BURN, BABY, BURN / The 50th Greater Asian Hunger Games / REVAMPING

The square is buzzing with excitement. People of all ages line up to watch, and a few kids tug on their parents hands, wanting to get closer to the stage. Or maybe they want to see the candidates. Hyunjin doesn't really know. All he knows is that when he was a kid, he had been one of them, desperately wanting to get closer, desperately wanting to play.

And of course he had missed his first chance.

But Hyunjin isn't 18 anymore. He's not innocent or naive, not pushing himself so hard that he sprains his ankle again. No, Hyunjin is ready. He's prepared to take part in the Games this year, no matter how hard it is.

And hard it will be. He'd almost forgotten that this year is a Quarter Quell. Ah, the traditions that the Supreme Leader took on from that country across the sea. He actually sort of likes it, though; it puts a fun little twist into the Games, right when they're beginning to get boring.

The mayor steps onto the stage, along with a man with narrow eyes. That'll be Kim Sunggyu, one of the previous victors. Hyunjin's familiar with him, of course, having trained with him ever since he could remember. Seeing Sunggyu onstage makes the fire surge in Hyunjin's heart again. If he gets picked - or, of course, he could always volunteer - he'll get to be with his long-time mentor. Hyunjin sits up a little straighter in his seat. 

Please, please, let the favor be his.

The mayor begins to read the Decree, which was signed fifty years ago by the Supreme Leader and whoever else was in charge before. Essentially, it just gave the Supreme Leader... well, supreme lead over Greater Asia. Hyunjin hears it was more than that, though. Someone in his class - he doesn't remember who, maybe Changbin? - told him that Greater Asia used to be many countries, and that the Supreme Leader had to defeat all of them in order to gain rule.

Well, it sounded pretty cool, but Changbin wasn't there at the time, so how would he know? A cold smile makes its way to Hyunjin's lips. No one is safe to trust, not even at home. Especially not his peers, who could be going into the Arena with him.

"Our tribute this year will be a male," the mayor declares, and Hyunjin could have smacked himself for forgetting that. Right, Quarter Quell, special Games, right. Well, that makes things... wait, it doesn't even change anything for him. His chances of being picked are still the same. Ugh, complications.

District 1 is a Career district, meaning their tributes have a high chance of emerging victorious. There's not a 'Reaping', necessarily, since winning means such high honors that everyone wants to be picked or volunteer. Instead, they have a 'preliminary Reaping', done a week before the actual Reaping date, which narrows the pool of eligible candidates to twenty. Then, on Reaping Day, they draw three names from the twenty, and each tribute is voted on by the general population around the square.

The other nineteen tributes can then volunteer, and the crowd votes on the chosen tribute and the volunteers, but usually, once the tribute is chosen, very few are voted out. There are exceptions, of course, but usually, the volunteer voted in needs to be good-looking, fiery, and skilled. All of which, by the way, Hyunjin is.

In short, Reapings in District 1 are complicated.

But Hyunjin's here, isn't he? He's sitting in the front row, looking right up at the mayor and Sunggyu, can even touch the Reaping Ball if he wants to. Clear glass, as round as a fishbowl, and inside there, one measly little slip of paper holds the name "Hwang Hyunjin". When Sunggyu walks up to the bowl, Hyunjin wills him to pick his name. Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin.

"Kim Woojin, Lee Minho, Seo Changbin."

The devastation crashes down on Hyunjin like a ton of bricks, forcing him back against his seat and down into himself. Beside him, Changbin rises, taking his place on the stage. White-hot anger flashes through Hyunjin. Changbin shouldn't be up there, look at the fear in his eyes! He doesn't want to be a victor, never did, only wanted to study the past history of Greater Asia or whatever random countries it used to be. And it's true, even Changbin himself has admitted it before. Now, as he takes his place beside Woojin and Minho, Hyunjin can clearly see that his eyes are slightly too shiny for normal.

He doesn't hear the crowd vote, only hears Changbin's devastatingly relieved sigh as he throws himself back into his chair beside Hyunjin. The crowd evidently voted on Minho, but from the murmurs around him, Hyunjin can tell that they're not particularly satisfied with any of the candidates.

That's why, as soon as he hears the mayor ask for volunteers, Hyunjin stands up first. He can see that another boy his age, Han Jisung, has stood up as well. Jisung flashes a quick smile as they take their places beside Minho, but Hyunjin doesn't return it. What use is returning it? No matter who heads off to the Arena - because it sure as hell isn't going to be Minho - they'll never have to bump into each other again. One will move to live in the Victor's Village, and the other one will continue to live his life like nothing's happened.

Hyunjin, for one, aims to be the former.

And thanks to his skills and looks, many people around the District already know him. Hwang Hyunjin, the best of the best, couldn't participate last year due to an injury. Hwang Hyunjin, did you know that he'd been training since he was five years old? Hwang Hyunjin, the local heartbreaker, the charming boy who never fails to make his classmates laugh. Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin, Hwang Hyunjin.

And so the vote is decided, and Han Jisung steps off the stage, flashing another smile before he leaves.

Hyunjin is allowed time with his parents before he leaves. All his father says is, 'Make us proud', and his mother only smiles, a bit distantly, Hyunjin thinks. He knows she'd always opposed his training and interest in the Games. She's afraid to lose him, he knows, but she won't. He'll make it out alive, bathed in the blood of his enemies, clutching the crown in his hands.

He will, because Hwang Hyunjin never loses.

i hope i portrayed him right because i don't follow stray kids at all and even though this is an au, he sort of gives me the same vibes? lol idk but i'm very excited to finally be able to start!

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BURN / pls read announcement (jan 27)


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13 streak #1
Chapter 25: Will I be able to apply again?
Oh my god
Chapter 21: okay but yoseob and feitong's combo is so great sljfklhkd I'm glad you changed the stylist
Chapter 21: omg u finally updated!!! <3
Chapter 19: Omfg I am already so against Hyunjin. Someone please kill him first so everyone else can snicker at him like he snickers at everyone else PLEASE
Chapter 14: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1383347/14'>::: DISTRICT 8</a></span>
;^; i can hear my little xian screaming chunhua's name. my poor baby boy.

and yes chunhua has blonde hair. omg you showed how closed the siblings are. i'm really grateful

i don't know why but, i feel like solji and chunhua would really have a dynamic mentor-tribute relationship? maybe like frenemies?

i don't know. but one thing's for sure, i love chunhua's introduction. it was on-point! ;D
Chapter 13: I'm a silent reader but omg jinhwan my baby thats older than me but still my baby omg ;; also since I'm here, love your writing style <3 tips for college from a college grad, keep your priorities in order! Make time for taking care of yourself, homework is important but taking care of yourself is very important
Chapter 13: I don't know why but when I was reading this, I just felt so sad for Jinhwan.
Maybe because, it's his last year yet out of so many people, he was chosen?
I don't really know ;^;
Anyway, good luck with college and don't forget to drink a lot of coffee lol.