Summer, 2011

Summer, 2011

Dongho doesn't expect to go to Kiseop's house, and find a girl in his room.

He always knew that his friend is much of a ladies' man, and he has to admit that he's.. hot, but he doesn't know that he's the type of guy who keeps a girl in his room.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?"

Once she sees him in front of the door, the girl shoots up from her position in front of the TV, startled. "Oh! Are you here to see Kiseop?"


"Kiseop is showering. He told me you'll be coming though, just wait for him, sit wherever you want," and after saying that, she goes back to the racing game on TV, abusing the controller in her hands.

Dongho stares at her weirdly, wondering who the hell she might be as he takes a seat on Kiseop's bed.

"You're Dongho, right?" the girl asks. He's too in daze to answer, though. "Kiseop mentions you a lot. Are you a close friend of his?"

"Kind of, maybe."

Not a minute later, Kiseop comes out of his bathroom, shirtless and only in shorts, and seems really happy to see Dongho. Kind of freaks him out. 


"Yeah. Hey."

"And I suppose you've met Soojung,"  he says, gesturing a hand to the strange girl. "She's my cousin."


"Hello, Dongho," Soojung greets, without taking her eyes off the TV.

"Yeah, hi," he replies with the same amount of interest – none. "So, are we going or what?"

"Right after I dress up. Hey, Soojung-ah, you should go change too if you're going to come with us," Kiseop kicks his cousin's back, and she cusses, frowning up at him. "Change. Now."

Soojung exits the game and turns of the Xbox console, before getting up and leaves the room, slamming the door on her way out.

Kiseop just smiles cheekily as he put on his shirt. "Don't worry, she might seem like she's completely pissed off, but she's just sulking at the moment and when she comes back, she'll be as bright as the sunshine! Which reminds me – it's really hot today."

"It's 37 Celsius degrees outside, if I'm not mistaken, but that's not the point," Dongho flails his hand around, as if to wave off the last topic. "Hey, you didn't tell me that your cousin is coming with us."

"Ah, yeah.. sorry, Dongho, but her parents are going out of country this summer and she doesn't want to go with them, so they decided to let her stay with my family. I have to take care of her. Plus, she's been wanting to see the park since she got here a week ago."

Dongho sighs. "Okay."

Not until a minute later, the door bursts open and Soojung shows up at the door, wearing a white stripy tee that is tucked inside stressed denim shorts – hotpants, Dongho would put it as – revealing her super long legs that was covered with the oversized pajama pants earlier, and an ed blue shirt over her tee. 

And, as Kiseop predicted, she's all sunshine and rainbows again right now, beaming at her cousin and him.

"Come on, Kiseop! Let's go to the park!"

Dongho's jaw drops, for no apparent reason. He thinks he couldn't handle being in the same car for at least twenty minutes with this girl – this bubbly, sunny girl. She was bright, and not to mention hot. But, Dongho quickly shakes off the thought, and peers over at her again, who is now leaning against the doorframe, and gulps.

Stupid hormones.

Kiseop's family owns a huge, huge amusement park at the edge of town. It's a popular park, especially during the summer right now. It has more than a hundred attractions, including a roller coaster, swings and drops, a ferris wheel, a 4D theater, an arcade and lots and lots of souvenir stores and street vendors.

Some of his school friends work there too, for a summer job. At least, it beats going to summer camp or spending time at home. Or, that's what Eli and AJ think.

"Hello, boss, checking the object of your inheritance today?" Eli teases when he sees Kiseop, Dongho and a strange girl passing by the tea cups, which he happens to be the operator of.

Kiseop hits him jokingly. "Whatever, dude. I'm hear to give Dongho a job," he says.

"Really? Where will you be working?"

Dongho shrugs. "I don't know yet, hyung."

"Just do your job and don't let the tea cups spin too heavy. I don't want to hear any sound of children puking or–"

And a sudden chorus of ew is heard.

"Your call, Eli. Catch you later!" Kiseop waves bye bye to Eli, and walks away from the tea cups with Dongho and Soojung, towards the Haunted House, where AJ works.

"Hey, guys!" a guy in a black tuxedo with blood stains, and dark, smoky make up despite his white, pale, powdered face, greets them. "Welcome to the Haunted House!"

Kiseop laughs. "Hello, AJ. I see you're enjoying your job."

"Oh, trust me, I love hearing the screams echoing from inside. And the smell of blood."

"Wait, that's real blood?" Soojung interrupts, pointing at the blood stains on AJ's shirt.

