Chapter 5

Such a Cliche

‘Hey, I’m outside of your house’

“Okay, give me a second” Suho climb down the stairs, make sure all things are in order before putting on his dress shoes. He closes the door behind him and ensure the door is locked.

Suho smirk when he sees his date opening the passenger sit for him. “What a gentleman”

“Shut up. I am supposed to be in love with you. Now be a sweet heart and kiss my cheek”

Suho raised his eyebrow but relent and tip toe a little to kiss the man’s right cheek lightly. “Hmm, don’t you think you should kiss me back?”

“…Get in”

Suho chuckle seeing his partner’s face. He buckles his seatbelt before turning to face the driver.

“So, Paparazzi?”

“What else.” Kris sigh, buckling his belt with a forced click. He glances outside of the car and can see at least 3 people with big camera ready to snap whatever happened this evening.

“No wonder you had to pick me up. You know, if your mother did not say anything we would not be playing roles now, right?” Suho glance at the driver who had a scowl on his face. 

“Start getting used to it because she would not stop until she is satisfied.”

“Well, she’s going to be my mother-in-law. I guess that’s given?”

“You are absolutely right, baby”

“Oh my god… We really need to use pet names now?” Suho groan hearing the pet name. He looks at his so-called fiancé and the latter only shrug. “So, what do you want me to call you Kris?”

“I don’t care. Just choose one”

“Hmm, let me think. Baby?”

“No, I call you that.”

“You said you don’t care?!” Suho glared at Kris.

“It would be confusing.”

“Fine then. Honey? Dear? Sweetie? Hubby? Urgh no. Not hubby.”

“Hey! What’s wrong with hubby?”

“You like it?!” Suho laugh when he sees Kris look away with a light blush on his face.

“Wait… Don’t tell me your exes call you that” Suho squint his eyes at Kris.

“Why? Jealous?” Kris asks with a smug face.

“Tsk… You wish”

“No. No one calls me that. They just call me by my name.”

“If you say so. I will just call you Bie then.”


“Yeah, short for Hubby. There, your wish come true” Suho chuckle seeing Kris’ flustered face.



Both of them stared at each other when they finally arrived at the venue. It was so awkward because when they step in the venue they need to act like a couple in love.

“…I give you permission to touch me.” Kris deadpanned hearing Suho’s statement.

“The hell are you talking about? Why should I touch you?” Kris made a face at Suho.

“Well, you are in love with me. Therefore, my Bie, you should always want to keep me by your side”

“correction, both of us are in love with each other. Thus, Baby, it should be both ways.” Kris mimicked Suho’s way of speaking earning him a slap on his thigh.

“Ouch! That hurts!” Kris rubs his thigh where it stings.

“You ask for it” Suho glared at the guy sitting behind the wheel.

“What are you? A girl?” That earn Kris a punch on his shoulder. “What the hell dude?! Stop punching me!”

“Then stop being an ”

“Hey, I just tell you the truth. Wouldn’t want a lying husband, would you?”


“Come on Suho, we are a team remember? We have to do this.”


“Stay there. Let me open the door for you and be a good gentleman. Don’t forget to smile when you get out of the car”

Suho can’t help but to roll his eyes in annoyance. Nonetheless, he still did as what Kris ask him to do.

As soon as they step inside the venue, Kris instantly froze for a second. Suho who walk a little behind Kris bump his head on Kris shoulder lightly. Kris unconsciously hold Suho’s head to rub a little as an apology and pull Suho by his waist to whisper on his ear.

“Umm, I think you need to know this. As soon as we step in, I saw two of my exes are here.”

Suho raised his eyebrow in amusement. “Two?”

“Wait no, three”

“Seriously? Three?”

“Okay, no. Four”

“What the ? Kris!” Suho whisper yell at his partner. A little annoyed with the situation he was in.

“Sorry! It’s not like we date for a long time but you know girls”

“Are these girls introduced to you by your mother?”


“I thought the girls drop you after one date?”

