Chapter 4

Such a Cliche

Note: proofread? Checked.

It has been a week since their last meeting with each other. The thing Kris told him makes him uneasy for the whole week. Whenever Jongin and Sehun are near him, Suho will pull them in his embrace and kept kissing and hugging them until both whining to let them go. He spaces out a lot even when he was talking to someone. Baekhyun had to nudge him a few times to make him snap out of his trance. Apparently, what he heard affect him more than he thought.

“Okay. Enough already. Can you please tell me what had gotten into you this past week?”

“Nothing you need to worry about.”

“Bull.” Baekhyun glared at his best friend. He put aside all the document on the CEO’s table and take away the laptop in front of his boss. When he looks at what was display on the laptop, Baekhyun can only sigh and shut the lid down. The laptop wasn’t even turn on. Which indicates that Suho’s mind is elsewhere.

“Get up. Let’s get you home. You won’t be productive anyway.”

“But I need to look at our budget for our new hotel chain in Singapore, right?”

“…You already approved the budget 2 days ago Mr Kim Suho.”

“WHAT?! But didn’t I put it on hold because the raw materials are too expensive?”

“Don’t worry, I let Chanyeol look at them first before I gave it to you to sign. He said he already adjusted a few things and talk to the supplier. Be grateful Chanyeol is your business partner or else your company will suffer great loss because of over price materials” Baekhyun rolls his eyes while packing up whatever belonging his boss need to bring home.

“Yeah… Thanks Baekie. Please say my thanks to Chanyeol too.”

“Sure whatever. Now, my dear Junmyeonie, let’s go home. I’m done with work too. I’m not going to entertain another employee asking about what’s wrong with their beloved boss when I myself don’t know what’s wrong with my boss aka best friend”

“Sorry… It just a lot of things had been playing inside my head”

“Yeah, I’ve been asking you what’s wrong every day but you said and I quote ‘Nothing for you to worry about’” Baekhyun snort, pushing Suho out of his office. He walks opposite of Suho’s office and knock at the door before letting himself in. There are two people inside and both are his and Suho’s personal secretary.

“Yumi, Asha, Mr Kim and I will be going first. If anything, please let me know.” Baekhyun turns around when he saw both nodding their head and send a simple thumbs up at him. He can always rely on both of them if ever he needs to be elsewhere or just wanted to ditch work.

Baekhyun pull Suho towards the elevator and press the button to go to level 1 to fetch the twins. He let Suho to his own thoughts and simple guide him to the twin’s day care.

“Appa!!” two small hands wrap around his legs what makes him snap out of his daze. He crouches down to be eye level with his sons and an instant smile makes it way to his stiff face. All his tension left his body the moment his arm wrap around his precious sons.

“Appa misses you babies” When his nose caught a whiff of baby smells on his twin, he felt relief.

“Junmyeon, get up. You are in the way you know” Suho gets up with both boys secure in his hands. He turns around and apologize to the teacher that was standing behind him with a smile.

“No worries Mr Kim.” The short girl with bob hair bow at him and Baekhyun before excusing herself to continue her work.

“Let’s go home boys”


It was only three in the evening when he sits down on his couch after ditching work for the third day in a row. It was also the third day Baekhyun kicked him out of his own office because he cannot comprehend whatever document handed to him. Baekhyun insist that he need to sort his mind out before coming back to work. Well, he agrees with that but he don’t know what to do.

Suho groans and lie down on the couch with a huff. He looks at his phone on the coffee table and pick it up with a sigh. Dialling a number and regrets the minute after when he hears his mother high pitch hello.

‘Mom, are you at home now?’


‘Can’t I ask where my mother is? I just want to visit you, mom’

‘Yeah right. Come on. Just tell me what you want’

‘Mom, do you hate me or what?’ Suho deadpanned when his mother tells him to hurry and say whatever he wants.

‘Oh please, I gave birth to you’ Suho scratch his head. Not understanding what’s the correlation between those things. He decides to let it slide. He has other things he needs to worry about aside from bickering with his mother. Now, don’t think he doesn’t respect his mother. He never really defies his parents. He did whatever his parents ask him to do. However, him and his mother love to banter about stupid things. It just their way of showing they cared. It is a way for his mother to tease and annoy him.

