Why is she like this?

Angel Falls, Devil Rises


Suddenly, Nichkhun nudged IU. “Hey, I think it’s time we talked about Dara with everyone now… Let’s get her out of here somehow.”


IU nodded and skipped up towards Dara. “Unnie~ Can you show the girls where we’re sleeping? We need to settle in some,” she smiled innocently.


Dara smiled back warmly. “Arasso! I’ll show you girl guests around,” she smiled as she pulled the new girls up the stairs to the rooms. 


Now it was just Jiyong, Seunghyun, Youngbae, Siwon, Daesung, Seungri, Tiffany, Wooyoung, Nichkhun, Chaerin, and Minzy.


“What are we doing oppa?” the clueless girls asked Nichkhun.


“You’ll see girls,” Nichkhun motioned them to sit still and allowed the other side to speak first. “Let’s get started shall we?”


“Well….we want to know. How you guys met Dara,” Jiyong suddenly became serious.


“Well….it’s a long story, but here goes…. Woo and I was walking along the shore one day. It was an ordinary day. But suddenly, we saw a girl, lying on the sand a few feet away from us. She wasn’t moving and her eyes were closed. We panicked and ran over there. That girl was Dara….Without knowing even who she was; we brought her to the nearest hospital. We didn’t know what to do. Her phone was broken cause of all the water it soaked. She didn’t have any identification on her. It was like she just came out of nowhere. After half an hour, the doctors called us in. Apparently, she tried to commit suicide or just drowned on accident. But fortunately since we found her, she was rescued just in time. For about a week, Woo and I both visited her in the hospital despite not knowing a thing about her. To Woo, there was something familiar about that girl. Then one day, she finally woke up. She introduced herself as Sandara Park but Dara for short. The three of us automatically became friends. When we asked her about her past, she would freak out and space out so we never brought out the topic again. But it wasn’t that she didn’t want to talk about it. It was as if….she didn’t remember. We went back to the doctor once again. He said she was suffering from amnesia. She didn’t remember anyone or any important event that happened in her past…”


Jiyong and Seunghyun looked at each other shocked.


“We decided not to bother her about it anymore, hoping the past would generate on its on for her. But as three years went by, she never remembered a thing. Eventually, Wooyoung confessed his secret feelings for her and they became a couple. So here we are right now….” Nichkhun finished, breathless at what he said.


“So….Dara has amnesia. That means she can’t remember anything about her past or….us….” Youngbae rubbed his temples.


“I guess that’s right. The Dara back on the beach was the one with amnesia.” Nichkhun nodded.


“Umm…excuse me, but Dara knew you guys?” Minzy interrupted.


They all nodded.


“It looks like it’s time for our part…” Jiyong sighed and shook his head.


“Dara Park, our best friend, has been with us I mean Donghae ever since she was eleven. On the way, she met Seunghyun, her boyfriend in her teen times, and dated him secretly. They were madly in love, but one day, he left to the US to study abroad. Dara became a tomboy then, not caring about any other guys. At that time, I was the kingsta of the school. I was a heartbreaker and a player. I took on bets with Seungri and Daesung to try to make a girl mine then break her heart. I succeeded in everyone. But one day, there was Dara, my new target. When I first met her, I tried flirting with her but that ended up with my slapped in the face and humiliated. Then, Youngbae said I should try the friendly way so I became fake friends with her, but little did I know that I actually felt that she was my close friend. Right when I tried to seal the deal, she humiliated me once again and announced she had someone other than me. And that someone was Seunghyun. He had just gotten back from the US. By the time I realized this, I was out of it. I freak out causing everyone to detest me even my ex, Sulli…. But thanks to her and Seunghyun, I got Sulli back and we all became friends. But as time went on, I fell for her charming personality somehow. So I broke up with Sulli and made a move on her on Valentine’s Day. Seunghyun and I got into a huge fight. That was the day she left all of us. She’s been missing since then. About two weeks later, her little brother, Cheondung arrived at our school. He told us something interested. The Dara we knew was a lie. Her past was dark. She is actually the daughter of Park Shinhwa of Park industries….She never told us this because well, she ran away from home. Cheondung here has been searching for her ever since…. We’ve all spent the last 5 years searching for her… And finally, we’re here,” Jiyong gestured toward everyone.


Wooyoung and Nichkhun were obviously stunned by the way.


“Hold up. You’re saying that Dara is the daughter of Park industries. And she lied about her past. Plus the fact that she used to date you two??” Nichkhun asked, trying to absorb this in.


Jiyong shook his head. “She only dated Seunghyun. I was courting her, but I kissed her once or twice.” He admitted.


Nichkhun was about to say something, but Wooyoung held up his hand, interrupting us. He looked up at that with fire like eyes.


“So then what are you here for? Are you going to steal Dara from me?” he said in a threatening tone.


“Oppa….” Tiffany whispered as her face turned softer.