“Excuse me, I did the dropping, not them. Usually, I drop them after meeting Zitao. Which means after the third date. If they are lucky then the fourth date. Never went over fifth date though”

“Okay, fine. You remember their personality?”

“Some of them yes. Especially the one Zitao dislikes.”

Before Suho can reply to him, Kris’s mother walks to them with a big smile on her face. “Hey lovebirds, stop whispering to each other and start walking around, yes?” She hooks her arms with both men with her in the middle.

“Mother, why did you invite those girls?”

“What girls?” Madam Wu raised her eyebrow at her son challenging him to answer that question in front of his partner.

“Those girls you set me up with”

“Ohh?” Madam Wu glance at her left side where her soon to be son-in-law is with calculating eyes. Suho smiles at Madam Wu and wait for her reply. Madam Wu tilt her head, trying to read the young father beside her.

“Mother?” Kris frowned when his mother ignored his question to look at his partner.

“What?” Madam Wu look up to her son, a little loss on the topic.

“The girls? Why are they here?”

“Oh yes, the girls. Why not? They are not random girls I pick for you darling. They were all my acquaintances daughter. This is your engagement party, so I need to invite my acquaintances. You know, for show and all. Also, an opportunity for future business. Come on darling, this is your forte, you know how things run in business world right?”

“Since when you care about all this business matter, mother?”

“I don’t, your father did. Come on, let’s sit. The party will start soon”

The party start with boring speech from the MC, talking about a bunch of business things, introducing a few important guests before finally addressing the sole purpose of the gathering. The highlights of the event, the engagement between two CEOs from well-known company in Asia.

Kris got startled when he was called to give a small speech about the merger and the engagement. He smiles a little, standing up from his chair to move to the podium. Kris checks his phone and a relief smile appeared on his face when he saw a text message from his secretary.

 “Hello everyone. First off, I would like to thank all of you for coming to my engagement party with my gorgeous fiancé, Suho Kim. We have been working together for quite some times and are able to get to know each other on a personal level as we work. That when we know both of us are single father and hit it off with exchanging few tricks to raise a kid. When Suho come to me and propose for another project together, I take that opportunity to merge the company. What else can bind two company and make sure it won’t fall apart? Right, marriage. So, I decide to propose to Suho Kim to be my husband. Well, instead of late-night calls might as well tight the knot so we don’t need excuses to call each other every night, right?” Kris ends his speech with a playful tone and a teasing smile to the guests. He gives a small nod to the MC, a signal that he is done with the speech and would not entertain any question from the audience.

When Kris sat beside Suho, the latter lean towards him and kiss Kris cheek. Kris smirk when he heard a few cameras going off like crazy behind him, capturing the small moment for all people across the country to feast on first thing tomorrow in the morning.

“Nice speech over there. Did you prepare for it before this?” Suho whispered.

“Nope. My secretary sends it to me right before I gave the speech” Kris sneak a kiss on Suho’s head before leaning off from his side. Another round of camera shutters behind them was heard.

Kris glances at his mother to see her reaction and Madam Wu has a very satisfied smile on her beautiful face. Kris internally rolls his eyes seeing his mother turning her head to talk to her acquaintance sitting beside her.

Kris turns to his left and see Suho only ate half of his meal portion. “Aren’t you going to finish those beef on your plate?”

“Nope. Do you want them?” Suho look up to look at his fiancé. He looks down at Kris plate and let out a quiet snort when he sees salad and tomatoes still sit prettily on the latter’s plate when the beef nearly gone.

“What about you? Why aren’t you touching your vegetables?”

“Umm, I’m not very fond of them.” Kris smiles guiltily.

“I can see that, yes. Give me your plate” Suho move the beef on Kris plate to his and swap the plate between him and Kris. Thus, Suho only have salad on his (previously Kris’) plate and Kris has only beef on his plate.

The little exchange between them were caught by several people on the same table including both men’s parents. The gesture may not be anything special to them but it was also not a normal thing to do if you aren’t close to each other.  Some witnesses are a little convince that the couple at least like each other while others still think it was a mere arrange marriage between two power house.

