Surprise Surprise

The Truth is Our Only Justice

I'm sorry the pic was calling to me >x<


The rest of the school day flew by for both boys. Youngmin was worried. Kwangmin would stare blankly then scrunch his eyes closed like he was in pain.


Youngmin volenteered to walk Kwangmin home. "I don't want you to tell me unless you're ready," Youngmin said leaving Kwangmin at his front door.


He walked inside and up to his room. Kwangmin layed on his bed thinking back to what had happened in America. Tears leaked from his eyes as he remembered.


*FLASHBACK~ "Kwangmin, stay after i need to talk to you," Mr. Hult said. Kwangmin walked up to the desk, "Yes?" Mr. Hult walked around his desk to the boy standing in front of it.


"Do you know what I am, Kwangmin? No? I am an irritated teacher. Why am I irritated? You are the reason for my irritation. You are an ignorant child. But i have also taken a liking to your ignorance. Lets see how far that ignorance goes, shall we?"




Kwangmin was sobbing into his pillow when he felt someone hug him. He looked up through watery eyes, seeing his mom, he started sobbing harder. Mother and son lay there crying and holding each other, protecting each other.

***************************************************************************************************************************** Youngmin barely slept because of his worrying. He didn't like seeing Kwangmin sad. He wanted to make him smile. Kwangmin smiling popped into his head, making Youngmin smile.


'RRING RING RII-' He jumped and grabbed his phone, "Annyeonghaseyo." He heard someone sniff on the other end,


"Youngmin?" He was shocked at how fragile Kwangmin sounded. "What's wrong? Who hurt you?" He yelped into the phone.


He heard a small giggle from the other boy. " No one. I just called to finish my story," Kwangmin said.


"Oh, We don't have to talk about that now." Youngmin replied, not wanting the other to be upset any longer.


"It's fine, Hyung," Kwangmin took a deep breath, "the teacher, he had cut me 13 times, burned the cuts, then tried to.... Tried to...." He took a shuddering breath and continued hesitentaly, "He tried to.......... me... but before he had gotten too far some students burst in with a few teachers. They had heard me crying for help. That's what I was told. I can't remember the last part."


Youngmin was so shocked and angry, he couldn't speak. Someone had touched his Kwangmin. Someone had hurt his Kwangmin.


"Hyung?" Kwangmin's scared voice brought him back to Earth. " Oh god, you hate me now, right? You want me to never speak to you again and.. an-"


"Kwangmin, stop. I don't hate you, I respect you even more. I could never hate you. I never want to not speak to you. If I hate anyone I hate the man who hurt such a wonderful, beautiful, lovable person," Youngmin caught himself before he confessed.


Kwangmin doesn't need a hormonal teenage boy who looks exaclty like him telling him he loves him, Youngmin thought, WAIT... WHAT? Love him, Where did that come from?


"Really?" Kwangmin's voice sounded so hopeful. Youngmin's door opened before he could reply. His dad walked in, sitting on the bed next to his son.


Youngmin had a brilliant idea, seeing his dad sit down, of revenge. "Hey Babe, I gotta go I'll see you at school 'k?" Youngmin said, trying not to laugh at Kwangmin's stuttered reply.


"B-babe? Y-youngmin w-w-what are you talking about?" Kwangmin squeaked. Youngmin could practically see Kwangmin's cute face blushing bright red.


"Kwangie~ I'll meet you out front at 6:40 'k?" He said.


"Youngmin, What's going on? Why are you-?" He heard Kwangmin yelp.


"Yeah, Love you too bye," he replied ending the call. He sent a text to Kwangmin telling him he'd explain in the morning.


Youngmin looked apprehencively at his father, "Yes?" His father huffed at his cool tone. "Who was that? A girlfriend?" His father asked snidely.


Youngmin was shocked at his father's tone but didn't show it. She's changed him, he thought. "No," Youngmin replied simplely.


He got off the bed and walked over to put his phone on the charger. His father followed him to his desk.


"Then why'd you call them 'babe'?" Youngmin almost scoffed at his father's childish airquotes. Almost. "Because he is my boyfriend," he said stepping around his father.


Youngmin walked out of his room and downstairs hearing his father follow quickly. Youngmin made it to the living room, where Salia was watching T.V. before his father pounced. "What do you mean BOYFRIEND!?" his dad practically shouted.