He smirks and leans forward, close enough to whisper to her, "Do you really want to know?"

"You're good," she giggles.

"I know. But, I've never seen you around before," he sticks out a gloved hand. "My name is Jaeseop, but my friends in the States call me AJ. And you are?"

Her eyes suddenly sparkles. "You're from the States? I am too!" she exclaims in English. "I'm Soojung, but my friends from the States call me Krystal. Nice to meet you, AJ!"

AJ laughs. "I'm not exactly from the States, I just go to school there. I go to Columbia U."

"Ooh, that's far. I'm from San Francisco, and I'm still in high school.."

"Enough with the English talks, guys, I really have to get my job, right now, okay?" Dongho cuts in, feeling somehow pissed about the conversation AJ and the stranger is having.

"Psh. Killjoy," Soojung mutters under her breath, and Dongho sticks his tongue out at her. She rolls her eyes. "Kiseop, come on. Let's get Dongho his job, I want to go play."

Kiseop sighs. "I think we should be going. See you later, AJ," he salutes his friend, and leaves the Haunted House, and makes his way to the administration office, a quarreling Dongho and Soojung following behind him. He sees a blonde boy on the front desk, and waves to him.

"Kiseop!" exclaims the blonde boy, waving back at him. "Checking on our jobs, are you?"

"Not really. I'm here to sign Dongho up for some work, do you think we have any empty positions left, Kevin?"

Kevin pulls out a clipboard from under the table, and flips the papers on it. "A few, and I think I have one suitable just for Dongho," he smiles, and gestures for the three to follow him into a room.

Dongho looks around the room, it's filled with props and costumes and decorations, and they're all so cute, and twee, and delightful. He suddenly feels sick. "Wait, Kevin hyung, don't tell me–oof."

A large bear head pushed against his stomach stops him. Kevin beams and claps his hands. "Yes, Dongho, you are going to be one of the park's mascot."


Soojung bursts out in laughter. "Oh my god, Dongho, I think you're going to be super adorable in that!"

He frowns, and turns to Kevin. "But, hyung! Can't I have like, another job? Anything! Even if it means I'll have to pick up every single rubbish in this huge, huge amusement park. Anything!"


"Kiseop! I'm smarter than Kevin hyung, can't I take his job?"

"Eh, no."

Dongho bumps his head into the bear's. "Why? Why? Why?!"

Kiseop pats this back. "It's not too bad, Dongho. Besides, the pay is big compared to the others left, I can even give you bonuses," he says. "Now, why don't you go play? You can start tomorrow if you want to."

"Come on, Dongho. Let's go play!" Soojung attempts to cheer him up.

Dongho shakes his head. "No, thanks.. I just want to get something to eat and go home. I'll come by tomorrow at ten," he gives the bear head back to Kevin and walks away. "Bye."

Soojung folds his hands in front of her chest. "What's up with him?"

Kiseop just chuckles. "Ah, I've always known that Dongho is too smart for jobs like this," he says. "But I think he'll be just fine. He needs to let loose sometimes, and have fun, as a kid."

Soojung trails Dongho's steps and sees him outside, walking away while fiddling with his phone. "A kid?"

"Yeah. A kid."

Dongho tries to sit down on an empty park bench, despite his big and troublesome bear-suit. He lift the big bear head off, and put it beside him, revealing his sweaty and completely flushed face. He feels so suffocated, and it's only been five hours since he started his job – giving out balloons and candies, going around taking pictures with people or just dancing around entertaining the visitors, all inside the bear suit.

He feels like he's going to faint, when suddenly, a cold pack is pressed against his cheek.

"How did it go?" he looks up to see Soojung, nibbling on a strawberry flavored popsicle.

Dongho grabs the pack of popsicle that she stuck onto his cheek earlier, and popped it open with his free hand – the one without the bear gloves. "It's seriously hard to breathe in there, I think I'll die if I keep wearing that until two hours later," he says and the popsicle.

"I think you're exaggerating."

"Really? Try wearing this on for an hour and you'll say the exact same thing that I just said."

"No, thanks. I believe you," says Soojung, and she takes a seat next to him, her long legs swinging back and forth. "Have you been to this amusement park before?"

He shakes his head. "Yesterday was my first time. I think I'll only come here for work."

"Oh. Until what time will you be working today?"

"I think until night, I mean it's summer and I have nothing to do at home anyway."

"Do you know that there are fireworks show every night at eight? And these flying fluorescent balloons with writings and doodles on them?"