Business world sure is a big chest board where a little mistake will cause you a check on the King and another slip up will surely cause you a check mate. Once you did something scandalous and deem not acceptable by the community, you will be out in a blink of an eye. Your company’s share will go down, your power decrease abruptly, until lastly you will be left with nothing. To be able to rise from that kind of humiliation you need a powerful associate behind you.

With two power house join forced, the other businessman and businesswomen alike have to take drastic measures to ensure they are still in the game. Two possible solution they can approach, either step up their game fairly or bring down the two powerhouses at once using whatever method.

However, to challenge a leading company both in Korea and China at once is a big mistake you could possibly have ever think off. Thus, the only safest way is to try be in their circle and build your name to be at least third to them. If not, be the trusted associates so that they would not drop you if you somehow ed up things in the future.

It was a silent understanding between these businessmen and business women that the engagement party was held to show that this wasn’t a simple marriage between to lovers but also to let them know that Korea and China have each other’s back. What they didn’t know is Canada also has both of their back. Even if Kris’ company in Canada might not be a leading company, they are still in the top ten in term of successful business in the country. With Suho by his side, he can push his company in Canada to be the in top five for the next three years or so.

“Say, what do you think about opening a brunch in Canada?” Kris leans towards his fiancé and look at the latter’s eyes carefully.

“Canada?” Suho tilt his head, taking a sip from his wine and look back at his fiancé’s eyes to search for any hint of playfulness in there but seen none.


“Why the sudden interest?”

“It’s not.” Kris let out a smirk with a little glint in his eyes.

“No way” Suho gasp when he realizes what Kris hint to him.

“Well, for the record, you are in for at least three lifetime fortune babe.”

“…Oh my god. This is not what I aim for Kris. I just want to make sure the twins live their life comfortably and I can provide everything by the time they want to pursue their career.”

Kris sigh when he sees Suho’s eyes show his hesitation to work with him for his company in Canada. “It’s okay. Let’s talk about this other time, okay?”

“I’m sorry, Kris. I –”

“No, I am sorry for bringing this up now. Seeing all these people plotting something in their head to bring us down makes me anxious. It isn’t just about me and my son anymore but also yours and the twins. I need to think of a way to secure our power and make sure no one can touch us.”

Suho close his eyes and let out a silent breath when the reality dawns on him that the engagement isn’t just a play between their parents. Suho open his eyes and met with an apologetic smile from his fiancé.

“I guess our parents didn’t match us up just for the kids?” Suho let out a smile to reassure Kris that he is okay.

“Partly maybe, but we know the ugly truth, don’t we?”

“I won’t have a quiet life anymore huh?”

“We both won’t” Kris takes the wine glass in front of him and take a sip to push down a lump in his throat. Suho return to his posture and take the opportunity to take a look at the venue. He just realizes not only Korea’s businessmen are here but nearly all leading company in Asia are present. This isn’t something he can ignore anymore.



“Clear your schedule on Monday. Let’s have a meeting in my office at 10 in the morning, just the two of us.”

“As you wish”

As they silently continue to eat, they suddenly approached by a leading company from textile industry. “Congratulations on the engagement, CEO Wu and CEO Kim”

“Ah, Chairman Song. Thank you for coming. I hope you enjoy the meal?” Kris stood up to exchange greetings with the respected chairman. He is not in the same industry as them so it is not a threat to both Suho and Kris. However, the daughter might have something to say about.

“Hmm, is this why you never get the hint whenever I invite you for a late-night date?”

“Miss Sara, nice to meet you again today. I apologies if ever I offended you before this.” Kris let out a tight smile to the beautiful lady in front of him.

“Seeing that you are actually gay, I am not offended at all. No wonder you didn’t bat an eye when I dress up for you. What a waste of handsome face you got there Kris. You can have any women you want but you choose a mediocre guy as your partner instead” The girl looks sharply at Suho which the latter only raise his eyebrow a little. Mediocre? I will show how mediocre I can be you little .

