Off day

Is this the reality you guys wanted?!

Waking up slowly, i realised i have slept through the day. As my eyes starts to open slowly, i realised i wasn't at the waiting room anymore. Instead i was in this big comfy bed... that does not belong to the SHINee's oppa's dorm.

Oh hell. where am i?

That's when i noticed a pair of hands s around my waist, hugging me back to someone. Turning my head, i saw Kevin oppa sound asleep while hugging me to him. I smiled and reached behind to kiss his cheek.

"Thank you for the great wake up call," He muttered and snuggled closer to me, eyes still closed.

Laughing, i smacked his forehead once.

"Oww!!!!" I whined and sat up right immediately.

"That's for taking advantage of me just now," I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I can't believe this. I have a violent girlfriend!" He stared at me shocked.

"Deal with it," I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"But i still love you," He whispered in my ear sweetly and back hugged me again.

Blushing, i reached behind to kiss him on the lips, "Love you too," I replied while he kissed me again.

"ALRIGHT LOVE BIRDS. GET UP AND STOP DOING WHATEVER YOU'RE DOING ON THE BED RIGHT NOW... like i even want to know..." Kiseop shouted through the closed door. 

Upon hearing that, Kevin oppa and i immediately got up from the bed and washed up before leaving his room and joining the rest for breakfast.

"How was your night?" Eli oppa teased as Kevin oppa and I walked to the dining room area.

"Just fine. Thank you," I replied sarcastically and sat next to him.

"What are you guys doing today anyway?" I continued while chewing on the pancake Xander oppa made.

"It's an off day for us..." Dongho trailed off.

"But not for us," Kevin oppa placed his arms around my shoulder and pulled me towards him. i looked at him confused.

"Why not?" I asked.

"You guys are going on a ... DATE," SooHyun explained with a glint in his eye.

"A... a date?" I stuttered?


Everyone nodded at my question while Kevin oppa pouted at me.

"Why? Don't you want to go on a date with me?" He frowned? I actually stared at him for a whole 30 sec before speaking.

"A...Aniyo... It's just... kinda sudden," I pursed my lips and looked down, blushing.

"Aigoo!! Someone's blushing!" KiBum oppa commented and everyone laughed, causing me to blush even more.

"Well... Kaja, we can't be late!" Kevin oppa started to pull me away from the food.

"Yah!! But i haven't finish eating!" I whined as i tried to pull myself back to the dining table.

"We'll eat outside. The food here's not very good anyway," Kevin oppa smiled at me and i surrendered, allowing him to pull me along.

"YAH! At least appreciate that fact that i cooked for you!" Xander oppa scolded. Kevin oppa ignored him and just scurried back to his room with me on his trail.

30 minutes later, i found myself in some... weird street with Kevin oppa, hands intertwined. He was wearing a ridiculous hat with a scarf. A t-shirt that hugged his body and skinny jeans, emphasising on how skinny his thighs are.

Oh... His thighs..

"Let's go," Kevin oppa suddenly said, bring me out of my own world and pulled me into the mall.

Thanks to him, we spent the entire day in the mall, resulting in the ridiculous amount on shopping bags i have on his and my hands now.

"Yah! I'm dying here," I whined as he continued to look around excitedly. I laughed at his childishness.

He ignored my complaint and continued shopping. As the time goes by, the amount of bags we have starts to increase. Just then, we walked by this jewellery shop. He placed the bags he had on his hands on the floor in front of me and kissed my cheek suddenly.

"Be right back. Stay here," With that, Kevin oppa skipped into the shop happily.

Sighing, i smiled.

At least he's having fun.

I found myself daydreaming again 5 minutes later as he still had not came out. Looking at the flower plant next to me, i smiled at it.

Then suddenly, i found myself in a pair of arms. A handkerchief pressed on my nose. Desperate for air, i struggled and kicked, but the arms did not loosen. I tried to scream, but no voice was coming out.

And i soon fell into darkness.


A/N: IMMA BACK! hahah :D Omona. You guys are scary. IMMA KILL YOU SOO HEE :D

xDxD Anyway. Please don't be a silent reader! So comment and subscribe! <3

xoxo Jasmine

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Lol you updated! My last comment was 2 years ago hahahaha ;-;
Chapter 31: omg i love your story you made me laugh and like all those romantic parts were good. i hope you update soon.
kpopfreak210 #3
Please update soon.....
chaboomie #5
pls. update soon unnie! :((
Omg T_________________T Update soon.
Jaslijun #7
@PuffyHead Of course i remember you!! :D will update when im free :)
#8 it's been a while since we chatted huh? You do still remember me rite? Hahahaha...yeah Xander and Kibum ;_; update soon please..
T____T Update soonn pleaseee T_T