Youngmin tried not to wince but did. His father had rarely raised his voice at Youngmin before. Youngmin turned to his father, "I meant what I said. Boyfriend, as in, I'm dating a guy."


Salia scoffed, "That's disgusting. Sweatheart, a great man like you shouldn't have to put up with trash like him. I personally don't want to be anywhere near something so inhumain." His dad's face turned into an unreadable mask, "Leave him or leave this house, I won't have a gay son."


Youngmin was shocked but, even though he was faking, he was still in love with the boy. He calmly walked up stairs, into his room, locking his door, he started packing everything neatly so it would fit.


He conference called the boys , excluding Kwangmin not wishing to upset the look-a-like. They decided it was best if Kwangmin stayed with Donghyun, seeing as the eldest had his own apartment and had also been kicked out for liking guys.


"Only two months from your birthday too. Hey, we never asked Kwangmin when his birthday was," Donghyun said while they were cooking dinner.


The next morning, Youngmin walked to Kwangmin's house and walked him to school. He explained about the joke but left out his living arrangment.


Those two months flew by, it was the day before when Youngmin asked Kwangmin when his Birthday was. Only to find out they had the same birthday.


Even in the short time he had, Youngmin found Kwangmin the perfect present. He decided he was going to confess. He wasn't going to get kicked out of his house for nothing.


Jeongmin and Hyunseong would be in charge of music, Donghyun- food and Minwoo- getting Kwangmin to the park. After school, Youngmin walked to a secluded place in the park, where everthing was set up. There was a blanket layed out with a basket and CD player. Now all he has to do is wait.


***************************************************************************************************************************** Kwangmin was led out of the school building by a very excited Minwoo. He had wanted to walk home with Youngmin but the youngest brunette had stopped him.


Kwangmin was now being drug down the street by the younger, with a blindfold on. Suddenly they stopped, making Kwangmin run into Minwoo.


He heard some rustling then was released. "Can I take off the blindfold now?" He ased hesitantly. Kwangmin was startled by someone laughing softly.


"Aigoo, Kwangie's so cute," the person slipped th blindfold off of Kwangmin. He was blinded by the sudden light. Kwangmin looked around and saw Youngmin sitting on a blanket with soft music playing. Youngmin had a small box in his hand.


"What's this?" Kwangmin said. Youngmin smiled, "Just thought we could have a small snack in the park for our birthday. And I wanted to give you a present."


"It's your birthday too?" Kwangmin's shock was immediately changed to guilt as he realized he didn't have anything to give him. "I'm sorry, I don't have anything for you"


"Don't worry about it," Youngmin replied. "I want to tell you something." Kwangmin smiled,


"What is it? You can tell me anything." He watched as Youngmin opened the little blue box. Inside were two rings.  



"I... I love you and I want to be with you. Kwangmin, will you be my boyfriend?" Youngmin asked with an apple blush blooming on his cheeks.


Kwangmin was silent. Shock wasn't the only thing he felt. Affection, admiration, Love. Kwangmin looked up into Youngmin's eyes, seeing the uncertanty, he leaned in and pressed his lips to Youngmin's.


He slipped the black ring onto Youngmin's finger and the gold onto his while he kissed Youngmin. When they pulled apart Youngmin asked, " So I take that as a yes?"


Kwangmin giggled, "I love you too." They leaned in again but stopped hearing a resounding, "YES!!"

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Chapter 9: sequel pweeeeaaaaaase *puppy eyes*
Chapter 9: Wahhhh so good <3
MissBunnyGyu #3
Chapter 9: CUUUUUTE!
short but, as zico says: it's better to keep good things short
Ah… what a nice ending for a splendid story! I'm guessing mr hult must be one of your most hated teachers in school huh? Haha by the way, those rings are nice. Where did you get their pic from?
Chapter 9: oh so sweet ;)
Chapter 9: the ending, happy ending!
glad Youngmin loves Kwangmin ^^
Chapter 9: Awww sweet ending! I luv it when they get protective of each other. But if i was there i swear that f***er would have got more than a punch and kick to the face!!!! Anyway, luved this story. Kamsahamnida for writing it! So sweet! Ppyong! Xx