Step Up: Real Life

FACE - Nu'est

Your POV:

It was another dreaded day of school, and surprisingly, I didn't wake up that grumpy at all.

I guess UKISS actually made an effort to shut up for the night.

I had to walk to school today because UKISS had a photoshoot for their new album, which I WAS FREAKING EXCITED FOR HS;AFSFHSDLFGLASGFHLSDHF;SH;FLSHF;DSGH;ASHFD;S

As usual, I met up with Chi Hoon-oppa and HyunRi-unnie, and we linked arms with each other as usual.

When we got to the hallway of lockers, I saw the school's loner, JaeHyun, at his locker, looking at it sadly.

The hallway wasn't as crowded as before, but there were some people here and there.

Hmm, funny...Seungmin and Junghwa didn't harrass us like every other day...something's wrong...

I looked up at Chi Hoon. "Oppa, just wait here for a bit."

"Why? Where are you going?"

"I'll be back."

I let go of his arm and went to the direction of JaeHyun.

"Oppa, where is she going?" HyunRi said quietly.

"I don't know."

I went to JaeHyun's direction and passed him looking at his locker.

I took a peak as I passed him and saw that there was rubbish and abusive messages inside.

I didn't know what made people hate him so much.

Sure he was quiet and conservative, but it's not necessary to trash his locker.

Poor him...it must be so hard for him to go through this everyday...

How much I felt sorry for him was unexplainable.

I flicked my head up, looking forward, my heel, and ran back to Chi Hoon and HyunRi, as if I had forgotten something.

"Yah, what was that all about?" HyunRi said lowly.

"Don't you feel a little sorry for JaeHyun?" I asked, not bothering to answer her question. "I mean, look, he looks miserable..."

"Yeah, but I don't think it's best idea to disturb him, you know."

I sighed and nodded.

JaeHyun closed his locker and drifted past us with his head down.

Suddenly, Seungmin and his group came across and purposely bumped into JaeHyun.

"Loser, what's your problem?" Seungmin snapped.

Before JaeHyun could answer, Seungmin pushed him, making him fall backwards and land on his back.

The people in the hallway were staring at the commotion.

Seungmin's group snickered and exchanged glances seeing their main guy "succeed".

I felt anger boil in my arteries as I put my folder down and slip off my bag and begin to pace to that bastard.

"_______!" HyunRi hissed.

I stopped and turned my head around. "Don't worry, unnie." I turned back and continued to stalk towards Seungmin.

As soon as I got behind him, I grasped his shoulder and roughly yanked it back to make him face me.

"Yah! Who the- oh, it's you."

I only glared daggers at him. By then, his whole group turned around to face me.

Come on, JaeHyun, get out of here while you still can...

Seungmin chuckled and came closer to me as if he was saying "come at be bro".

He pushed me back a little, but I still kept my balance.

I smirked. "You know it's cowardly to hit a girl,"

"HA!" he exclaimed. "As if I don't already know that. But you're an exception because you're not a girl,"

Before I knew it, a hot force slammed itself across my face, making me stumble backwards and see white.

Oh no he didn't.

He just did NOT punch me.

"______!!" I heard HyunRi cry.

This bastard is going to pay.

I turned back to him with the same smug expression on my face. Using all my strength, I pushed him, which made him almost fly across the corridor to the other side.

Seungmin sat up. "Get her." he ordered.

I looked up and narrowly ducked from a punch that one of the group members threw, making him punch the wall instead.

"!" he cursed in pain. I took the opportunity and rocketed my fist up to his chin.

2 down, 3 to go.

He fell backwards, but soon after, I felt a pair of arms locking my arms down, so I couldn't move anywhere, even though I was standing up.

The remaining guy moved in front of me and cracked his knuckles. He smirked before raising his fist to throw a punch when-

"HEY!!" HyunRi screeched from behind him.

"HyunRi, no!!" Chi Hoon shouted in fear.

"No, oppa, I'm doing this myself," she snapped at Chi Hoon and then turned to the guy in front of me. "Time to pay, ." she said and smashed her fist across his face, making him fall in front of me.

Holy .

I knew HyunRi was strong, but not THAT strong to make a guy pass out.

She smirked at me, my lips twisted into a sly smile in response.

I stomped on each of the guys' feet as hard as I could, which made them free me.

While they were banding down in pain, I kneed one in the face and kicked the other one in the stomach.

I looked at them in content. Just took down 4 guys with my bare hands, and HyunRi with 1.

"Let's go." I said to HyunRi and Chi Hoon.

We linked arms again and went off to the library.

"_______-ah, you know it's not good to fight all the time..." Chi Hoon said gently.

I sighed and looked down in remorse. "I know, oppa, but I was defending a helpless kid."

"Yes, but you should've done that without breaking out into a punch-up."

"I know, oppa, I'm sorry..."

"There's no need to be sorry. You just need to find a way to control yourself."

I sighed again at his patience, gentleness, and kind heart. I must have disappointed him so much.

I mean, I've disappointed him so many times before, it's surprising that he hasn't left me.

Everything about Chi Hoon makes him the perfect oppa.

It makes me feel so hideous to think that I'm his best friend when I'm the complete opposite.

He's kind, gentle, and sweet. I'm feiry, loud, and feisty.

Man, I need to learn how to control myself.

"Let's go ladies~" Chi Hoon sang and lead HyunRi and I towards the library.


DOUBLE UPDATE!!!! hope you guys liked this one ^_^

Don't worry, UKISS will appear in the next ACTION-PACKED chapter! :DD

And there was something important in this character...can you guys guess what? highlight the space next to this sentence to see JaeHyun


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Chapter 55: It was cute, adorable yet cringing at the same time. xD Also, so many fangirling with the caps lock. Hahaha, I don't mind. It just hilarious. Although the story was kind of rushing and random as well but it was nice tho. I might add that some of the scenarios didn't make any sense at all in my perspective of course. xD I know it is hard to elaborate the choreography in this story so you just insert it in with the video. I mean how you would describe in detail and that I don't know, haha. I gotta feeling that you wrote this story based on your fangirling moments that you wished it would happen to you. Who wouldn't be happy right? :D Well, I would. Haha. Anyway, love your story! ♥
Angelz0715 #2
Chapter 54: OMG this story is so cute xD I love it so much!!!!!!!
liyanaTik #4
Chapter 48: Wait did jaehyun died?
aliceconya #5
Chapter 54: You fic was damn awesome love ittttt
Celinko #6
Awesome story! I love it please make another story about dancing like this one but infinite version please!!
cutieepootootiee #7
Chapter 55: i know I'm late ,,,, but still !!!
I really love this fic !!
I am also a young street dancer , and the way you portrayed the feelings, goals , and dreams of a street dancer is just epic !!! :DD
Chapter 55: /sobs
it ended already!? TT.TT
/creys even more and then stops
it was one of the best i read! ♥
/adds to favourites
i'll be reading this over and over ^^
thank you so much for writing this story author-nim!!
i'm grateful c:
Chapter 54: This story is very good *-*
I'ts now one of my favourite storys ^o^