“Miss Sara, yes? I am sorry if my fiancé refuses your late-night call. Thank you for letting me know that he is actually loyal to me. Well, he would face a big consequence if ever he so much as thinking to cheat on me.” Suho smile at the girl in front of him while putting his hand on Kris arm casually. He makes a little victory dance on his head when Kris pulls him closer to his side and sneak an arm around Suho’s waist. Ha! On your face .

Before the beautiful girl can make another remark, Chairman Song reprimand his daughter not to offend the lovers anymore. “Sara, enough already. Suho, Kris, I am sorry on behalf of my daughter”

“It’s okay Chairman Song. It is just a small misunderstanding” Suho politely address Chairman Song on the matter.

“Well, I am too old for this anyway. As long as it does not affect our business relationship, I don’t want to care so much even though it has something to do with any of my daughters. Youngsters love affair isn’t something I pay attention to.”

“I agree with you Chairman Song.”

“Chairman Kim, hello. Congratulations on your son engagement. Hope to receive invitation for the wedding after this?”

“Certainly. Come sit with me. How are you and your business doing?” Suho’s father came in the right time to steer Sara from them. Chairman Song not so gently grab her daughter’s hand to sit with him and Suho’s father.

Kris looks down at the man in his arm before slowly move away from the man. I need a drink.

Kris turns around to go to the bar but not forgetting to ask Suho if he needs one too. Dealing with girls isn’t exactly easy per se.

“I guess, one down three more to go?”

“Oh no. Sara isn’t one of many girls my mother set me up with”

“So what? One of your flings?” Suho grab the whiskey offered by the bartender.

“Not even close. She just wants to sleep with me”

“Hum? She’s y. Why do you refuse?”

“That kind of girl will try to get herself pregnant and force me to marry them. No thanks.” Kris gulp down the rest of his drink before snatching a beer on the counter.

“She looks like a model. I don’t think she wants to get herself fat with a baby”

“She’s in her early thirties already, with peers’ pressure and our society she feels the need to settle down. What’s the best way to settle down without feeling? Yes, make yourself get pregnant and forced the guy to take responsibility. Also, with my reputation as a single father, they thought I will be an easy target. Pent up and all” Kris wiggle his eyebrow at his companion which earn him a laugh and a slap on his bicep.

“Women are crazy. We can never predict what they have in their pretty little head.”

“Couldn’t agree more to that.”

“Hmm… You said something about Zitao dislike some of your date. Care to tell me why?”

“Speaking of which, one of them is coming towards us. This one is lovely but I can’t stand her. We went for the third date but that’s it”

“Huh?” Before Suho can digest Kris statement, a loud voice coming right beside his left ear. Suho jump in shocked, unconsciously moving away from the petite girl beside them.

“HI KRIS! CONGRATULATIONS! Thank you for inviting me today! How are you doing? Is your business doing great? What about your son? Is he going to school yet? I’m getting married this October! I hope you can come! Bring your fiancé too, okay? Wait you are getting married before me, right? Which means he will be your husband by then. Speaking of which, where is your fiancé?” Before Kris can even process what the girl talks about, the petite lady already turns her attention towards Suho who was standing beside Kris the whole time.

“OH MY GOD, SUHO I’M SORRY I DIDN’T SEE YOU UNTIL NOW! Wow you are handsome! How are you? I heard you have a set of twins?! How old are they? Are they in school yet? Are they a pair of handsome boys or a set of pretty girls? Or is it a boy and a girl? OH GOD I BET MY WEDDING DRESS THEY ARE CUTE REGARDLESS THEIR GENDER! CAN I SEE THEM? Do you have their picture? I wish I can have a twin too! OMG CAN’T WAIT TO GET MARRIED! I will introduce my fiancé to you later, okay? That reminds me, where is he?!”

“I’m here Anna.” A very polite looking man stands behind her with a smile on his face. The guy looks genuinely in love with this girl.

