
Mischievous fate

Next day Siwon got up earlier and went in a mall. He keeps his word and buys lots of toys for the sick kids and then stopped in front of a bookshop. The kids liked when he read for them and there is still one person who is alone and sad.


Siwon walked inside the shop and looks around. There are many books but he has no idea which one is good and not sad. The shop-assistant doesn’t help him much because she is only showing him books about war or about spies. After a while she left him alone and Siwon found section for kids. Then his eyes landed on Harry Potter. He immediately smiled and grabbed all of the books and went to pay for them.


Doctor Lee is shocked when he sees all the toys which is Siwon unpacking for the sick kids but says nothing and went in his office. Siwon spent some time with the kids and no one is saying him to do some different job, the kids are lonely when their parents work and they seem to have fun with him. After some time Siwon grabbed the books and went to Yesung’s room. He hesitates for a while and hopes that doctor Lee isn’t going to be mad and then opened the door.




Yesung quickly turned his head to the door and looks scared.


“Who are you?!”


He doesn’t remember to who belongs this new voice and it scares him to be restrained in one room with some complete stranger.


“I am the one from yesterday. The guy with food.”


Yesung thinks for a while and then calmed down. Yes, this is the voice who asked him stupid questions yesterday. Siwon sat down and put the books in front of Yesung. He is waiting few seconds for Yesung to say something about the books but then groaned. How can the young man say something when he doesn’t see them? Suddenly he realized something worse. Harry Potter is an orphan. Siwon wants to kick his own . He was in ing huge bookstore but chose these books with dead parents.


“I was thinking that I could read you some books if you want.”


Yesung is surprised that someone really wants to spend time with him. The nurses only give him medicine or clean him but they never asked if he wants some company.


“Which books?”


Siwon chuckled awkwardly and said the name. This time Yesung chuckled.


“Someone unbeatable like Voldemort killed my family.”


Siwon doesn’t know if he can ask more or if this is everything what is Yesung going to say. Luckily for him the young man continues.


“I remember a black luxury car, you know the kind from Europe, coming toward us. It must have been someone really rich and powerful because police arrested no one. One second you are with your beloved ones and you are laughing and having good time and then suddenly they are gone! And you are alone on the whole planet. Completely alone in darkness.”


Silent tears are running down Yesung’s cheeks and Siwon gently wipes them off with a napkin.


“I promise that tomorrow I am going to bring some happier book.”


Yesung only shakes his head a bit and after few silent seconds Siwon opened the first book. He started to read and doesn’t know that doctor Lee is watching them through the small window in the door. Siwon is reading some book with his melodic voice and Yesung is calmly listening him and he looks so peaceful. Sungmin smiled a bit and then walked away before someone sees him. 


After many chapters Yesung fell asleep without help of pills for the first time in very long time and Siwon went to help to the nurses. He is sure that he is coming back in this room later but now he needs to lower his 1 500 hours punishment. He is helping with giving lunches to the patients and then he helped preparing pills and more things. It is almost time for him to go home and he is already wearing his regular clothes but he goes in Yesung’s room. The young man doesn’t want to show it but he is happy that he isn’t alone. Everything is suffocating him when he is alone and in darkness and Siwon is the only thing which is making him a bit happy. He has no idea why Siwon came back but senses that he is sad. Siwon came to admit one thing to him.


“It was me who saved you on the roof.”


Siwon is prepared that Yesung will yell on him but he is wrong. Yesung is only starring into nothing and then shrugged.


"Don’t worry. I won’t be able to do anything for next few days. Then they will untie me and I will find my way.”


Siwon shocked that Yesung is so calm while speaking about killing himself and wants to somehow change his mind.


"Can I tell you secret? Come closer.”


Siwon leaned closer to him and feels Yesung’s hot breath on his neck.


“I remember the way on roof.”


Yesung giggled like a maniac.


“Before, I fooled some old granny. I was like ohh I need some fresh air and she leaded me to stairs to the roof and now I know how to get there.”


Yesung is giggling more and Siwon starts to tremble in fear because this is crazy. 


“Nothing can stop me from death. Only then I will be with my family again.”


Siwon is staring on Yesung and then ran out of the room to find doctor Lee. He needs to warn them, they need to stop Yesung from killing himself even if he believes that it will make him happy.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
392 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
392 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?