Fame and EXO (Book One of ExHaLe series)
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For the next 2 months, ExHaLe met in their dance room and trained. Manager Kim had brought in a professional choreographer by the name of Lo Jim. He was a rather frank and precise teacher. Even though the girls had learned the basics and more during their own training time, he taught them how to dance as performers. 

"With every step, you breathe. If you don't, you faint and ruin the concert; simple as that."

ExHaLe huffing and puffing from pure exhaustion with all the hours they had been dancing, nodded. All hanging on to every word he said.

If the girls didn't think that the over-the-top choreographer was enough, they were soon introduced to three vocal trainers that worked with idols from every company. Every day the girls would work on song covers, cover up the choreography to prepare themselves for their own album that was, as Manager Kim said, in the making.

It seemed that Jisoo, Hyejin, Nayoon and Subin had the best vocals. The instructors always praising them, Jisoo was more than happy to soak up the attention. Chaerin wowed the girls with her cool and chick rapping skills, she had a way with words and was a natural freestyler. Archaea had gained the title as best dancer, her moves being most fluent and sharper than any other member. The older girls gave her much respect for it.

It was like ExHaLe was coming together as a group. Everyone knew their places and positions without being told. All the covers that they did, each girl knew their part and the choreography.

Granted, not all of ExHaLe had Achara's amazing moving but majority of the dancer were good enough. Seoyun and Meizhen had the hardest time with common hospitality lessons giving every Thursday. Both girls were rather messy and loud, so it was hard for them to calm down and act like ladies. The girls could admit it was fun watching Seoyun get hit on the head with a bill folder by the administrator but Subin always made sure to reprimand the Chinese girl for leading their maknae down the wrong path.

Through it all, ExHaLe became closer together as sisters, almost becoming dependant on one another. Rebecca and Achara had merged into best friends. The American girl always helping Achara with her Korean and was there to make sure Achara ate at times. The 17 year old had finally lost her job and her dorm mates couldn't afford groceries either. Pride was a hindrance for Achara, too ashamed to ask any of the members for money but she'd ignore her hunger by staying late after dance practice. Subin kept Meizhen out of trouble and help with school work when the younger decided to be lazy for a few days and risk her grades. To Meizhen, Subin, Seoyun and Hyejin were her close older sisters, people she could fall back on when things got rough. She had yet to tell them about what happened with her family.

EunMyeon had opened out of her shell drastically through the two months. She was now happier and amicable with the members, joining the teasing the members did to Soobin. The bond she'd built with the girls was platonic, however she had her times when she would get awfully quiet.

Manager Kim could say that she was satisfied with how quick the group was at learning the techniques. She had finally figured out each member's status after watching them in dancing and singing. So far this were going into play like she planned.

"Okay ExHaLe gather around. I have some news."

ExHaLe had just finished their dance numbers to Girls Generation's "Gee" and were sweating and tired, in desperate need of water and snacks.

They all sat around the middle aged woman, some laid on the couches whole the rest took to the floor.
"I'm sure you're all pretty tired and hungry, but this will only take a few minutes." Manager Kim took out her black folder and opened it, shuffling through pages before finding the right one, a small " ah ha" escaping her lips.

"Are we being introduced to a new trainer, Manager-nim?"

"Fortunately for you, no. My colleagues and I have decided the song and new positions for ExHaLe." Manager Kim watched as the practice room was filled with immediate chatter, anticipated looks trained on her.

"Now, girls, the decision for positions is valid and will not be changed until CEO says otherwise." The girls nodded in understanding. Manager Kim released a tired sigh and got ready to call out the names.

"Kim Subin - lead vocals and leader of 2013 girl group, ExHale," Subin gasped and the members congratulated her, proud of their Unnie.

"Oh! Thank you so much, managaer-nim. I will not let you down!"

"Choi Chaerin - main rapper
EunMyeon - lead dancer
Liang Meizhen - vocalist, lead dancer
Achara Acromdee - main dancer and visual of ExHale."

The girls clapped and whooped for the foreigner as Achara smiled. "The visual? That's a huge title." Meizhen commented, congratulated her.

"Thank you, Manager-nim."
Achara bowed 90° degrees.

"You deserved it. Next, we have Linghua as sub rapper and Rebecca as our vocalist and sub dancer. Nayoon Jung as our lead vocal and Yoon Sunji as our main vocal." Jisoo beamed proudly, her chin lifted highly.

"Good job, Jisoo." Seoyun cheered, patting the 19 year old on her sshoulder. Jisoo smiled and bowed to her manager.

"Along with Jisoo, Hyejin will also be the group's Main Vocalist." Manager Kim announced. The other members congratulated the short girl as she stood wide eyed, speechless for the first time.

"Wait, how can there be two main vocalists? That's not fair!!"Jisoo protested, standing up and tossing her water bottle on the couch.

"Oh please, both of you deserve it fair and square." Chaerin replied.

"Exactly," Manager Kim gave Jisoo a pointed look. "many groups have two main vocals. It really shouldn't be a problem."

Jisoo huffed, glancing at an un-bothered Hyejin before sitting back down in her seat, seething.

Manager Kim tapped the clip board with the palm of her arm and the girls all stood in their line. "Okay so those are the positions for ExHaLe, any questions?"

"No, Manager Kim. Thank you and we will work hard to live up to our title." Subin declared, the girls bowing simultaneously and thanking the middle-aged woman.

"I'm sure you will ladies. Now starting next week we will be working on your first EP. It consists of all members, however, ExHaLe has two subgroups. "AcE and Queen."

"Queen has sweet and pop music, including Soobin, Seoyun, Hyejin, Nayoon and Rebecca." Hyejin and Nayoon highgived each other cheerfully.

"Next is AcE, a hiphop rap group that consist of ChaeRin, Jisoo, Achara, EunMyeon and Meizhen."
The five girls nodded and smiled at one another as Manager Kim continued with her announcement.

"Each sub unit will be working on their individual EP after the group's song. Each will have their own choreography along with the ExHaLe, so the next couple of months will be trying for many of you." Manager Kim warned before breaking into a smile. "That's all for now, ladies. Let's get back to work." She left the room and the girls immediately got back to their dance number.


"How is your training, Jisoo?

Jisun clutched thephone in her hand. Her mother's crisp voice sounded in her ear drawing chills to her spine. "I believe I've failed you, Mother." Her voice was unsteady. Bringing bad news to her mother was never a pleasant endeavor.

Ms. Yoon chuckled deadly. " Sweetheart, I'm sure you're just exaggerating---"

"I have a shared position..." The 19 year old blurted. There was silence in the other end. Jisoo could just imagine her mother pausing midway of from her tea cup in the grand patio of her Filipino mansion, an eyebrow raised in perfection and reprimanding words at the tip of her tongue.

"A shared position?"

"Yes...with a girl named Hyejin." Jisoo waited for that outraged shout and yelling she was bound to get.

"Jisoo, you know we don't share thrones in this family. There will be either one victor and none at all!! How could you be so stupid to allow a dumb girl get in the way of your prize?!"

Jisoo muttered apologizes as tears ran down her face. She wasn't supposed to be crying but it always struck deep when her mother was disappointed with her. "I'm sorry. I will try my best to do away with this situation, I promise."

"You better. This simple thing could ruin our plans forever."

"I understand Mother." The line was disco

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Sorry for the long wait and short update. I've been extra busy and admittedly a bit lazy but I'm slowly getting there!


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