“Darling! Come, let me introduce you. This is Kris. I went on a date with him once. Just once! Don’t get jealous, okay? He’s cool and will get marry with this handsome guy over here, Suho! Also, I’m not sure if you guys have the same business or whatever but you can trust each other. Believe me, I know! Girl’s instinct and all you know? Oh my look at the time, darling we have to go now. It is nearly 10.30 pm and I need to go home. Mother wouldn’t like it if I stay another hour here. Bye Kris and Suho. Congratulations once again. We will see you guys another time” With that, Anna pull her fiancé out of the venue right away.

“…W-what just happened?” Suho face palmed when he could not even reply any of the girl questions.

“That’s Anna for you”

“Well, she’s… lovely”

“If she did not ask questions like a bullet and did not scream on top of her lungs, I might consider to date her seriously” Kris shake his head in amusement. A little smile on his face. The girl is lovely, but really not for him.

“Yeah… you got one hell of a date there Kris. Is she even breathing?” Suho look at the entrance where Anna and her fiancé went out to go home.

“She was okay on our first date. So, we went for the second date but by then Anna already comfortable enough with me that she just throws all sort of question. She is a very curious woman”

“Then, why go on the third one if you cannot stand her already?”

“She insists to meet Zitao and I don’t know how to refuse her. More like I couldn’t say anything because she already decides the time and place”

“Wow. Tough girl” Suho chuckle when he sees Kris let out a heavy sigh beside him.

“Good news though, that is officially one down and three more to go. Come on now Kris, we can do this. Let’s face all your exes so we can move on peacefully. Hopefully none of them are crazy in love with you.”

“After Anna, I’m tired already. Even though I didn’t say any word towards her but I’m tired for her” Suho laughed at that because yes, he feels the same. He feels like all his energy went away with Anna.

“Yeah, and one coming right from your left” Kris put his arm around Suho’s shoulder and take a sip on his drink.

The girl Kris mention stop right beside both of them but did not spare any glance at them. She took three can beer on the counter and walk away from them. “Ha! She ignored you Kris~” Suho laughed.

“That’s good. Two down, two more to go”

Suho hum enjoying the party. At least he doesn’t need to talk with reporters. Although, he knew those hyenas are watching and recording every move they did tonight. Thus, they still need to make a show of their non-existence relationship and whispers to make sure no one heard their conversation.

Kris push Suho to sit back at their table. However, they were stop by Kris’s mother.

“Enjoying the night mother?” Kris asks sarcastically, still sipping his drink.

“Oh dear, I’m having a blast”

“You are enjoying this too much, mother”

“Hey, my son is finally going to settle down. Which mother aren’t happy for their child?” Madam Wu let out a stunning smile, showing to all those people how happy she is. She even going as far as patting Suho’s shoulder lightly with a fond smile on her face.

“Yeah, right mother”

“You know what? You should be grateful I let you marry Suho and not some woman with zero knowledge of raising a child and only know how to make themselves pretty. Other than that? Useless”

“Funny mother. The last time I check, you are the one who set me up with those kind of woman”

“At first, I want high class woman for you to keep our family standards. However, when I look at Zitao after only six months of not visiting the both of you? No ing chances. You need a housewife to help you. Badly.” Madam Wu glared at his only son. Regretting her decision to let Kris handle his kid on his own.

“A housewife? You do know your choice is actually a man with the same position and authority as me, right?”

“The best decision I have made. He has all the things I want. From high class to housewife. The different is only gender. Nothing to fret about”

“Umm, excuse me? I am still here?” Suho finally talks after watching the banter between the mom and son duo.

“Yes, Suho darling. Please take care of my grandchild, yes? I’m sorry I had to dump a big idiot to you but he needs help with the kid. Can I count on you?” Madam Wu for the first time looks so sincere and worried. Her eyes reflect so much regret and pain in there.

Suho let out a small smile, taking the woman delicate hand and squeeze it to reassure the beautiful lady in front of him. “I will do my best mam.”

