Chapter 2



Chapter 2:

Time flowed, seasons changed and years went by and it was finally time for me to enter university. I wasn’t even looking forward to it so I had my parents choose for me which University they thought would be best for me. Thankfully I managed to get good grades on my final exam which made both my parents proud. I mean studying was the only thing I could do in my pitch-black life. It was the only good and legal activity I could do to occupy my time. It put a little worth in the worthless me.


Shortly after applying I got the acceptance letter from Seoul University. A very well-known university in Korea. I felt honoured to get the opportunity to learn at such a prestigious place. The dark days seems less dark as I watched my excited parents jumping around the house.


After preparing my things, I was finally ready for my first day as a Seoul University freshman. I decided to take the bus so I could better feel this wonderful moment, to feel the solitude before I get busy and occupied with the numerous forced assignments and work.


I was looking around the city and admiring the view. Even in these kinds of situation, the brown-haired woman would never leave my mind. I guess that’s what love is. I was sure that it was love at first sight. Love is like a long-lasting effect. I could still feel the excitement in my heart just from thinking about her. It was like she was tattooed on my brain. The image of her face going in a loop through my brain. It was impossible to forget about her. I only had to learn how to live with her on my mind.


I got off the bus and went to my first class, writing. I had always had a keen interest on writing. I have always viewed my life to be a story and each chapter with a hardship to be the closing to another chapter. Somehow, I still have thought that many of the happenings in my life were not worth writing in my book of life until I saw the dark-haired girl. However, now that she is gone, the book of life I just empty but filled with silent longing.


It took me awhile to notice that I was missing her. It felt like a heartache day by day. It wasn’t like I even knew her. I barely know her name. I guess this is what my grandmother was always telling me when I tell her to just leave my alcoholic grandfather ‘You never know how much a person can influence you till you feel it’. She was right about that. The unknown girl was fogging my mind like no other, putting me in a never-ending longing and I never want it to stop.


I decided to walk around the campus since I had some spare time before my second class. As I was walking, I saw a pretty blue butterfly passing by me. Out of boredom, I had trailed the butterfly. ‘Pretty creatures like it would always go to pretty places’ I said to myself as I excitedly followed the butterfly to a nearby park. Following the pretty butterfly did bring me to a beautiful place.


I looked around the park and noticed a lean figure sitting on a nearby bench. She was enjoying the nature with her eyes closed, humming an unknown song. It only took one look from me to know that it was the girl I was longing for. She looked as beautiful as ever. She still had her brown hair. I stood there in daze with her beauty occupying my mind. ‘The best things in life comes unexpectedly’ Mother was right about this one.


I knew I had to be a man and face my fears. I have to know her name at least. I wasn’t even sure if she was going to the same university as me. There were plenty of things to talk about, I just had to be brave. However, being brave wasn’t my best trait. In fact, being brave was my weakness. In other words, I was a big . Being the big , I was, I let the golden chance pass me by when I saw her walked away from the bench. ‘Be a stalker when you can’t be the speaker’ I thought to myself as I trailed behind her, making sure I wasn’t noticeable. My suspicion was confirmed when I saw her enter Seoul University. I felt my heart taking leaps as I smiled.

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