
Mischievous fate

Siwon is taking Yesung in the mall because they need to get some toys for the puppy. Siwon is trying to find the pet shop when suddenly he hears someone calling his name. He turned around and sees Donghae who is his friend since college. Donghae is running to him because he is curious. He hasn’t seen Yesung yet, he only heard that Siwon started to live with some blind boy. Today he can finally see the boy on his own.




Donghae stopped in front of Siwon and stares on the boy who is gripping white cane in one hand and the second is holding Siwon’s hand. Siwon is trying to end this discussion as soon as possible because Donghae is scandalmonger. He finds a quick excuse and hurries away with Yesung stumbling behind him. The blind boy got angry after a few more minutes of being dragged like a piece of cloth.


“Are you ashamed that your friend saw us together?!”


Yesung violently shakes Siwon’s hand away and stopped walking. Siwon is quickly reassuring him that everything is okay and explained that Donghae can’t keep his mouth closed, he says everything to everyone. Siwon rubs Yesung’s shoulder and hugs him a bit. 


“Let’s buy something for our fluffy baby.”


They walked in the pet shop and Siwon started to describe the toys for puppies. They bought a few and then drive home. Kkoming loves his toys and started to play while happily barking. Siwon is glad that Yesung isn’t so mad anymore, it was only a misunderstanding. Yesung can only listen to barking sounds of his puppy and wants to see his so much. He knows what color has his fur or how does it feel under his fingers but he can’t see how he looks. Yesung always liked animals but his mom was against buying one. Now he has a dog but can’t even see him or run in the park with him. His life is an empty hole and he is trapped inside completely alone. 


Suddenly a warm fingers gently his cheek.


“Are you still mad because of my friend?”


Yesung shakes his head no and feels that tears are gathering in his eyes. 


“I am just sad.”


Siwon sighed and hugs him. Yesung is now crying and clings to Siwon. He doesn’t know that Siwon was speaking with few doctors about some way how to cure Yesung’s eyes but they all said one thing. Impossible. That's how they called Yesung’s case. Siwon is trying hard to make Yesung feel normal again but his life can’t be normal when the whole world is black. The small puppy jumps on the couch right in the lap of his owner and whines. Even the puppy can sense how sad are his owners. Yesung cries for a long time before falling asleep with head resting on Siwon’s chest. He is tired of life and no presents or Siwon’s attention can fix that. Siwon is watching Yesung’s peaceful face and swollen cheeks. Tip of his button nose is also a bit red and you could almost say that he is cute but the reason why he cried is … terrible. Siwon is scared that Yesung will hurt himself again so for a few nights they are going to sleep in one bed before Siwon will be sure that he is out of his sad valley. He slowly pressed his lips on Yesung’s porcelain cheek and smiled sadly.


“I am trying very hard to fix my sins, and I promise that I won’t stop until I make you happy.”






Donghae is a real scandalmonger and right after saying bye to Siwon, he wrote a message in a chat room with his other friends about the cute possible boyfriend. He also sent a photo that he secretly took. In the same chat room is also Jisung, yes the Jisung who caused the car accident during which Yesung’s family died. Donghae has completely forgotten that Jisung is still there, he hasn’t seen him for such a long time that he even stopped wondering where he is. Jisung recognized Yesung from the photo from newspapers, many reporters tried to find out the truth but then stopped. There were more interesting things and soon no one cared for some blind boy whose family was killed by some reckless driver. It is still a mystery who caused the terrible car accident and very powerful people are sure that it will stay this way. Only Jisung could ruin it.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
394 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
394 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?