New Friends and Coincidences

The Truth is Our Only Justice

Being questioned by someone who looks like you is disturbing. Very disturbing. Especially if they are the same as you in every way. Physically, of course.

He even sounds like me, Kwangmin thought. They were sitting in the classroom during lunch. The five boys had introduced themselves. Donghyun, Hyunseong, Jeongmin, Youngmin, and Minwoo. Youngmin... Kwangmin....Our names even sound alike.

As soon as the door to the classroom was closed, the questions started. Kwangmin couldn't understand a word coming from their mouths because they were taking so fast. Youngmin had decided to intervene seeing the scared look on the 'twins' face. "Guys, stop." Everyone looked to him. "So, where are you from?" Youngmin asked.

"I'm from Seoul, but my mom and I moved all over the world. My mom left and took me with her. This is my first time back in Seoul since I was three. Haven't seen my dad since then either. All I have of him is a picture," Kwangmin explained. He clapped a hand over his mouth and mentally reprimanded himself for telling them so much. He had always hated that he said too muchand was a horriible liar.

Youngmin stared off, we are in the same situation but reversed.

Minwoo stared at Kwangmin then at Youngmin. Jeongmin did the same. After a few moments the 'twins' had gotten fed up with it and both yelled, "What?!" The two stared at each other then Kwangmin looked at his reflection in the window.

Youngmin followed his gaze but turned back to Kwangmin. He looked closely at his neck and saw a light yellow bruise shaped like a hand print. Youngmin walked over beside him. He brought his hand to trace the bruise, making the other jump slightly. He stopped and shoved his hands in his pockets. "How 'bout you tell us about yourself?" He asked. Kwangmin shrugged and replied, "Sure."

None of the six had noticed the bell ring and the students filing in. They returned to their seats. Kwangmin sat down, rubbing his neck, he winced while rubbing over said bruise.


"Dad, I'm home," Youngmin said, remembering the words of the maid this morning. He looked around and finally spotted his dad sitting at the dining room table with a pretty blonde foreign looking woman.

It was common knowledge that the Jo family had money, though they never let it go to their head. It's also common knowledge Mr. Jo hasn't been married since Youngmin was three. 

"Youngmin, this is Salia. She's from America. We met at work. She was looking for a job and is now working as a file organizer. Salia, this is my son, Youngmin," Mr. Jo explained. 

The blonde woman, Salia, stood and strutted over to Youngmin. Her presence oozed gold digger. But apperently his father missed it. 

"Appa, what is she doing here? In our house?" Youngmin asked. Youngmin knew his father would find him rude for asking but he felt that the house was the one place he didn't have to worry about all the selfish women trying to take his mother's place.

"Youngmin, that is no way to talk about a guest. She is here because I invited her for dinner and in hopes i could introduce her as my new girlfriend," his father explained. 'Salia' smirked at Youngmin from behind his father. 

"Excuse me, It is getting late and I have schoolin the morning," Youngmin said.  He walked upstair to his room and threw himself on the bed. Why now, just when everythings going so good, does he think we need a woman in our lives, he thought, rolling over. 


Kwangmin was curled up on the couch watching T.V. with his Pikachu when his mom arrived home. "Hey mom, how was work?" he asked following her into the kitchen. He had a more impotant question but he could just straight out ask her.

"Fine" she replied, "How was school?" "Interesting," Kwangmin said. Hos mom shot him a questioning look.

"Usually, you tell me its the same. How is this time different?" she questioned.

"Nothing, today was just interesting," he said off handedly, deciding not to tell his mom about Youngmin just yet. His mother was suspicous. 

"If you say so," his mom left the kitchen. Will my life ever be normal? he thought, leaning against the counter. He ran a hand through his hair.

" Why did my heart stop when he touched my neck?" he whispered to himself, not knowing his mother was listening from aroung the corner. She smiled and walked to her room.

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Chapter 9: sequel pweeeeaaaaaase *puppy eyes*
Chapter 9: Wahhhh so good <3
MissBunnyGyu #3
Chapter 9: CUUUUUTE!
short but, as zico says: it's better to keep good things short
Ah… what a nice ending for a splendid story! I'm guessing mr hult must be one of your most hated teachers in school huh? Haha by the way, those rings are nice. Where did you get their pic from?
Chapter 9: oh so sweet ;)
Chapter 9: the ending, happy ending!
glad Youngmin loves Kwangmin ^^
Chapter 9: Awww sweet ending! I luv it when they get protective of each other. But if i was there i swear that f***er would have got more than a punch and kick to the face!!!! Anyway, luved this story. Kamsahamnida for writing it! So sweet! Ppyong! Xx