"I know now. Why?"

"Do you want to watch with me later, tomorrow?"

Dongho gave her a skeptical look. He makes sure if she's kidding or not, if she has anything she wants behind it or not, or if she doesn't have any friends. "Um.. okay, sure?"

"Really?" she beams at him with sparkly eyes.

"I'm pretty sure I just said 'sure'."

Soojung giggles. "Thank you, Dongho."

He just nods.

"I'll be going now, then. See you later!" she waves bye-bye, and walks away. But Dongho stops her.

"Wait, Soojung!" he calls, and she turns. He suddenly is in a loss of words, his bear paw scratching the back of his head awkwardly. "Uh.. thank you, too. For the popsicle, and all."

She smiles. "What's the all?"

"..For accompanying me."

"You're welcome," she grins cheekily and waves once again, before running off to the doll house.

And suddenly, Dongho doesn't feel so tired anymore.

It's over midnight and Dongho is lying about on his bed, a book on his chest and earbuds plugging his ears. He can't sleep.

Dongho shoots up and approaches the mirror in his wardrobe door, and looks at his reflection. His hair is messy, and he's wearing a cartoon t-shirt and boxer shorts. It's not like him to check on how he looks, but when he sees himself, he sees a certain girl from a certain summer day.


And to his surprise, his phone suddenly rings.

Dongho picks up his phone and sees that a message came in.

From: 010 0575 2494

is this shin dongho?

His brows furrow. An unknown number – who could it be?

He replies a quick yes, who is this?, and waits for a reply, that apparently, comes in less than a minute later.

From: 010 0575 2494

this is soojung. how come youre not sleeping?

Dongho's eyes widen in surprise. He didn't expect her to text, or even have interest in talking through the phone like this. Especially, not after he's just thought about her. But he still replies anyway.

To: 010 0575 2494

Because I can't. How come YOU're not sleeping? And how did you get my number?

From: 010 0575 2494

i cant too ㅠㅠ from kiseop, duh. btw, i asked him to give you a day off tomorrow so we can watch the fireworks show!

To: 010 0575 2494

But it's not until night, Soojung. Plus, how can you give me a day off when I just started working?

From: 010 0575 2494

i know, but i want you to spend the whole day relaxing. i figured it really isnt nice being inside a bear suit all day, and you looked really tired today too

To: 010 0575 2494

Oh.. thank you. Soojung, you should get some sleep. It's 1am.

From: 010 0575 2494

you should sleep too. meet me tomorrow at the ticket box at 12, ok? g'nite, dongho ^^

Dongho doesn't reply – he doesn't know how to. He doesn't even know if he should reply or not. Eventually, after a few minutes of thinking, he comes to a conclusion that she might already be sleeping and he doesn't have to reply her goodnight.

He already wishes that she has one, anyway.

Soojung beams when she sees Dongho approaching from afar. Her arms flail around, not knowing what to do. She looks at the ticket box's glass to see a blurry reflection of herself, only good enough to tell her that she looks just fine.

"Hey," the heavy voice of Dongho startles her. "Did you wait long?"

"No, not at all."

Actually, Soojung has been waiting anxiously for him since eight in the morning. Despite how nervous she's feeling, she still put on that sunny smile.

"Hoon oppa, we don't have to get tickets, right?" she turns to the guy at the ticket box. He's one of her cousin's friend who's working there for the summer.

"Of course not. Have a nice day, Soojung," Hoon smiles at her, and then to his junior, but this time, smugly. "And you too, Dongho."

"Uh, thanks, hyung," says Dongho, and he follows Soojung inside.

It's still quite early in the day, the amusement park has just been opened two hours ago, and there aren't too much people inside, though it's still quite a crowd, and the lines for the rides aren't that long yet.

Since he's not working, Dongho decides to wear a white graphic tee under his gray hoodie, shorts and sandals this morning. And Soojung is wearing a loose sleeveless top under her varsity jacket, shorts and a pair of sneakers. He looks at her from head to toe – honestly, Dongho had expected her to wear something super short like yesterday, but now she isn't. 

He clears his throat to wave the thought away. "So, where to first?"

"I don't know, you pick.." Soojung trails off, looking at all the rides there is.

"Let's start with the most extreme one – the roller coaster."

"Are you serious?"

"Of course. Honestly, I've only ridden a roller coaster once, or twice, or thrice? I don't know, but I rarely ride roller coasters."

"Really? Let's go, then!" she drags him by the hand, and soon they are lining up for the roller coaster.

