sudden yell begin to blare from the phone, making Zhoumi cringes from the high pitch screams. Placing the phone back to his ears, he begin to take everything the secretary had nags at him.

“Hyung… is everything okay?” asked Henry once Zhoumi had end the call.

“Henry ah, I am so sorry. We had to go to my office for a while. I had forgot my patient’s appointment and had to go fetch mys stuff for awhile. Can you come with me?”

“Oh sure. Let’s go. But won’t I be a disturbance for you?”

“No, you’ll wait in the car later while I’m checking on him.”


“Yeah, my patient. Let’s go.”

It’s take him a detour to his office and 1 hour on the road to reach for his so-called patient home. Once he had park his car on the parking complex, he fetch all his need for the appointment.

“Listen, you can ‘t come out no matter what. Wait me here, okay?” said Zhoumi with a frantic face.

“Oh.. okay. I promise.” said Henry, a bit weird out by the older reaction. He watch as the older ran hastily towards the apartment complex.

‘Must be one bad condition I guess.’ thought Henry as he rummage through the back seat for his violin. Smiling fondly for the gift as it was his long wished present he had been wanted for.

‘thanks Heechul hyung.’


Zhoumi ran frantically towards Donghae’s apartment. The secretary had give him a passcode for him to use just in case Donghae hadn’t arrive yet.

His memories on the secretary’s call were a bit haze from him panicking over the sick Yesung. But fortunate enough, he saw Donghae running from across the corridor with fumed face.

“Why did you forget about him!?” shouts Donghae angrily once both of them had stopped right in front of the apartment, punching on the passcode furiously.


“Tssk. Keep your apologetic *ss for now.” said Donghae as they went inside after kicking down the door open in anger.

“Hyung!” shouts Donghae, panicking from the blood dripping onto the floors.

“Omo Yesung hyung!”

Zhoumi immediately inspecting the wound and relief a bit as he thought the worst had happen on his patient. But soon a frown begin to creep on his face once he found out that the blood was from the older pulling on the tube. Looking at the tube, he soon realize that the older had ran out of water drip.

Carefully, he begin to work on the wound and the older needs. Whilst letting the doctor done his job, Donghae took a sit next to the limping older, carefully brushing the older’s bangs out of his pale face.

“Hyung, why did you pull off the tube?”

With groggily, Yesung who manage to be kept awake by Zhoumi turns his head towards Donghae. Smiling with his pucker up pale lips.

“It’s… my blood… I got shock so I pull it off…” said Yesung with what it’s seems like a failed pout.

The older words had both Zhoumi and Donghae chuckles from his way of thinking.

“I’m sorry hyung. I forgot about you.” said Zhoumi with sheepish smiles, embarrassed by his attitude.

“Nah. It’s okay..”

Donghae fumed by the older’s answer, boiled with anger from the doctor’s behaviour.

“Why did you even forgot your own patient hah! What if I never had the thought to check on Yesung hyung hah!?” Donghae shouts to the taller with fume.

Yesung cringes from the screams, the younger were too close to begin with “Hae… don’t shouts…”

Donghae patting the older’s head with apologetic smiles, softly apologizes for the dazed older.

“I’m sorry Donghae. I’m actually had a date today, we’ve been planning for this day so I kinda forgot about this appointment once I meet my date… Yesung hyung, I’m so sorry..” Zhoumi bow in front of the two, feeling guilty for his own behaviour.

Even thought Donghae’s feels a bit guilty for screaming off at the taller, he still can’t accept it and ignoring the bow. But it was different with the older of the three.

Yesung felt guilty and sorry for the taller, having to ruin the taller’s date by getting sick in the first place.

“I’m so sorry… this won’t happen if I took care of myself… and your date won’t get ruined by me…” said Yesung with teary eyes, pained by his own fault.

“No! You did nothing wrong! It was me. And the date are just fine. We actually just finish when Donghae called me. You don’t have to--” Zhoumi words were cut short when his phone begin to vibrate inside his pocket.


“Hyung, are you not done yet? I’m hungry.”

“Oh H--Heejeong ah. I’m just finish here. I’ll be there soon.” said Zhoumi, relief from the crisis averted.

“Okay, faster!”


Zhoumi look towards both of them who sure enough wanting an explanation form the call.

“That’s my date. He’s in my car right now.”

“He?” said Donghae in surprise, joined by the widen eyes Yesung.

“Ah. Yes. I’m Bi. Anyway, you don’t have to take the drip again. I’ll prepare for the prescription on the table. Be sure to take it to help you gain some extra energy.” said Zhoumi as he begin to prepare it.

The two was left with the thought of the doctor’s date being a male. Looking at each other, Donghae give a shoulder shrug to Yesung as answer.

“There. I’m finish. I’ll be leaving now.” Zhoumi hastily packing up his stuff and left the apartment without waiting for the two to say anything.

Donghae walk towards the table and read the prescription carefully. While the younger busying himself with the medicine, Yesung being the curious man he is went over to the window. From there he can see the parking lot clearly without having to heave himself up being that Donghae’s apartment floor quite low.

A car opens up, revealing quite sulking man from his stomping feet. Crossing his hand across his chest. The face are too blur for Yesung to make out the feature. But then his eyes twitched down towards a running Zhoumi. The taller had ran himself towards the sulking man. Hugging the shorter as he lead the other to the car.

‘Was that Zhoumi’s date? Seems familiar…’ thought Yesung as he watch the two went away with Zhoumi’s car.

‘Kinda look like Henry. But the face look different.. a bit.’

“Hyung. You have to rest.”





A/N: long chapter to compensate from my tardiness XD. I am so sorry to make the brothers being apart this long lol. It need to be that way for now since the storyline are fated to be this way hahaha. And more characters still on their stage to be introduced. Been that the only left was Siwon, Kyuhyun, Kibum, Leeteuk and maybe MAYBE a bit cameos from other groups tho I tried to avoid it from happening since it's a headache to hv that many characters. Sungmin finally been introduced as Yesung's partner in crime. Comment down below, what did you think yeye and minnie doing all this time?


And about the blood part, it's happen to me once XD. I had to get 'water' thingy into my arm when i was diagnosed with dengue(turn out to be just a normal fever). But due to the water already went out, it begin to such out my blood in place of the water haha. I was so scared while being in the fever and begin to to think weird things. End!

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Please be patient with me, the comedy ish and fluff part will come but it will be taking time.


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391 streak #1
Chapter 17: Rereading it, still one of my fav story of yours ❤️
Chapter 17: This would be one of the coolest stories that I've ever read
391 streak #4
Chapter 1: OMG, this family is broken inside out T____T and always because of parents. I'm not gonna be a mom like this mother #sigh
heeyanna #5
Chapter 15: ommo!!! are you also the one who wrote the "Our Little Sungie"???
I'm freaking waiting for its next chapters... TT_TT
Chapter 17: Ahhh. Why this chapter feel like end.. good
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Chapter 16: Oh shiet! He's between Innocent and Psycotic . And he's so badass. .
charismavi #8
Chapter 17: Phase one completed..Getting ready for phase two ;)
We still need to see how two evils act when they finally meet hohoho..
Chapter 17: We'll look forward to it,,take your time,,,