
Mischievous fate

Siwon arrived at the hospital and reporters are already waiting here. Siwon apologized for his behavior and promised that he will work on being better person. Lies but they believe him. Head of the hospital leads Siwon into changing rooms where he got hospital uniform. Siwon changed his clothes and locked his thing in one locker. Then he leads Siwon to meet doctors and nurses on floor where he will work. On this floor are permanent residents, people who are too ill to leave or who wait for death. Doctor Lee Sungmin doesn’t think that Siwon is good for this job. He thinks that the rich boy is arrogant and wont actually help to the patients. But it is an order so doctor Lee cant say no. But he can show some responsibility to the brat and how lucky is he that he is healthy. Doctor Lee takes Siwon to room where are four patients. They are elder ladies and all of them has cancer. One of them is in coma because she had a heart attack. Doctor Lee called one nurse to show Siwon what he needs to do. The nurse came and she is holding wipes and diaper for adults. Siwon stares completely shocked when the nurse gave him pair of gloves and starts to instruct him what to do. Siwon almost vomits in disgust when he needs to wipe mess of the lady and he knows that doctor Lee is watching him. This doctor is in charge of Siwon's work and he will sign how many hours Siwon worked. 


Suddenly the mess got on his hand and he runs out of the room. Siwon is gagging because this is so disgusting. He runs to closest bathroom and almost bumped into some boy in the hallway. Siwon washes his hands few times until he thinks that his hands are clean. He is panting and almost cry. The wasn’t his so what is such a big deal? Siwon needs a break, he needs to smoke. He walked out of the bathroom and sees that doctor Lee isn’t here. He sneaked on the hospital's roof and put one cigaret between his lips. He has just changed diaper of 80 years old grandma and he is on edge of mental break down. 


Suddenly the door opened again and Siwon hides farther behind corner. It is the black haired boy from the hallway before. He is small, thin and has some white stick with him. Siwon is still holding the lighting in his hand and watches how the boy walks on his shaky legs. Siwon frowned because the boy is dangerously close to edge off the roof. 


"Hey! Watch out!"


The boy flinched and dropped the stick but didn’t stop walking. Siwon runs to him and wrapped his strong arms around the boy's thin waist. The boy's legs are in the air and he almost fell down the five floors but Siwon pulled him back in the last second. The boy in his arms starts to trash around and Siwon sees that three men are running toward them. They took the boy and start to drag him back. 


"Let me die!"


The boy is screaming and kicking around so two men are holding his hands while the third holds his legs.


"Calm down Yesung!"


They are repeating it but the boy keeps screaming and fighting. Siwon took the stick and realized what is wrong with the boy. He is blind. He runs behind them and sees how the boy bites one of the men holding him. They almost dropped him but then they spot Siwon and called him closer. 


"Help us to take him back in his room!"


Siwon nods and holds the boy's small hand. They are dragging the screaming boy back in his room where they lay him on bed. Then they take soft padded restrains and tied the boy to his bed. Doctor Lee gave some injection to him and soon the boy's body went limp and then the doctor turned around to the three men.


“How far did he get this time?”

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
392 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
392 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?