“Don’t misunderstand. We’re not here to take her away. We just want to see her again. We want to be friends with her. We’re not a threat as long as she doesn’t like us back. We won’t steal her.” Seunghyun replied in the same fierce tone as Wooyoung.


That time, Wooyoung’s face relaxed. “Good, cause Dara is the best thing that ever happened to me. I don’t want her to leave me…”


Jiyong sighed, “We understand. Just let us be friends with Dara…” With that request, Wooyoung nodded gratefully.


An awkward silence fell over all of them as no one dared to talk. During that, Tiffany decided to move next to Jiyong and Seunghyun, leaving Chaerin, Minzy, Nichkhun, and Wooyoung on the other side.


“Hey Tiff, why’d you-” Wooyoung was interrupted by girls’ voices coming down the hall. He immediately stood up and ran to Dara when she entered, forgetting that he ever asked Tiffany a question. Tiffany noticed that and pouted, looking sad.


“Let’s go hang out in the pool!” Dara yelled happily as she wrapped Wooyoung in a hug.


“Ok, ok. But can we question Wooyoung for a moment. I mean we’re going to ask question about Wooyoung and you guys answer the questions. Ok?” Jiyong spoke up as he pulled out a notebook. The others had no choice but to agree.


“Let’s get started shall we?” Jiyong cleared his throat as he began reading the questions.


“Would Wooyoung ditch his friends to hang out with Dara?” he asked.


All of Wooyoung’s and Wooyoung himself nodded their heads.


Jiyong marked a check mark next to it.


“Is he clingy enough to make her not lonely?”


Once again, they all nodded their head.




“Do you consider him to be tall?”


Some shook their head but more people nodded.


“ok… I’ll just check this.”




“Was he in the top 10 for grades back in college?”


They all nodded. “Oppa was the 1st, but when Dara attended, he got his spot taken from Dara!” Minzy giggled as the others laughed along.


“Does he have a special talent like dancing?”


“Yep, Woo is an amazing dancer,” Nichkhun smiled proudly of his dongsaeng.


“Can he make her laugh? And he’s not lovesick?”


They all nodded at the first question. “Wooyoung oppa understands when Dara feels he’s gone too far. It’s like he can read her mind,” Tiffany said with a slight smile.


“Does he like weird things like Pokémon cards or Yu-Gi-Oh cards?”


“Definently, he collects stuffed animals and keeps them in a separate room!” Chaerin made fun of him and slapped her knee, laughing.


“Yah! I DO NOT!” he defended.


“Woo, we all know you do. Even I saw it just now,” IU laughed at him.


“Finally, do you consider him to be HOT and CUTE at the same time.”


“NEH!” all of them said together as Wooyoung did the “ang ang” pose.


Jiyong sighed and looked at Seunghyun. “It’s all right. Wooyoung, you got that all right…” he smiled slightly.


“This sounds like my ideal man! How’d you know oppa?” Dara happily looked at him with amazement while Wooyoung gave a slight glare.


“Ani, don’t get the wrong idea. We just wanted to make sure because it seems every girl likes this type of man including IU, Bom, Sulli, and even Tiffany!” Seunghyun said, trying to make up and excuse.


Tiffany gave him a look. ‘What are you talking about??’


‘Just go with it!’ he mouthed back.


“Really, hey Tiff, you like those kinds of guys also?” Wooyoung asked Tiffany.


She glared at Seunghyun before nodding. “Neh, I do, but not you Woo, you already have Dara,” she smiled and pretended.


“Ok then….To the pool!” Dara yelled once again and pulled the girls along to their rooms, leaving them.


Mianhe, it's a shortie. I have school now so it may take a while to update. Anyways, here's Dara's past again. Sorry if it's really boring ._.

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one more chap to go.... sad it's ending ;___;


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It's just 7 years had past. Why already have teenage kids? Wew!
kpop_lover379 #2
kyah~ i loved this so much author-nim! Thanks for the great story!
geeeemae #3
Chapter 52: Daym, this is really a good story. Im a daragon shipper but tabisan is growing in me. Thank you authornim DAEBAK!!!! :) more tabisan stories *hoping/pleading* fighting!!!! ^_^
Chapter 52: It's a good story but not my line. I'm into Daragon.. kekek.. anyways fighting. Sorry if I can't bear to read this though I'm halfway to finish this.
daramaegon #5
daragon_lover14 #6
Chapter 52: i'm done reading d story , such a lovely and cute couples , ' i am really a addicted fan of daragon but i like also the tabisan tandem , cute ending :J
daragon_lover14 #7
Chapter 52: i'm done reading d story , such a lovely and cute couples , ' i am really a addicted fan of daragon but i like also the tabisan tandem , cute ending :J
daragon_lover14 #8
Chapter 52: i'm done reading d story , such a lovely and cute couples , ' i am really a addicted fan of daragon but i like also the tabisan tandem , cute ending :J
sanji30 #9
oh! its top and dara
riskakikukeko #10
Chapter 52: kyaa congrats! it's done!! I'm happy finally dara ebd up with tabi, and those lovely couples!
thank you ^^