‘…Fine. Can I send the kids to you in about an hour or so?’

‘…Aren’t they at day care?’

‘Nope, they are with me. We are at home now’

‘Can’t. I have an appointment in an hour’

‘What appointment?’

‘Woman’s appointment. You wouldn’t know’

‘What? Shopping?’

‘That too. But no. I’m done using your father’s money today. I’m going to a spa later’

‘Cancel the booking. I’m sending my kids to you.’

‘Hey now, you are talking to your mother. Manners young man’

Suho groans, rolling his eyes before taking a deep breath. ‘Mom, Madam Kim, my dear mother, my queen, can you please look after your cute grandchildren for a while? I will fetch them before their bed time. Please?’

‘What’s in for me?’

‘…They are your grandchildren. What else do you want? And don’t forget you ask me to marry a guy with a kid saying you want more grandchildren. If you can’t look after a twin, why ask more?’

‘Kim Junmyeon, don’t get smart with me now. Me wanting to have more grandchildren does not equal to me having to babysit them. My job is to spoil them. I raise you; I’ve done my part. It is your turn to take care of the kids and let me visit them once a while and spoil them rotten’ Suho can sense his mother sharp eyes glaring at him.

‘Okay, mother. You won. Tell me what you want in return?’

‘A lifetime spa visit. I will send the bill to you whenever I went for a massage’

‘Sure. Whatever you want’

‘Okay, then. It’s a done deal. Send your kids to me. I will be waiting. Also, no need to pick them up later. I will bring them back to you when we meet this Saturday’

‘…Huh? Why would we meet this Saturday?’

‘Your engagement parties. What else?’

‘WHAT?! Me and Kris did not say anything yet? And didn’t we ask for two weeks to discuss things over?’

‘Didn’t Mrs Wu told you both that you will get married in July?’

‘Yes, but Kris is straight. Mom you can’t do that to him.’

‘That young man, is for you to figure out. Also, Madam Wu is hell bend to make you both get married. Try to say no to her darling. I don’t mind’

‘I will talk to Kris’

‘Yeah, do that. Wouldn’t want that kid to die of shocked’


‘Relax. Why are you so uptight like your father? Just send Nini and Hunnie to me. Then you can go settle whatever you need’ His mother hung up before Suho can reply anything.

Suho threw his phone on the couch, closing his eyes momentarily before getting up to wake his children up. They were taking a nap and it already close to two hours. That is enough naps for the twins. If he let the kids sleep longer, they won’t be able to go to bed later that night.

By four thirty in the evening, Suho already heading towards his next destination. He badly needs to talk with Kris before they get engaged.


They stand two feet apart from each other with Kris standing behind his office desk while Suho stands in the middle of the office. They were left alone after Kris’s secretary close the door behind her. Both men awkwardly stealing glance towards each other. Both don’t know how to start the conversation.

Suho can feel his feet getting numb after standing up for more than ten minutes in the middle of Kris Wu’s office. The man in question shifts his weight from one foot to another not knowing what to do. Suho takes the opportunity to study the man again after their last encounter.

His demeanour in front of him is completely different from before Kris told him anything about his problem. The man in front of him now is restless. Suho decides to break the silent and discuss important matters with him. Suho clears his throat and catch the other person attention towards him. “We need to talk”

“Yeah… Let’s go to the café downstairs. It’s quiet and not many people will be around this time”

“Sure. Lead the way”

They sat at the corner of the café. True to Kris word, only a few people were seated in the café. Most customers order their beverage to take home. After their order was place on the table, Suho takes a single sip of his drink before pushing aside the cup and look at his companion dead in his eyes. Kris knew if Suho looks at him that way, he means business.

Kris takes a deep breath before opening his mouth. “Have you thought about what I ask from you?”

“There’s nothing to think about”

Kris can’t help but to raise his eyebrow. A signature of him when he needs further clarification. Since Suho is not his subordinate or even someone that has work closely with him, Suho seems not to catch what he was asking for. Well, he can’t expect a fellow CEO to be intimidate with him. He forgot the guy sitting in front of him is not someone he can over power that easily.