Soojung keeps staring up at the roller coaster rail, her eyes following the cart filled with screaming people. "What the ," she cursed.

"What's wrong?" Dongho asks, following her gaze up at the ride. "Seems fun, doesn't it?"

"I suddenly can't breathe. God, I feel like there's a knot in my digestion systems."

"You're exaggerating!"

Soojung frowns. "Fine. I can do this," she reassures herself, and Dongho laughs at that.

They choose the second row, because Soojung doesn't want to be too front and Dongho wants to be front a bit. But since she is trembling, he gives in and chooses the second row. They fasten their seat belts and wait for the operator to start counting down.

"You're nervous?" he asks her, who is stiffly hanging onto the safety bar over her shoulders. She nods. "Don't worry, Soojung, you'll be fine. I mean, it's not like you haven't ridden a roller coaster before.. right?"

Soojung stays quiet.

Dongho's eyes widen. "Really? You've never ridden a roller coaster before?"

"I have once, or twice, or thrice, and trust me, all three didn't end up very well."

"Did you like, puke?"

"No – I cried."


But it's too late to back off now. The buzzer sound counts down two one, and the roller coaster starts moving. Slowly at first, and then it ascends up the rail, getting ready to go full speed when they descend. 

"You'll be fine, Soojung. I promise," is all Dongho says when they are approaching the slope.

The roller coaster is almost over it, and once the carts dive down, screams erupt from the people's mouth, overthrowing the rackety sound of wheels against rails. Dongho is screaming happily, going, "Oh, yeah!" and Soojung is screaming in terror, going, "Oh my god!" every second. She screams like a banshee, but it's not like he's any better. She screams, and screams, and he just laughs, louder and louder as he flails his arms around. And eventually, her screams turn into laughters too.

"It's nice that you didn't cry earlier," Dongho hands her a cotton candy. "I mean, I wouldn't know what to do if that happens."

Soojung giggles. He's warming up to her now, after they conquered the dangerous rides which made them scream and hold onto each other. Between their screams were lots of laughters, and now they finally get the chance to just talk.

"I know, it's weird. I always cry when I ride on roller coasters," she says, letting a pinch of the sugar melt on her tongue. "Maybe it's because it's not too extreme compared to the ones in the States?"


"Or, maybe it's the company?"

Dongho looks at her, who is beaming at him cheekily. He chuckles, "What do you think?"

"I think I'm hungry.. just cotton candy will make me sick. I haven't eaten anything today, honestly," she says, patting her growling tummy. "Do you want to go get something to eat?"

"Sure," he says and finishes the last of the cotton candy, and throws the paper stick to the trash can. "Now, do you want to eat junk food? Or classy restaurant food?"

"Let's get something greasy and fried," she shrugs, and pulls him by the hand towards a McDonald's place.

They order double cheeseburgers and fries and sodas, and take the table near the window. It's lunch time, so the place is quite full. But they don't mind.

"I'm curious," says Dongho while munching on his fries. "Why suddenly ask me to watch the firework show with you?"

Soojung shrugs. "I don't know.. I just kind of want to," she says. "Kiseop isn't the type of person to go hang out at night looking at fireworks, and he says he wants to finish his summer reading list, so since I have no one else to go to, I chose you. Besides, you look like you kind of needs some rest."

"I see.." Dongho is a bit crestfallen at the fact that Soojung asks him because she only needs someone to accompany her, but he decides that he has to enjoy the moment, because this day is theirs. "Anyway, where are your parents? I heard they're going out of country."

"Mm-hm, to Prague. I don't know what they're doing there anyway, it's summer there all the same," she takes another bite of her cheeseburger. "And my sister–"

"You have a sister?"

"Yeah, my older sister, Sooyeon. She's twenty two, and she's already married. She moved out a year ago, and now she and her husband live in LA. Our is quite far, and she's not the type of people that I would ask to play with me. But she listens to me a lot and I kind of miss her."

"But, it's kind of nice having your sibling off your back, isn't it? I mean, my brother, Soohyun, is twenty two as well, but he's still working and he still stays in our parents' house, though he already has a job. He's a great guy, great brother and all, but he's overly hyperactive that it just gets annoying."

Soojung laughs. "I think you act more mature than your older brother."

"I know. I'm seventeen, and he's twenty two, but–"

"Wait, you're seventeen?"

Dongho stares at her, puzzled. "You don't know?"

"I thought you're the same age as Kiseop! I thought you're nineteen!"

"I skipped a few grades.."

