Nicky's Toys, Mommy's Pout

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Our life in L. A. like what I said is boring. We’re like those typical family out there, a newly wed couple caring for their baby. Working their off from 9 to 5, lives in a house we own, and eats 3 times a day. Actually, Amber owns the house because she bought it back then when the group is still very active, I just did the interior decoration and considered it mine too… well its mine too now you know, CONJUGAL.


Ever since Nicky was born, Amber fixed her schedule with the recording studio she owns with her friends Justin Park and James Lee. She only goes there 2 times a week and mostly works at home, when she’s seriously needed sometimes she brings Nicky with her or sometimes I bring Nicky with me to work. Everyone is willing to take care of him inside the B&E Headquarters anyway, especially the C.E.O. / Creative Director aka my laughing-cow-accident-maker sister.


He is a very well pampered and taken cared baby. His Aunt Jackie also bringing him to her office just to brag about how cute our Nicky is. Everyone adores him and thank God no one recognizes him immediately as Nicky Liu, the son of two famous former Kpop artists in Korea.


There are times when Amber and I decides to stroll around DTLA and Koreatown to have something to eat, people still recognizes us which is weird because its been so long that we haven’t performed as a group. And maybe a few still recognizes me from the characters i played in the dramas considering its been ages.


They just say Hi and Hello, waving at baby Nicky and gushing how perfectly cute and perfect his genes is because *ehem*… his Mothers are *ehem* the GODDESS KRYSTAL JUNG and the HANDSOME QUEEN AMBER LIU. *ehem*


She always allots her time for me and Nicky, she does her music work at home when the baby is already asleep. My work at the company isn’t that demanding, there will only be a certain month that it will be very busy because it means Jessica unnie will be launching her new line or the fashion week is coming. After that I’m all free and also works from home like Amber.


Amber is a very organized person. She likes seeing things in its proper places, judging on how she does our walk in closet. I am an organized person but my wife is the most! Some fans may think she isn’t, considering how her apartment looks like before in Seoul while she was still living with her friends. It was messy! I can’t even go there and hang out with her because she has a room mate, the place smaller that her place before when she was still living alone. Her things are scattered, her precious Jordans that she keeps before in a closet... tsk tsk tsk... I don’t want to remember anymore.  


From light colored to dark colored shirts, every style of clothing is being kept/hanged in its separate space. Even our shoes has its own closet, oh well I have the left side and she has the right side. Her hoodies, jackets, pants, etc. all properly stored. Same as how I keep neat my shoe and bag closet kekeke...



Her toy collection... sigh. All the Llama and Pokemon Lego figures displayed on its special cabinet inside our bedroom same as those special edition Jordans she has inside the glass case. She still displays her Rubik’s cubes especially the customized one given to her by a fan of ours. With our photos together as the background instead of block colors.


She likes buying toys. Whenever we will go to the mall, its impossible that she will go home without carrying a paper bag of toys. Well its either a new Jordan or toys to be added on her collection and I just let her because its her happiness anyway. (^___^)


But sometimes its too much!






One night I went home from work seeing 3 big paper bags lying on the living room floor. Nicky was in his baby carrier looking at his Mama with wide eyes and fascination while Amber talks to him. A mountain of Lego bricks scattered on the floor that Amber is working on. She has her back on me that I think she didn’t noticed I’m already home. I leaned on the frame of the wall between the kitchen and the living room watching them two with a smile on my face. If only Nicky can speak he already announced my presence!


“You see this yellow brick buddy? You put that here on top of this another yellow brick, then snap it in place! Bam! That is how you do it Nicky! Geez... I can’t wait for you to grow up... you can help Mama build the Pokemon Center hahaha! Build, okay? Not eat the Lego bricks. I wonder where’s Mommy... don’t tell her we bought these toys earlier, arasso?” Tssss... as if your son can yell that!


I cleared my throat that surprised Amber, her clumsy self accidentally throwing the piece of Lego she’s holding that it landed on Nicky’s tummy. Nicky was laughing so cutely seeing Amber’s expression, his toothless gum showing while wriggling his arms to me. Busted!


She turned around and gave me a bright smile, standing up from her spot on the floor and giving me a welcome hug. “Soojung-aaaaaa~~~~.... awww.” I flicked her forehead because of her antics and pushed her away playfully to get to Nicky. “Yah! I don’t get a kiss!?”


“You bought toys again.”


“Yeah... hahaha...” she sat beside me scratching her head. I took Nicky from his carrier holding him, blowing kisses on his tummy.


“Why so many?”


“Ahhh... there was a Sale. And Nicky likes it!” my eyebrows raised when she said it. Likes it!?


“Silly! How can your son say he likes it!” I playfully poked her stomach with my toe eliciting a laugh from her. She took my ankle placing it on top of her lap and began to massage my feet that made me sigh.


“I saw it through his eyes! I asked him, ‘Nicky do you like this toy?’ and he was like looking at me deep into my soul saying ‘Yes Mama i want it! Please buy it!’ that’s why I bought it!” 




“He really did, Soojung! Just look at him now...” I gave her a chuckle and peppered Nicky’s face with kisses that made him giggle so cutely. His beautiful brown eyes shining on me while doing some gurgling sounds. Yeah, my son. Forgive your Mama for pointing at you~.


“Your Mama is silly, isn’t she?~ Your fingers taste good?~ Huh?~”


“I stare at his eyes and I read it, he really wants the Lego. That’s why I bought it~... He said, ‘Mama buy that toy for me!'” she said it in her best baby talk voice earning a flick on her nose. 


“Tsss. Really huh? Then maybe you can read what I want too by just looking in my eyes?!” she burst out laughing, her face so red from laughing on her silliness. I widen my eyes on her gritting my teeth while she stares controlling her laugh. “Now read what is on my mind!”


“But Nicky really said it through his eyes!”


I snickered at her, crinkling my nose. “Oh really? Then why didn't you see through my eyes which bag I wanted recently?” BINGO.



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1155 streak #1
Chapter 1: Love this storyy😍
2080 streak #2
Chapter 10: Haha poor llamaber
Adesta123 #3
Chapter 10: 🤣🤣🤣 poor mama ber
2080 streak #4
Chapter 10: Haha I can relate to Amber
2080 streak #5
Chapter 10: Lmao poor amber she must be so mad
28 streak #6
Chapter 10: That's a sad story... Lol.. Parenthood it is.
mochick #7
Chapter 10: Kekekekekeke parent livehood lol fighting Amber
Atrangzalla #8
Chapter 9: Thanks for update author 😊
But where krystal POV??
2080 streak #9
Chapter 9: Kryber family is so cute
2080 streak #10
Chapter 9: Awwww their letters are so cute