
Mischievous fate

Siwon is dreaming when some annoying sound reaches his ears. What is that? He slowly opened his eyes and blinks few times because the sharp sun light which is filling his bedroom. The annoying sound is here again and Siwon almost screams when he recognized the source.


Ryeowook is standing next to the bed, giggling and looking like he has a basket full of cute puppies and kittens in front of him instead of two men sleeping in one bed with bodies tightly pressed together.


“I knew it!”


Ryeowook whispered yelled and then skipped out of the bedroom while Siwon is too shocked and confused. Why did Ryeowook enter his bedroom? But what is more important, WHEN THE HELL DID HE TAKE OFF HIS SHIRT?! 


Siwon quickly covered his abs and then looked down on Yesung who is still peacefully sleeping. Siwon slowly slipped out of the bed and hurries to put on some shirt when Yesung angrily moaned something. Siwon froze for few seconds after realizing that Yesung is his name. He is blushing madly and better runs away from the bedroom to explain everything to Ryeowook. Unfortunately the nurse is only smiling and told him that he doesn’t need to be ashamed. Siwon is almost yelling in despair because the nurse can’t know about this. Siwon feels worse and worse with every passing day, there are even moments when he wants to scream in everyone’s face that he killed Yesung’s family while he and his friend drove while being drunk. Luckily for Siwon there is still the voice which always remind him that he will go in prison if he tells the truth. And Siwon really doesn’t want to go in prison.


He got an idea that he will spend this day only with Yesung. He will pamper him, buy him more expensive things and Siwon’s conscience will be quiet again. Ryeowook cooked breakfast again and after Siwon called to his dad that he isn’t going to come today, the nurse quickly left to give them some privacy. Yesung woke up after some time and got up from the bed. He is confused because he found out that this isn’t his bedroom but then remembers where he ended last night. He doesn’t want to call Siwon because he feels stupid. This man did so many things for him and he still tried to commit suicide, again. What was he thinking? Saying thank you to the man by cutting his veins in his kitchen? 


However Yesung has to call Siwon because he has no idea how to get back in his bedroom. Siwon quickly leaded him back so he can use the bathroom and then got dressed. Siwon told him that today they can do whatever he wants, that they are alone. Yesung is eating his breakfast and thinks about Siwon’s words. They are alone. Why does it sound so mysteriously?


“I don’t know what I want to do. You choose something.”


Yesung is waiting for Siwon’s ideas and hopes that it will include lots of cuddling and hugging because he absolutely loved the last night when he was sleeping in Siwon’s arms. 


“We can go to beach.”


Siwon was in Incheon and visited Eurwangni beach so he knows that it is really nice place, even blind Yesung could enjoy it. They get dressed and Siwon grabs sweatshirts for them because it could get cold and then they get in the car. In thirty minutes they arrived and Siwon sees that the beach is almost empty, after all it is Monday’s morning so everyone is working or in school. Siwon helped Yesung out of the car and they started to walk toward the ocean. The beach is sandy and Siwon got an idea.


“Lets take off our shoes.”


Yesung is struggling with his shoe laces so Siwon helped him and Yesung’s small toes wriggled in the warm sand. Yesung likes this feeling and hesitantly takes few steps. Siwon grabs his hand and leaded him to a close bench. They sit down and Yesung is enjoying the gentle breeze and sounds of the ocean. He was on a beach only few times, his parents was always too busy and he was often taking care of his brother. And now he is here with Siwon. Moreover Siwon is holding his hand which is the best thing on planet.


“Hey, there is some small buffet, let’s go and grab something.”


They get up from the bench and Siwon leaded Yesung to the buffet. He ordered hotteok, dumplings and deep fried giant squid and then they head to some big rocks which are close to the ocean. They sit down on the warm rocks and Siwon is balancing all the paper boxes with food in his hands. Yesung’s feet are searching around the big stone before he found the cold water. He dipped his toes in it and Siwon put one hotteok between his fingers so Yesung doesn’t need to search for it. They are silently eating and Siwon is watching the seagulls flying on the sky. He is really glad that he decided to take a break today and spends the day with Yesung. They finished eating and Yesung is kicking his feet in the cold water.


“Why are the kids laughing so much?”


Yesung hears the kids since they came here and he is curious why are they so happy. Siwon looked around and sees inflatable bounce house where are playing three kids. 


“There is a bounce house.”


Yesung’s eyes sparkled a bit for a small moment before he nodded and munched on another dumpling. 


“Do you want to go there?”


Yesung shyly shakes his head no because he doesn’t want to admit that he loves bouncy houses. He isn’t a child, he can’t act stupid in front of Siwon. Unfortunately for him Siwon grabs his hand and started to drag him toward the place. The kids left and Siwon handed few bills to a man who is in charge of the bouncy house before helping Yesung to get on the bouncy house. Siwon started to jump a bit while still holding Yesung’s hands.


“Come on!”


Yesung is scared, scared but in a good way. Siwon is jumping a bit more and Yesung hesitantly joins him. His small feet are barely not touching the bouncy house but he feels like he is flying. He enjoys the few seconds when he is in the air but still likes that Siwon is holding his hands and it is giving him sense of safety which he needs so much. On the other hand Siwon is gently clutching Yesung’s hands and doesn’t want to let go of him. He wants to put some super glue on his hand so Yesung can’t get away from him. Siwon just isn’t 100% sure that Yesung feels the same.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
394 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
394 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?