"So, when were you born?"

"June 29, 1994.."

"I'm a 94-liner too!"

"So, we're the same age?"

Soojung nods her head frantically. "Oh my god, no wonder you look so cute and young!" she exclaims.

Dongho frowns. "I'm not cute."

"Oh.. yeah, I realized that you don't like being called cute. Sorry," she smiles apologetically. "But, why?"

"Because this cute look makes everyone baby me," he says. "I'm turning seventeen in a few more weeks, and I'm in college for god's sake, I'm not a baby anymore. But why do they keep on treating me like a kid?"

To his surprise, she chuckles. "Oh, Dongho, I understand that you want to be treated like a grown up, but sometimes.. being a kid is much more fun," Soojung sighs. "Everybody keeps telling me that I look older and act sharper than my sister. I admit that I am, sometimes, smarter and all, but they expect too much from me like what they expect from my sister.. Honestly, sometimes I kind of want to be babied.."

Dongho falls into silence. He stares at her, who is looking out the window.

"Some of us just can't wait to grow up, but when we do, we're gonna want to be kids again – to be able to have fun again. Not that being an adult is not fun, but either being an adult or teenagers like us has its own privileges. Me and you, we're both growing up, Dongho. You can't stand being babied, while I can't stand being treated like a grown up – those misunderstandings, they're a part of growing up," she takes a deep breath, and a gentle smile spreads across her face. "All we can do is just.. live for today."

It feels like he's just hit by some kind of epiphany. He smiles, "You know what? You're right," says Dongho. "I don't want to grow up too fast, I'm afraid I won't be good looking anymore when I grow up," and she chuckles. He lifts his cup of soda in the air, and smirks. "For you, me, and seventeen. Die young and stay pretty, Soojung."

Soojung snickers and lightly bumps her cups into his. "Who knows, maybe tomorrow we'll wake up and realize that we're all grown up."

Dongho and Soojung continues their adventure in the amusement park, walking around the booths, arms brushing against one another. He points at something interesting and she would laugh, and vice versa. He would use his aegyo to get something for free – "Noona, can I have those bracelets over there? They're so pretty!" "Oh.. of course! Here you go, you're so cute!"   – and that results to the pearl periwinkle bands around their wrists, and Soojung forever thinking of bringing Dongho anywhere for his good use. Joking, though.

"Oh, look at that!" she suddenly exclaims, stopping in front one of the games where you have to knock down cans with bean sacks. He follows her point of finger and sees a big bear doll. "It looks a lot like your bear suit, don't you think?"

"It is, I guess.."

"Can you get me that, as a prize?" she tugs on his arm. "I want it. I don't know if I can give you something in return, though."

It's a little surprising that Dongho manages to knock down all the cans in one go. He says it's because it's like bowling – "you just have to hit the one that holds them together," – but she exaggerates and insists that he is awesome. He gives Soojung the bear and she cuddles into it, squealing.

"It smells nice," she says. "Thank you, Dongho."

"You're welcome."

They look up to see the wide sky a deep shade of purple and bright spurts of orange. It's getting kind of late and they still have to make one more stop – the ferris wheel.

Dongho and Soojung sit across from each other. She's giggling to the bear, and he just looks at her, taking in the moment in this small capsule where there's no one but them and the bear. He observes the way her eyes crinkle up to crescents and the way her nose scrunches up when she laughs, and suddenly, she kicks his shin.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Huh? Oh – oh, nothing," he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. "I'm just kind of confused why you look so happy to receive that bear from me."

"I'm just happy," she replies. "Today is the best day of my life, and remembering that it hasn't ended yet just gets me all excited on what's going to happen next."

Dongho scoffs. "I'm exciting? That's interesting, I'm probably the dullest seventeen year old to walk on this planet."

She kicks his shin again. "You're not funny."


"Whatever," Soojung sticks her tongue out at him, and he replies with a pouting mock face. Her irritated face is soon replaced by a hearty giggle. She presses her palm against the thin glass, looking out towards the beautiful view of the amusement park lights that seem like it's illuminating the now almost dark sky. "But really, Dongho. Thank you so much for today, I really like spending time with you. Just.." she turns to him with a cheeky smile. "Being like this is good."

Dongho blinks a few times, before returning a tender smile. "No, Soojung. I thank you," he says. "And you know what? This is the best day of my life too – so far."

Night time is when the amusement park looks its prettiest.

It gets better when Dongho and Soojung sit in one of the bench, the bear doll between them, their hands next to each other, slightly touching, and they are looking up the clear night sky.

