BURN, BABY, BURN / The 50th Greater Asian Hunger Games / REVAMPING

Usually, the square would smell like the dusty tang of pine sap, the slight twinge of pine needles, or even the intoxicating freshness of just-cut wood. Today, however, it smells like none of that. Instead, the space in front of the Justice Building smells like people. Sweat, dirt, oil -- he wants to puke. But he tamps it down and shuffles forward in line, finding himself in front of the sign-in table.

"Hand?" the Peacekeeper drawls out. Jinhwan gives him his finger, and the Peacekeeper pricks it with a device. "Kim Jinhwan, blood type A. Go ahead."

Jinhwan heaves a sigh and makes his way to his 'assigned' seat. Technically, they can sit wherever they want, but for the past seven years, Jinhwan has sat in the exact same spot, the aisle seat of the middlemost row. He's sure people recognize it as his seat, because though the seats are mostly filled, his is still empty.

The thought gives him some solace. That's right, this is his last year in the Reaping. Next year, he won't have to sit here anymore, and someone else -- undoubtedly a newcomer -- will take this seat. Jinhwan smiles slightly, sitting down with a huff.

"Hey, Jinnie." Someone from behind pokes him, and Jinhwan holds back a sigh. "Jinnie, turn around."

"I told you to stop calling me that." Jinhwan doesn't turn around. He knows who it is anyway. Song Yunhyeong, a year younger than him. He's always had luck, but he's held out pretty well until now. As annoying as he is, Jinhwan does hope that he doesn't get Reaped this year. Or the next, for that matter.

"Ugh, fine." But before Jinhwan can turn, Yunhyeong's finger appears next to his face, pointing towards the stage. "See that dude up there? Not the mayor, the other one."

Onstage, there's a person standing next to the mayor. He looks sweet and quiet, and Jinhwan rolls his eyes.

"Yes, I know Zhang Yixing." He pushes the hand away. "Now be quiet, it's gonna start."

Yixing is only four years older than Jinhwan himself. He won five years ago, when Jinhwan was twenty. He remembers the crowd protesting when Yixing was picked, and honestly, he doesn't really know how the dude won either. Probably no one does, given how sweet he looks. Jinhwan thinks back to five years ago, trying to remember how the Games went.

That year, the tributes were placed in an environment with low gravity. Allegedly, it was a Capitol experiment for developing new technology used to simulate space travel. In any case, a lot of the tributes couldn't get used to the environment and spent their few days alive puking. The tributes who survived past the fifth day were lucky that their bodies adjusted quickly, and in all honesty, Jinhwan feels like Yixing won by luck. He did figure out how to move around and all, but no one really remembers if he did any fighting.

"Let's welcome, with the warmest applause, the mentor for this year, Zhang Yixing!"

Scattered applause throughout the crowd. Yixing doesn't seem to mind, stepping up to the microphone with a small smile and wave of his hand. "Let's, um, announce the tributes?"

Jinhwan doesn't even have a chance to react before he's reading out "Kim Jinhwan."

Why does it come as such a big shock to him? It's not like he wasn't prepared for it. Well, okay, he wasn't, but still. Going into the Reapings, everyone knows that there's a chance they'll be picked. A slim chance, but a chance nonetheless. Jinhwan stands up with a sigh; well, might as well accept his fate.

No one will volunteer, Jinhwan knows. He counts his steps as he walks onto stage. Ninety-one, ninety-two... ninety-seven before he stops. Yixing stands in front of him, a small smile on his face, and Jinhwan sees now the small dimple on his cheek and the distant look in his eyes.

"Congratulations," Yixing whispers, patting his shoulder. "We'll win again, you'll see."

The thought strikes Jinhwan that Yixing may not be entirely sane.

Deep in the heart of the Justice Building, there's a room filled with couches and chairs, its windows overlooking the vast pine forest that makes up most of the district. It's here that Jinhwan is brought to, and it's here that his parents greet him with tears.

"Why was it us?" they lament, falling into Jinhwan's lap, staining his pants wet. "It was the last year, why?"

"It'll be okay," he soothes them. "It'll be okay, I'm strong, I can throw axes. I'll be fine."

No, he won't, his mind tells him. You'll be up against eleven other kids, most of whom will be taller than you, many of whom will have had training. You won't be fine, you'll d--

"It's time," Yixing says softly, and Jinhwan finds with a start that they're alone in the elevator. "We're going to the Capitol."

sorry for not updating?? move-in day was sort of stressful (it wasn't stressful but there was a lot to do) and today was also busy. my parents left and i haven't cried yet so yay? anyway yeah college advice is #appreciated and pls don't expect me to write much throughout the year because it seems like my classes will be busy.... i'm sobbing on the inside. anyway here's a jinhwan (i would post on mobile if i could but i can't add author's notes ;; or even change the font grgjxdrf so yeah)

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BURN / pls read announcement (jan 27)


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13 streak #1
Chapter 25: Will I be able to apply again?
Oh my god
Chapter 21: okay but yoseob and feitong's combo is so great sljfklhkd I'm glad you changed the stylist
Chapter 21: omg u finally updated!!! <3
Chapter 19: Omfg I am already so against Hyunjin. Someone please kill him first so everyone else can snicker at him like he snickers at everyone else PLEASE
Chapter 14: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1383347/14'>::: DISTRICT 8</a></span>
;^; i can hear my little xian screaming chunhua's name. my poor baby boy.

and yes chunhua has blonde hair. omg you showed how closed the siblings are. i'm really grateful

i don't know why but, i feel like solji and chunhua would really have a dynamic mentor-tribute relationship? maybe like frenemies?

i don't know. but one thing's for sure, i love chunhua's introduction. it was on-point! ;D
Chapter 13: I'm a silent reader but omg jinhwan my baby thats older than me but still my baby omg ;; also since I'm here, love your writing style <3 tips for college from a college grad, keep your priorities in order! Make time for taking care of yourself, homework is important but taking care of yourself is very important
Chapter 13: I don't know why but when I was reading this, I just felt so sad for Jinhwan.
Maybe because, it's his last year yet out of so many people, he was chosen?
I don't really know ;^;
Anyway, good luck with college and don't forget to drink a lot of coffee lol.