A cocky bastard. That is what flash in Suho’s mind when he sees the man raise his eyebrow demanding answer. The first impression he had on the man is right there in front of him. Though, Kris kind of lower down his pride in front of Suho, his usual attitude still makes its appearance considering that the man is use to dominate people around him. Suho keeps mum. He wants to see what the man will say. 

“Can you please elaborate why you say there’s nothing for you to think about?” Kris calmly said as he tries to study Suho’s face. He gave up after a second. He can’t figure that man out.

“We are getting engage this Saturday and be married by July”

“…So, you agreed to help me?” Kris stare at Suho’s face.

“I don’t have a choice. My mom said your mother is hell bend on wanting us to get married”

“Well, if that’s the case… I’m looking forward to living with you?”

“…You don’t sound so sure Kris” Suho snort at the man in front of him. Finding their situation ridiculous. He should not have overthought about what Kris told him. He should have known their parents would still go through with the wedding plan even without their consent.

“Are we living together?” Kris can’t help but ask. He is genuinely curious.

“We will be married. As in tied together by law. What do you think?”


“Indeed” Suho sigh, finishing his cold tea before bidding goodbye to Kris and a ‘see you this Saturday’. Leaving behind a confuse Kris at the café.

Suho tap his steering wheel thinking which way he should go. Either go straight home or make a stop at his mother’s house. He sighs when he unconsciously steered his wheel to his parents’ house. Well, he needs cuddle and the twins are the best for him.


The very next morning, a headline makes its appearance that caught not only business people but also showbiz industry.

“So, you are getting married?”

“According to my mom, yes” Suho types away on his laptop. Not bothering to care about all the headlines about him and Kris marriage.

“Hmm… have you look at the article they publish?”

“Nope. I don’t have time for that. They are just intrigued about two CEOs of the same gender getting married. Let them talk. I don’t care”

“Well, it was interesting what they write on the internet. They even have yours and Kris photo together. When did you meet him?”

“Let me see” Suho look up when Baekhyun put his tablet in front of him. He raises his eyebrow when it was not one but three photos were published with three different location. One from when he and Kris had dinner at the restaurant. The second picture was from yesterday, at the Café. The last one however, he cannot pinpoint when and why they met.

“This one is from that they you take the twins out for grocery shopping. This one is from yesterday. I met him at his office and we had a coffee at the café over there. This one however, I cannot pinpoint when or where this photo was taken. Do you know when was this?”

“Oh, this was when we have casual business meeting. It just so happens both of you were talking. Well, you know paparazzi is everywhere so it’s not surprising they had this photo taken. Also, it wasn’t an exclusive meeting. Anyone can go there.”

“Hmm, good angle. It looks like we were flirting when in fact I think we were only talking about our project together.”

“Yep. You were discussing about our project in China. Me and Chanyeol was there beside you two and yet they crop our picture. Come on. We are the real couple. How dare they use this photo and crop me and Chanyeollie out” Baekhyun tsk-ed. Not believing an arrange marriage couple gets more attention than him and his husband.

“Don’t be sad. You and Chanyeol has bigger attention than me and Kris. Becoming the first gay couple to ever marry legally in our country sure makes you the headlights for every single day for at least 2 months.”

“It lasted for 3 months before people get bored and move to stick their nose to other people’s life. Anyway, I want you to read this one article. Mrs. Wu give a statement about your marriage”

“Mrs Wu did what now?” Suho stops typing on his laptop. Why is his future mother-in-law bothers to give out any statement? What is she planning now?

“Here, takes a look. You and Kris have a lot of work to do really. I suggest you both starts calling each other with pet names and work with the skinship” Baekhyun smirk when he sees his boss scrunch his face in confusion.

