Beyond repair

Is this the reality you guys wanted?!

Kevin Kevin Kevin!! Where are you?!

Running around the airport like an idiot, not caring about how i look right now, i pushed my messy hair away from my face roughly.

Please, don't go yet, don't leave me

Tears started to fall, smudging my mascara and eyeliner as i looked at the departure board.

Seoul to San Fransisco, Departed. 

I felt like my heart froze and a million and one knifes pierced through it all at the same time, shattering it into pieces. Everything around me froze. 

It's all my fault Kevin's leaving now. 

And i was beyond repair

My legs gave way as i came in contact with reality, i collapsed onto the floor, crying aloud, ignoring the stares people are giving me.I need Kevin. Back into my life. Right now

I regretted everything i said to him, i regretted slapping him, i regretted being so cold to him.

I regretted breaking his heart.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault.

It's all my fault

I sat there, crying for what seems like hours,i felt myself getting light headed as my body got weaker and weaker. I didn't want to live anymore. I had no reason. I had no one. I had no reason. I don't have kevin. 

"Hey, miss--"

"GO AW--"  I snapped weakly at the intruder of my personal space, only to realise who it was. 

Looking up with my swollen eyes, through my tears, i made out soohyun.

"opp--" My body started to waver, my eyes rolled back and i collapsed. 

"Yah Soo Min ah, are---" I fell into soohyun's arms and eventually fell into darkness.

For once, i was glad i was unconcious. 


Wow, it's been a year since i updated this story omg. sorry. D: a short chappie while i try and get back the feeling and continue this. ENjoy :)

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Lol you updated! My last comment was 2 years ago hahahaha ;-;
Chapter 31: omg i love your story you made me laugh and like all those romantic parts were good. i hope you update soon.
kpopfreak210 #3
Please update soon.....
chaboomie #5
pls. update soon unnie! :((
Omg T_________________T Update soon.
Jaslijun #7
@PuffyHead Of course i remember you!! :D will update when im free :)
#8 it's been a while since we chatted huh? You do still remember me rite? Hahahaha...yeah Xander and Kibum ;_; update soon please..
T____T Update soonn pleaseee T_T