
BURN, BABY, BURN / The 50th Greater Asian Hunger Games / REVAMPING


hey guys, i'm thinking about rewriting this story. part of the reason i failed the first time was because there were just way too many characters to focus on, way too many details that i wanted to include, and a plot that wasn't even thought out yet. that being said, i know the aff community has been quiet lately (which has its pros and cons), so i was wondering if that would be less pressure on me and actually help me complete the story.



so here are a few questions for yall who applied (all applicants made it into the story, and all blogs are still up):

  1. if you are still interested in keeping up with the story, comment below.
  2. if you no longer want your character to be in the story, comment below including your character(s) who you'd like me to stop using.
  3. if you are no longer interested in keeping up with the story but allow me to continue using your character, comment below including your character(s) who you allow me to use.

if you do not respond to these questions by feb. 5 2022, i will continue using your character in the story.


and another question for both applicants and pure readers:

- should i crosspost this story to ao3? comment your thoughts below.


what'll be different:

this time around, i am going to only focus on the characters who i think have the most interesting backstories. everyone's stories were interesting, but there were only a few that would both get the story moving AND fit with the plot i had in mind. that doesn't mean i'll ONLY focus on those characters. everyone will be featured, but it just means that the characters i choose will get the majority of the 'screentime'.

and yes, even if you're inactive or don't read the story, your character can still be chosen to be one of the 'main' characters. as long as you don't tell me explicitly to leave your character out, i'll write them.

i am also not going to focus on the love interests' backstories at all because they are only love interests (and none of them are the winner anyway LOL). i'll probably recast the mentors and other capital residents, and i'll rewrite everything (including the teasers). 

just a fair note of warning: i'm mostly doing this because i am very out of touch with writing original characters. i'm also out of practice with writing in general, so the story may read awkward, rushed, stunted, etc. don't worry about it, it just comes with picking up the habit after a long time.



all in all, i've been thinking about what a nice world suzanne collins built and the overhanded and underhanded politics and i just really wanted to try to finish this story (i remember i promised yall that i would finish this story if it killed me and well i'm not dead yet so LOL). if you are still active and subbed to this story, pls do try to answer my questions!

even if no one answers, i'll probably still write it lol but i would definitely like to have the character creators' approval first.

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BURN / pls read announcement (jan 27)


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13 streak #1
Chapter 25: Will I be able to apply again?
Oh my god
Chapter 21: okay but yoseob and feitong's combo is so great sljfklhkd I'm glad you changed the stylist
Chapter 21: omg u finally updated!!! <3
Chapter 19: Omfg I am already so against Hyunjin. Someone please kill him first so everyone else can snicker at him like he snickers at everyone else PLEASE
Chapter 14: <span class='smalltext text--lighter'>Comment on <a href='/story/view/1383347/14'>::: DISTRICT 8</a></span>
;^; i can hear my little xian screaming chunhua's name. my poor baby boy.

and yes chunhua has blonde hair. omg you showed how closed the siblings are. i'm really grateful

i don't know why but, i feel like solji and chunhua would really have a dynamic mentor-tribute relationship? maybe like frenemies?

i don't know. but one thing's for sure, i love chunhua's introduction. it was on-point! ;D
Chapter 13: I'm a silent reader but omg jinhwan my baby thats older than me but still my baby omg ;; also since I'm here, love your writing style <3 tips for college from a college grad, keep your priorities in order! Make time for taking care of yourself, homework is important but taking care of yourself is very important
Chapter 13: I don't know why but when I was reading this, I just felt so sad for Jinhwan.
Maybe because, it's his last year yet out of so many people, he was chosen?
I don't really know ;^;
Anyway, good luck with college and don't forget to drink a lot of coffee lol.