“Thank you, and start calling me mother, yes?” Suho nod his head. When Madam Wu walks away from them, Suho look up to his side to find Kris looking everywhere but him. Suho move to take better look at Kris face and he sigh softly seeing the man’s eyes glisten with unshed tears. Suho pulls his fiancé to sit down and nudge him gently.

“What?” Kris grab a glass of water Suho pushed to him and drink it till the end.

“Let me meet Zitao. It’s long overdue I believe. Come to my house tomorrow morning, okay?”

“What time?”

“Before nine”

“Okay. Let’s go home now. I don’t think I have the energy to face another girl I dated.” Kris gets up from his sit and look around to search for his parents. He and Suho bid goodbye to their parents before making their way home. 


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Hello!! Is there anyone still reading this story? Hahahaha I would love to continue but I'm too busy. I just changed my workplace and I'm still trying to adapt with new environment. I will try to finish this story. Despite things happened, I still want to finish this story. Hope you guys can wait ;)


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Adila02 #1
Chapter 6: I need chapter 7, please!
Chapter 6: Pls update author-san
2439 streak #3

Suho finally meets Zitao!!! the kid is so inhibited that he has to look to his appa for approval for ANYTHING! damn Kris, what did you do to your son! anyway, really hoping that Zitao would open up more! the change of pace when he's with Suho and Jongin and Sehun are so drastic that I'm scared for when he starts this new routine with Kris but i really hope it would help him build confidence for his actions and express himself better...

also, Kris says Zitao is his life but it sure feels like he doesn't even care... the many times Jun had to glare at him, pinch him... ughhh Kris, i really wanna punch him in the face once! HAHAHAHAHAHA

looking forward to more Suho-Zitao interactions and also more of the babies' interactions!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update, i thought you will not give a update in this time. Hope a good news will come :")
2439 streak #5
Chapter 5: AHHHH i just can't wait for Jun to meet Zitao!!!
MADAM WU REALLY IS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this was all her doing but Suho and Kris surely played their parts well! HAHA

and that lady who had to nerve to call Jun mediocre??? GIRL KRIS WASN'T EVEN YOUR EX!!! YOU WISH!!!

Anna was nice but she did all the talking LMAO! she just sped into the two like some fast runner, just there and then out in a jiffy as well! HAHAHA
Chapter 5: Cant wat for junmyeon to meet zitao. Hope everything went well.
Chapter 4: I really enjoy this story. Good job authornim. XD
linajina #8
Chapter 4: Still reading this story.
Keep it up 👍👍👍
Myeonni2020 #9
Finally.. yayyyyyy..... Please continue.. muahhh
2439 streak #10

i am usually dumb to just jump on the latest update even if a fic hasn't been updated in so long which makes me lost lol but i was smart enough to read everything again before the latest update! so I'M NOT LOST! HAHAHAHAHA

anyway, with how affected Jun was of Kris's confession abt how he treats his son, I'm kinda surprised he still hasn't met Tao personally... specially since Kris already met Jongin and Sehun... but with so much happening, i guess it's understandable! and their parents OMFG! HAHAHA Madam Wu, specially, is such a drama queen! LMAO well no one outsude the family has to know that it was an arranged marriage right? HAHAHAHAHA

but now they have to be a convincing loving couple for the engagement party! HAHA good luck!

and Jun already informed his kids! i love how Jongin is so attached to the idea already! he likes Yifan lol... but Sehun!!! awwwww baby boy was so scared it's cute! he was scared of uncle Kris and scared that Jongin didn't want him anymore... awww i think the 3 kids together will be very interesting! when Jun said Sehun didn't have to call Kris baba or Uncle Kris and he kept shaking his head only nodding when it was said that he didn't have to call him anything! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol


don't worry authornim! take your time in updating! we can surely wait for it! :)

ps. if Jun is already paying for his mom's lifetime spa visits, he should've maximized his meeting with Kris then! that was so short! HAHAHA