‘When we went to meet Mrs Wu (Kris Wu’s mother) for her input on the scandal, she confirms that the couple will hold engagement party this Saturday. Mrs Wu said ‘I was shocked when my son said he wants to get married. He always rejects all his date that I arranged personally. I genuinely thought he is not interested to settle down. So, I gave up. But then one day, he comes home and ask my blessing to let him marry the loves of his life. I ask him to bring his lover home and was surprised it was a guy. I was sceptical at first to let them get married but when I see their interaction and how much they love each other, I don’t have the heart to deny my one and only son. His happiness will always be number one. I don’t care about what others will say. As a mother, I want to support whatever my son wants to do. If he loves a guy and wants to marry them, then that is his choice. From now on, I will not only support my son, but also his partner.’

“…Huh? I’m sending this to Kris” Suho shake his head upon reading the article. It was absurd but funny at the same time.

A few minutes after he send the screenshot of the article to Kris, his phone rings. Suho look at the caller ID and can’t help but to laugh a little. “Hey Kris”

‘Hey. So, we are in love?’

“Apparently we are” Suho let out a small laugh when he remembers the article.

‘Why are you laughing?’

“I don’t know. It just funny to me”

‘You do know we need to act like we are in love, tomorrow, right?’

“What? Why?”

‘Hate to break it to you darling but my mom manages to book a whole hall for our engagement tomorrow. She also told me that a few reporters will be there’

“Wait, I thought it will only be between our two families only?”

‘Hah no. My mom loves attention. She’s playing the ‘supportive mother’ if you know what I meant’


‘Yup. So, see you tomorrow’

“Wait! What about the kids?”

‘What about them?’

“There will be reporters tomorrow. I don’t want the kids to be exposed to the media. They are still young. That actually reminds me to ask you. How old is your son?”

‘He’s 5. What about the twins?’

“They are 3. See? The kids are too small to be exposed to the media.”

‘What do you have in mind then?’

“I will talk to my mom.”

‘Okay. Do whatever you think is good’ Suho say his final see you tomorrow before he hangs up. He really wants to see Kris’ son tomorrow but it looks like it won’t happen.


“Jongin, Sehun, come here babies.” Suho pull his two sons on the couch and crouch in front of them holding the twin’s hand. “What do you think about uncle Kris?”

“BABA!” Jongin clap his hand happily.

“Well, that’s settle then. How about you Hunnie? What do you think about uncle Kris?”

Sehun shake his head and pout. “Why baby?”

“S-scawy” Sehun look at his father, his eyes brim with tears.

“Oh baby” Suho get up and sit on the couch beside Sehun before pulling the boy into his embrace and hug him tight. “Uncle Kris is nice. He’s not scary. Well maybe his face but he is nice. He has a son and his son will be your older brother. You can call him hyung. How about that?”

“No. Nini!” Sehun point at Jongin telling his father that no, he doesn’t need a big brother because he already has Jongin.

“Hunnie! Nini want hyung! Can we have hyung pwease?” Jongin climb on Suho’s lap and hold Sehun’s face in his small hand, squeezing his twin’s cheeks.

Sehun frown hard, pushing his twin hand and pout even more. “Nini don’t want Hunnie anymore? Nini want hyung?” Sehun tears fall, looking sadly at his twin.

“W-what? No! Appa!” Jongin cried when he sees his twin bawl his eyes. Suho sigh, now having a set of crying twins in his arm. Suho rub their back, kissing their cheeks to calm them down.

“Are you both okay now?” When he gets a nod from the twins, Suho let the kids sit on the couch before getting up to bring some water for them. They surely dehydrated from all the crying. Thank god they are not falling asleep yet. He badly needs to explain things to his sons.

“Listen to Appa okay babies? Your grandma wants me to get married. The person she wants me to get married to is with Uncle Kris. So, we will be living with them later. We don’t have any choice but to follow. You don’t want me to be a bad son to grandma, right? Suho smile when he sees a nod from his son. Sorry mother, I need to blame you to convince these two. You know this would happen anyway.

“So, yes. Uncle Kris is your Baba now.” An enthusiast nod from Jongin and a shake from Sehun.

“Okay, you don’t have to call Kris ‘Baba’. Call him Uncle Kris okay Sehun?” Another shake head from Sehun.

“What about Uncle?” Another head shakes.

“Kris?” Also, a head shakes from the younger twin.

“Okay then, no need to call him anything” Finally a nod from Sehun albeit hesitantly. Well, you have to work extra hard then Kris. Good luck to you.

