Chapter 27

3 Men and a Toddler
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Chanyeol pov 

Stretching out I feel the pain in my back reach right across from shoulder to shoulder and right down my lower back. Turning to lay on my side I forgot how much I hate this sofa. I need to decorate the spare room and get myself a bed so I can at least have a good night's sleep. 

I hear little foot steps come from my room, quickly I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep. I feel little warm hands on my face and then a little kiss on my cheek making me smile.

"Hey little man, you trying to wake daddy hum" I pick him up sitting him on my stomach making sure not to hurt his arm while I tickle him making him giggle. Hearing his little giggles reminds me of baek when we use to be together and how he use to try wake me to make him food,  so I would just tickle him till he couldn't breathe or till he nearly peed his pants. He stopped waking me up that way and found a more enjoyable way to wake me instead, if you know what I mean.

"I take it your appa is still asleep, how about we make him some breakfast, would you like some?" I get up from the sofa carrying tae in my arms over to the kitchen sitting him up on the counter top.

"How about we make appa some pancakes" I grab all the ingredients and get Tae to help me. "Ok little man you pour the flour in for daddy". I hold the bowl as he drops the bag sending the flour into the bowl and all over his pj bottoms and counter top making us cough. 

"Oopies" he smiles before covering his  little mouth. "It's ok daddy will clean up but I will do the eggs" I crack the eggs in and add the milk.

"Ok little man let's mix mix mix" I hand him a little whisk and we both mix the ingredients all together sending some of it flying out over the side of the bowl. "Its ok to make a little mess right?" I poke his little nose as he pouts looking up at me. "awww look at you pouting, your so like your appa its scary" I take his whisk out of the bowl moving the bowl close to my body I mix it faster making the mixture come together. "Now little man I need you to move to the chair so daddy can turn on the pan so we can cook appa some yummy breakfast. 

Tae watches me carefully then tries to move closer. "no no baby that's burny hot no touch ok" I move his little hand away handing him some fresh cut fruit as he munches on it while I contuine to make baek's breakfast. Leaning close to me Tae holds out a cut up strawberry to my mouth. "yummy yummy" I chew it as he smiles. "can you sing, yummy yummy in my tummy" I continue it as he wiggles on his bottom laughing trying to put all the fruit in his mouth. "hey little man don't eat all of the fruit you have to leave some for appa".

Once we are finished I place the plate and fresh orange juice with a bowl of chopped fruit on a tray. "Will appa like it do you think, I don't have a flower to put on it, maybe next time" I quickly look at Tae sitting with red cheeks from the strawberries, flour in his hair and all over his pjs . "ok we will clean you up in a bit lets give appa his breakfast"

I lift tae down onto the floor first while I grab the tray. I notice a little teddy with a love heart on the floor I pick it up and place it on the tray, that will make him smile "Ok little man go wake appa" I use my foot to open the door to the bedroom as Tae hurries in and kisses baek on the cheek. Baek smiles in his sleep as Tae looks up at me. " Go do it again " I urge him on as he grabs baeks cheek and gives him a longer kiss. "Ake up" he shouts making baek open his eyes.

I can't help but laugh as baek sits up in the bed with his hair all over the place.  "Morning whats all this?" he lifts tae up onto the bed and sits up fixing the covers and running his hand through his hair. "We made you breakfast in bed" I place the tray on his lap while tae climbs nearly on top of him trying to rob the fruit from the bowl.

"Hey little man you had enough, lets leave appa to eat his breakfast" I reach over and pull tae up in my arms as he reaches back for baek. "You can leave him here with me" baek takes him and sits him back down beside him handing him a cut up piece of pancake.

"ummy ummy "Tae says making baek laugh and toss his little brown locks. 
"How many pancakes did you make?, you seem to be wearing most of it" Baek looks me up and down. "Well we had an little accident with the flour" I brush myself off before reaching for Tae again "Come on little man lets get you washed and leave appa to eat in peace" I carrying him over to the door. "Thank you Chanyeol you didn't need to make me breakfast in bed" he looks up at me blushing before looking back down at the plate. "It was nothing really and your deserve it" I smile at him before taking Tae into the bathroom to wash ourselves.


The kitchen is all cleaned and me and Tae are looking a lot better then we where earlier. "Ok little man we are going to head out to the shopping mall and get daddy a bed for his room, lets get your shoes" he hurries over to the door and grabs one of his shoes with his good hand. "dadda shoes" he sits on the floor and tries to put his shoe on. "hey let daddy do that for you baby" I reach him and pull on his shoes and quickly pull on my own.

"Where are you two going?" I look up to see baek all smiles fully dressed. "We are going out shopping for the spare room, I need to get a bed" I pick Tae up in my arms and grab my car keys. "Can I come with you guys?" he fidgits with his hands in his pockets. "Sure get your shoes on" I smile towards him as he slips his on before running back into the bedroom returning carrying his wallet and a hoodie.

"Are we all ready?, ok lets get daddy a new bed" we all head out the door and down the stairs to my car. Strapping tae

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XiaoShixun #1
Chapter 34: Cuteeeeee
Chapter 45: awww that was soooo sweet
noemimart #3
Chapter 45: Nice story
Chapter 45: a beautiful chapter....

celestemoon #5
Chapter 45: Aww I love this so much, I'm really going to miss it!!
Chapter 45: I am really really gonna miss this so much
Chapter 45: Awwwww it's done, I really loved this story! Great job!!!! Love u dear!
XiaoShixun #8
Chapter 45: Awwwwwwwwwwwww
XiaoShixun #9
Chapter 44: Awwwww i miss bonk
Chapter 44: Awwwwww..... A happy family....

Love this fluffy chapter....
