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Mommy’s day


It was already night time but sleep doesn’t have any plans of visiting me. Looks like the coffee Amber made for me earlier after dinner is acting up. The caffeine is working well in my veins now!


I rolled to my side facing Nicky and Amber, my lips curving into a contented smile seeing my two babies sleeping so well. Nicky sleeps in between us tonight, well not always. He was having a tantrum earlier and kept on crying when I tried to put him inside his crib. Even if how sleepy he was that his eyelids were already drooping and his head lolling, whenever I will carefully rest him down on his bed he will immediately cry that we start all over again.


Amber said maybe Nicky wants to sleep beside me tonight because he knows its going to be Mommy’s birthday when he wakes up in the morning. I gave her an eyeroll and merong but entertained the thought of maybe Amber is right on the part where Nicky wants to sleep beside me. Maybe he wants the warmth of our bodies and scent that will make him feel safe and secured.


So after dancing him again to sleep (with Amber joking that I should dance La Cha Ta and see if Nicky will like it), I placed him down on our bed putting his purple octopus beside him. Patted his bum until he finally slept still and peacefully without any violent reactions. Gosh my boy! He made Mommy feel frustrated just by his tantrums. Tsk tsk tsk.


I reached for his cheeks caressing it with my fingers, watching his eyelashes flutter. His pretty eyelashes fascinating me that I can’t even compare his and Amber’s. I can’t compare because its the same! He really got it from Mama no doubt about it. Tracing his nose and pinching it lightly with a giggle, wishing and praying that when he grows up it will be like mine hahaha! No can do that you will have your Mama’s nostrils! Mama’s nostrils is enough in our family!


Until now I can’t believe that I have this beautiful son... I can still remember the excitement and fear I felt that day when we found out that I am pregnant. Instead of testing after two weeks, I asked Amber to delay it till the fourth week. Its just that... I wanna be sure that its real. That the embryo is planted safely in my womb and growing healthy.


“Did you know... that... it was the night before Mommy’s birthday that Mama and I found out you are going to be part of our lives forever?” I mumbled in a low voice full of affection while caressing my Nicky’s hair. His small mouth moving cutely that ended up in a pout. Cute!~ “You are Mommy’s greatest birthday gift... that’s why Mommy loves you so much...” so much that my heart is bursting with happiness. Having him in our life made me a better person, a better version of myself.


Having Nicky made me look forward to the future with excitement. Because even though I know there will be challenges coming along, Amber will not let me face it alone. She promised me that whatever happens in the future, whatever obstacles we may face while raising our child, she will always be beside me. Holding my hand tightly and will never let go of it.


“I want you to finish your studies and be who you want to be when you grow up. But please... don’t walk on the same path that Mama and Mommy took when we were young... its a harsh world out there. If you want to be a model then its okay you can be Aunt Jess’ prodigy in the fashion world but no way I will permit you to become an idol like us.” I took his small hands kissing his fingertips with a smile. Watching his chest rise and fall, his face serene while sleeping innocently. I just want the best for him and Amber said it too, Nicky will grow up with Music but she won’t let him be part of the Music scene like us.


She wants Nicky to study in a university and finish a degree. Amber regretted not entering one even though she has the intelligence and wit. I told her back then she can still enroll and take a course, no matter how long it takes to finish it. What matters is she won’t have any regrets. But she’s too stubborn to listen and said she’ll think about it. If Amber didn’t became an idol, she’s probably in the field of Science now and finished at the top of her class from a very prestigious University in the US.


I reached across Nicky to fix Amber’s hair that is covering her forehead. Like Nicky, her pretty eyelashes fluttering while sleeping... actually, snoring. She’s snoring but not that loud. Tolerable. Hahaha! Awww... she looks so adorable while sleeping...


“You don’t look like 36 at all Baby... look at how pretty you are while sleeping! Look at how your drool is dripping... eeeww. I should throw the pillowcase and pillow in the washing machine later. Tsk tsk tsk...” I swiped my thumb on the side of wiping the drool then wiping it after on her cheeks. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


“You know, no matter how disgusting you are sometimes, I’m still crazy in love with you after all these years.” I chuckled in a low voice stifling my laugh. “You’re a meany! Its my birthday eve and here you are lying in our bed like Sleeping Beauty. While I can’t even sleep! That’s not fair...” I pouted like a kid while reaching for a kiss on Amber’s forehead.


I stared at the two of them, my lips curving into a sweet smile thanking the Heavens for giving me two wonderful persons in my life.




I rose from the bed, carefully lifting the blanket covering half of my body so that Nicky and Amber won’t be waken up with my movements. I placed my pillow on Nicky’s side so he will not roll down on the floor if he stirs in his sleep before going down and putting my long hair in a ponytail. Amber needs sleep... my big baby was so tired today coming home from work at her studio. She and her team are in the finishing touches of the album she co-written and co-produced with Jay Park. A big project she has been working on for months here in our house and in the studio when she’s needed.