“Let’s go and sleep. Tomorrow you will be with grandma, okay? I’m sorry but I could not play with you tomorrow” A scream of grandma and happy dance from the twins shows that they are happy with the arrangement. Thank god they aren’t sad anymore. Guess I need to prepare my mental to face hungry reporters tomorrow. Suho sighed heavily thinking about what’s going to happen tomorrow.

New Chapter! Is there anyone still reading this? It will be a slow update you all. I just want to finished this fic because this story is dear to me. I apologise if you are not up for slow update but I cannot rush my work. If I did, I would face another writers blocked. That was what happened to me the past years. To get back to writing is not easy. Initially, I want to give up. But I start reading again and inspiration come to me. I don’t want to ask much, but I would appreciate a comment. A simple smiley face is enough for me.

Thank you all!

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Hello!! Is there anyone still reading this story? Hahahaha I would love to continue but I'm too busy. I just changed my workplace and I'm still trying to adapt with new environment. I will try to finish this story. Despite things happened, I still want to finish this story. Hope you guys can wait ;)


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Adila02 #1
Chapter 6: I need chapter 7, please!
Chapter 6: Pls update author-san
2439 streak #3

Suho finally meets Zitao!!! the kid is so inhibited that he has to look to his appa for approval for ANYTHING! damn Kris, what did you do to your son! anyway, really hoping that Zitao would open up more! the change of pace when he's with Suho and Jongin and Sehun are so drastic that I'm scared for when he starts this new routine with Kris but i really hope it would help him build confidence for his actions and express himself better...

also, Kris says Zitao is his life but it sure feels like he doesn't even care... the many times Jun had to glare at him, pinch him... ughhh Kris, i really wanna punch him in the face once! HAHAHAHAHAHA

looking forward to more Suho-Zitao interactions and also more of the babies' interactions!
Chapter 6: Thank you for the update, i thought you will not give a update in this time. Hope a good news will come :")
2439 streak #5
Chapter 5: AHHHH i just can't wait for Jun to meet Zitao!!!
MADAM WU REALLY IS SUCH A DRAMA QUEEN! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA this was all her doing but Suho and Kris surely played their parts well! HAHA

and that lady who had to nerve to call Jun mediocre??? GIRL KRIS WASN'T EVEN YOUR EX!!! YOU WISH!!!

Anna was nice but she did all the talking LMAO! she just sped into the two like some fast runner, just there and then out in a jiffy as well! HAHAHA
Chapter 5: Cant wat for junmyeon to meet zitao. Hope everything went well.
Chapter 4: I really enjoy this story. Good job authornim. XD
linajina #8
Chapter 4: Still reading this story.
Keep it up 👍👍👍
Myeonni2020 #9
Finally.. yayyyyyy..... Please continue.. muahhh
2439 streak #10

i am usually dumb to just jump on the latest update even if a fic hasn't been updated in so long which makes me lost lol but i was smart enough to read everything again before the latest update! so I'M NOT LOST! HAHAHAHAHA

anyway, with how affected Jun was of Kris's confession abt how he treats his son, I'm kinda surprised he still hasn't met Tao personally... specially since Kris already met Jongin and Sehun... but with so much happening, i guess it's understandable! and their parents OMFG! HAHAHA Madam Wu, specially, is such a drama queen! LMAO well no one outsude the family has to know that it was an arranged marriage right? HAHAHAHAHA

but now they have to be a convincing loving couple for the engagement party! HAHA good luck!

and Jun already informed his kids! i love how Jongin is so attached to the idea already! he likes Yifan lol... but Sehun!!! awwwww baby boy was so scared it's cute! he was scared of uncle Kris and scared that Jongin didn't want him anymore... awww i think the 3 kids together will be very interesting! when Jun said Sehun didn't have to call Kris baba or Uncle Kris and he kept shaking his head only nodding when it was said that he didn't have to call him anything! HAHAHAHAHAHA lol


don't worry authornim! take your time in updating! we can surely wait for it! :)

ps. if Jun is already paying for his mom's lifetime spa visits, he should've maximized his meeting with Kris then! that was so short! HAHAHA