
The Message of a One-Sided Ex-Lover

The rain pours hard and the thunders roar as I sit here in my room thinking of you and I. 

You and I, me and you. We're truly meant to be.

... But you thought otherwise.

I remember that day vividly. It was a pleasant winter morning and I had just finished drinking a cup of coffee from a vending machine. After throwing the empty paper cup to the trash bin, I got a message from you. You said that you wanted to tell me something. I texted you back, telling you to meet me at our usual spot. At the time, I thought that it was just some shallow excuse so that you can see me but boy, I was wrong. The moment I saw you approaching with that frown on your face, I began to worry.

You stopped just a few inches in front of me with your head faced down. I patted your head a few times and asked you what's wrong. You held my hand tightly and looked at me with your big, beautiful brown eyes that were already tearing up slightly. Your lips were shaking as if you really wanted to say something but couldn't. You were holding back the words that you found so hard to say. A tear escaped from your eye and slid down your cheeks. Finally, with much hesitation, you spoke. 

"Myungsoo," you said with your eyes trying to avoid meeting mine. "I,"

You were really scared. It showed clearly through your actions and with the way you spoke. What you didn't know was that I may be standing still, I was even more scared than you were.

Then you said it. The words that shattered my heart into tiny little pieces had escaped your lips.

"I have fallen for another."

Believe me, my chest ached the moment you said that. The whole world just seemed so dark all of a sudden and I was still in denial, refusing to process that wretched sentence. Perhaps, I was that faithful. It never crossed my mind that you'd leave me just like that.

"You're joking," I said with my pupils dilating as I chuckled. "Please, tell me that you're lying."

You freed your hand from mine. "Unfortunately, I'm telling you the truth."

I shook my head. "No, this can't be."

Yet I knew that it was really the truth, I just refused to accept it. 

My vision began to blur as you turned your back on me and began to walk away. I tried to hold on to you by hugging you from behind. Heck, I even cried on your shoulder, remember? But you just shoved me away and left me there. I watched you leave until your running figure became nothing but a small dot from a distance. 

I fell on my knees, not caring about the ice cold snow that almost froze me to death. I didn't know what to do. It happened oh, so suddenly. I waited and waited until the full moon greeted me with all its luminosity. Staring at the moonlight, I began to shed tears. 

That night, I went home a heartbroken man.

"I have fallen for another." That sentence just couldn't help but repeat itself in my mind like a broken record.

That night, I was miserable and devastated to the core and it's all your fault and the pain just gets worse to this day.

Now, I look at the collage of pictures that we made together. Yes, it's still hanging on my wall. I tried to throw it away several times but I always end up digging it out of the garbage and hanging it up again. 

I got a dart and aimed it at a random spot in the collage and bingo, it stabbed you right in the heart.

Hmph, why am I even amused by this? It's not like you'll actually feel the pain anyway. 

In that picture, I see us holding hands and smiling together as if we were in paradise. In another, I see us in each other's embrace in the park where we first kissed just a few days before you left me. 

That's right, you left me. 

You have fallen for another, right? I wasn't good enough then, right?!

You said that I was the best thing that ever happened to you but what you said that cold winter morning just completely contradicts that. You've traded me for someone who's better. Now he's the best, huh? What if he becomes not good enough anymore? Then the next fool will be the best?

Make up your freakin' mind!

I wanna make you regret leaving me! I wanna spew out the most offending words that I could think of and yell em' at your face until you can't take it any longer! I wanna break your heart as much as you did to mine!

Tell me, do you know how hard it took me to convince your father that I was a man good enough to be with you? Do you know how it feels to willingly give up your winter jacket for your lover despite the freezing cold? Do you know how painful it feels to have your heart ripped out and stabbed painfully by the person whom you thought was the one? 

Tell me, was it that easy? Was it that easy to leave me?!

Perhaps, I was a fool that you merely played with— a lab rat meant to be tested for love.

I used to believe in you one hundred percent but now, I am left with so much doubt in what we used to be.

Yet I still can't let you go.

Now, I am left being a one-sided ex-lover.

Fallen for another you have and falling for another is what I should be doing but you make it so hard.

Why do I keep holding on to something so hopeless?

To this day, I don't know, I seriously don't know. 

I want you to be mine once again, I really really do.

But you can't come back, you'll never come back and what you said is really true.

I must accept it, I gotta let you go. May it take me a while, I have to. I just gotta try harder and take it step by step. 

The sun's now rising, giving light to a new day. Perhaps, it's time for me to start anew and throw my sadness away.

Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it~! :)

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Poor Myungsoo... :'(
Your story was nice and short! :)
I liked it alot ^^
ooh.. awesome job. but poor myungie :'(
that's sad.