The past two weeks she was there everyday working from morning till night while its my turn to stay at home and take care of Nicky. When I’m needed in the office, I bring Nicky with me at work much to the delight of everyone. They love playing with him! Then at lunch time we will visit Mama Amber in her studio bringing food for all the staff because they are working hard. We get to spend lunch break as a family at the roof top of her building eating Tender Greens that I bought as Take Out.


I have been staying at home taking care of Nicky these past few days. The two of us bonding over our Mommy and Nicky activities like watching cartoons in the living room all sprawled on the mattress while wearing our pajamas, playing with his toy instruments inside our mini music room (he has a miniature drum set!), taking a bath together in the bath tub and playing with his rubber duckie. Yesterday we played in the water outside both of us dipping on the cool waters and making sand castles under the shade. It was every inch worth it spending the whole day with my Nicky especially when I see him laugh and giggle, smiling so cutely. It fills my heart with gladness seeing his cute smile and how he tries to say words in a blabber. He can walk now but he still needs assistance that’s why I still hold his hands when we walk on the beach or inside the house.


Should I take a dip in the bath tub?




Or maybe read a book downstairs while sipping Hot Chocolate...


Entering our walk-in closet while having a stretch, I stood in the middle thinking of what to do. My eyes roaming around the room seeing the color coordinated clothes and pants, jackets hanging perfectly. Its like entering a boutique seeing the clothes on display by their rack.


Wow… this walk in closet needs to be cleaned…


Amber’s trash or my trash? ㅋㅋㅋㅋ






I spent a good deal of a minute contemplating where to start, opening drawers that contains our accessories. Our drawer containing the watches and earrings, even the sunglasses. Checking the clothes hanging on the open closet and seeing some that brings back memories and made me smile in nostalgia.


Amber’s old hoodies and jackets that she still keep and wear in days she just feels like wearing it. Of course nothing changes... like the old times and my forever habit, I still wear her clothes like it was yesterday. I even wear her boxers when lazying at home ㅋㅋㅋ.


My fingers run on the soft cotton fabric of the dark blue Dimension 4 jacket, remembering that one rebellious day in China years ago. I can’t forget how nervous Wongyun oppa was when he saw me wearing the jacket because well, it isn’t just any jacket! It was a jacket with a name printed on the back not belonging to me neither to anyone. He told me to change but I wave him off saying its no big deal. But deep inside me I was making a statement.


I needed to make a statement.


It was the dark times... I call it the dark times. Where everything was in chaos, my image and character being questioned because of that “dating scandal”. False rumors circulating on the web that tarnished my reputation. I can’t even explain how mad I am when I saw those rumors and the first person who came to my mind was Amber.


Even though we mutually agreed to what the company wanted me to do, I know its still hard for her. I can’t even explain how hard it must be for her all through these years we are together. That scandal will remain to be tagged on me even if Amber and I are already married. Quite annoying really, there are still people who lives inside their own fantasy land.


So off I go to the supermarket in China, parading the jacket while buying supplies. I did made a statement, right?


Imagine reading a blog post saying my marriage with Amber was just a conspiracy! That we aren’t really married, that Nicky is my child with an idol who wants to hide it from anyone because if his fans finds out his career will be doomed. Anyway, the conspiracy theorist also said Amber was a very kindhearted best friend to take me and my son. My God! Don’t they even know that majority of Nicky’s DNA is from Amber!? Just look at how handsome my Nicky is! He resembles his Mama and his Grandpa Liu!


Plus a sprinkle of the Jung’s genes ㅋㅋㅋ


Some even said Nicky is Amber’s son from being impregnated by a C-pop idol. I don’t even know how they can even think about that theory but yeah some are really that ridiculous and delusional. They said we aren’t married, that I am just taking care of the baby with Amber because we are best of friends. Come on! Who do they think I am?! Nicky’s nanny!? I labored for hours just to give birth to that cutie pie! fed him! Tsss... crazy.


I took the jacket and wore it over my night shirt zipping it up before sitting crossed leg on the carpeted floor of the room. Let’s see what Amber has in here... hmmm.... I haven’t seen what this small drawer keeps... I pulled the drawer at the lower part of the cabinet that is part of Amber’s side. It has some trinkets inside, some old optical mouse and hard disks she still keeps.


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1154 streak #1
Chapter 1: Love this storyy😍
2080 streak #2
Chapter 10: Haha poor llamaber
Adesta123 #3
Chapter 10: 🤣🤣🤣 poor mama ber
2080 streak #4
Chapter 10: Haha I can relate to Amber
2080 streak #5
Chapter 10: Lmao poor amber she must be so mad
28 streak #6
Chapter 10: That's a sad story... Lol.. Parenthood it is.
mochick #7
Chapter 10: Kekekekekeke parent livehood lol fighting Amber
Atrangzalla #8
Chapter 9: Thanks for update author 😊
But where krystal POV??
2080 streak #9
Chapter 9: Kryber family is so cute
2080 streak #10
Chapter 9: Awwww their letters are so cute