Those Three Words

My Secret Love


I woke up to my phone ringing and for a moment I didn't know where I was, but I could feel Yoongi next to me, the familiar warm feeling comforting me. I knew it was him even though I couldn't see him. Glancing at my phone I saw it was Taehyung calling me.  Although I loved being with Yoongi, the thought of facing Taehyung after this was making me nervous.

"Yes," I said feeling extremely awkward.

"Wake up Cinderella. Your prince is here, let me in."

My heart was beating wildly in my chest.  Did Tae think Yoongi had already left?  I looked over at Yoongi that was still sleeping, his cute little face looking so innocent and I wondered how this could be the same person I was with last night.

"Give me a moment. I'll let you in."

Jinny nudged Yoongi. "Wake up baby."

Yoongi opened his eyes with a pout and pulled me closer. "No, I don't want to!"

I smiled at how familiar it was for Yoongi to complain about getting up. "I don't ever want to let you go but Tae wants to come in."

I looked at his sweet face holding his chin in my hand. "I'm going to shower. Can you let him in?"

Yoongi got up quickly not wanting to face Taehyung just yet. "Let me pee first."

I covered myself and decided to let him in.  If Tae was okay with this, why should I be shy about it?

"Hi," Tae said looking at me and then looked around for Yoongi.

"He's in the bathroom." I paused suddenly finding the carpet very interesting. "Thank you for .. for everything."

He nodded and smiled fidgeting with his hands. "I ordered breakfast. Why don't you go get ready before it comes."

"Okay." I left to shower mostly because I wanted to get away from him.

Yoongi came out and grabbed his clothes and started getting dressed.

Yoongi glanced at him. Tae was looking at the bed and back to Yoongi. It was awkward.

Yoongi squinted his eyes and asked him. "Why did you do this?"

"What do you mean?"  Tae's tone was not very friendly.

"You took her from me. You know she loves me." Yoongi replied. "Why did you marry her?"

"No! You stole her heart. She loved me, she was my girlfriend.  Before she met you, we were very happy."

"Were," Yoongi said.

They stared at each other with hostility.


"You should go before she comes back. It will be easier."

"No, wait!" Jinny said.

She came up to Yoongi and hugged him tightly not wanting him to go. It felt like if he left he would no longer be hers.  "I love you!" She whispered to him looking up into his eyes.

Yoongi's eyes watered and his lips wobbled slightly as he spoke.  "Those three words can't express how much I love you," he said gazing at her, his breath ghosted over her lips tantalizing her with his minty fresh scent.

I loved his sweet words. I also knew that Tae had been very kind to do this. "Thank him Yoongi, he didn't have to do this for us. We'll always treasure the love we shared."

Yoongi took a deep breath and said, "thank you" bowing. He turned and walked away not wanting to look cause he knew this was goodbye.

"Goodbye!" Jinny said.

He looked back before going out the door, tears waiting to fall.


Outside the rain was falling. It seemed fitting and matched his melancholy mood.
Yoongi thought, 'I'll never forget this day that I let you go. I wish we could have done it all.' And with that thought, he left his love behind.

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Nice fanfic
pandaheart88 #2
Can't wait to read!
I'll make sure to comment every chapter after reading each of them very carefully ^_^
Thank you for the comment! ?
Chapter 4: This is so cute. I hope they fall in love.
Chapter 3: They are soooo cute!