"Five more minutes," she says to him, reminding about the fireworks show.

And right after she says that, all the rides stop operating, the lights are dimmed, and everybody stops where they are and direct their attention up to the sky.

A loud screeching sound is heard, followed by a boom, and other screeches and booms and soon fireworks are coloring the dark pallet sky. Fluorescent painted balloons with writings and doodles glow in the dark and it's hung and floats everywhere. It's beautiful, just like everything they've seen today.

"It's wonderful, isn't it?" she asks him, and he nods. Soojung shifts her sitting position a little bit, and her hand moves on top of Dongho's. "But, I think the sounds are too loud, should we move?"

"No, this is perfect already," he disagrees. The sounds are too loud, but not as loud as his heartbeats.

Dongho hears Soojung sigh, and he shifts his gaze from the vibrant firmament to her. She's smiling, a sad smile he thinks, and her legs are swinging back and forth of the edge of the bench. Nervous habit, he guesses. It's the first time he's ever seen her like this, since she's usually sunny and all.

"You know, Dongho, I kind of always envied my sister," she suddenly says, catching him off guard. "I thought it was silly to be in love–" she air quotes the last word – "at such a young age. Sooyeon meets her husband at the age of sixteen, for goodness' sake, in a beach in LA, on a summer like this. He saved me from drowning, and turns out he was a Korean too. After that he treats us to pizzas, and then he and my sister spend like every single day of their two week summer trip together. Until he has to go back to Korea, and I decided that it was just some kind of summer romance, you know? Like, The Notebook or Grease, but it's not. Do you know what happens next?"

As clueless as he is on how this is going, he shakes his head.

"They met again when they're eighteen. At their college entrance exam. And they dated for two years, and they got married, and now they're living their happily ever after," Soojung scoffs. "Sappy, isn't it? I know, I thought so too."

He quirks his brows. "So, what are you trying to say?"

"I'm saying, now it kind of scares me that.. maybe, that sappy crap is happening to me too."


"I like you, Dongho. And it's only been one day since we met. How can it be anymore cliché?" Soojung flails her hand around, trying to explain how desperate she feels.

Dongho stares at her, speechless. "You.. like me?"

"Yes! Yes, I do! I didn't know how it started, really! I was kind of pissed at you at first because you're so rigid and no fun. But then I saw you, and the bear suit, and you in the bear suit, and I texted you, you texted back and we spend this whole day together, I found out you were the same age as I am and we talked about each other and you won me a teddy bear and you got us couple bracelets, and I was like, what the ? And–"

One of the many things Dongho finds out today, is that Soojung talks a lot. And another thing, is that one of the way to  keeps her lips sealed is by pressing his own lips against hers. It's just a brief kiss – a sweet, sweet brief kiss. Maybe it's the cotton candies and ice creams, but she could swear that when their lips touch, she gets a hint on how love tastes like.

He breaks the contact, but his face remains close. The fireworks had stopped, but she can still feel it exploding inside her chest, sending tingly feelings all over her body.

"I like you too, Soojung."

from: Soojung

what are you doing?

to: Soojung

I'm lying on the bed, staring up the ceiling, thinking about where should I take you tomorrow.

from: Soojung

well, any results?

to: Soojung

There is this fancy restaurant that my brother's friends know.. We had our teenage fun today, what do you say if we go there tomorrow and celebrate ourselves adult style?

from: Soojung

sounds swell~ but what are we celebrating?

to: Soojung

You and Me. Seventeen. Girlfriend-Boyfriend. Summer romance. What do you think?

from: Soojung

Pick me up at 8?

to: Soojung

Deal. Now sleep, it's already 1.23am. Goodnight, Soojung, sleep tight.

from: Soojung

to: Soojung

Yeah. I love you too.

© hellopsr stories, 2012

hint: sequel?

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37 streak #1
nice !
congratulations on the random feature!
Iminthezone #3
byunqrins_ #4
re-reading this again this summer. ouo
this one-shot is just perf. c':
keuriseutina #5
Chapter 1: I suddenly felt jealous of krystal although i know i'm supposed to be her in this story lol :P so cute! SEQUEL!!
versxce #6
I agree with the comment below! Seqeul! I love your story so much!
This is so adorable! Dongho and Krystal suit this story very well. Sequel please? ;3
the writing is flawless <3
I've never read this couple before... but it's so adorable and cute (heh) and fluffy and akjsldkf. SO PRETTY. Good job!