
Mischievous fate

Yesung is still dazed from so many painkillers and sedatives which are running through his weak body and only lays in his bed while his mind is wandering in past. He remembers how his parents always gave him goodnight kisses. How he played with his little brother and shared cookies together. Then his mind finds the worst memories of his life. Yesung is suddenly back in the car with his family. It is night and his dad is driving. They are heading home from birthday party of their aunt and out of nowhere a car drives into them. Yesung feels the huge power throwing him around and his ears are filled with yelling of his mom. The car stopped and Yesung’s vision is blurry. Limp body of his brother is laying on him and Yesung shakily reached his hand to his dad. He feels hot blood on his fingers and started to scream. 




Yesung is yelling but she doesn’t answer. He can’t see her because his vision is suddenly completely dark. Tiny pieces of glass stabbed in his eyes and he sees only darkness. 


He woke up in a hospital, alone and blind. Some nurse told him that his parents and brother are dead and that was the moment when he realized that he wants to die. There is nothing what could keep him in this world but the people around him doesn’t understand it and force him to stay alive. Yesung tried to kill himself in so many ways but how could he die in middle of a hospital where are so many people who can fix his body. They of course tried to fix his mind but Yesung doesn’t want to stay alive and no one can change it. 


Sungmin told him that he is going to live with Siwon and he doesn’t understand how is Sungmin able to simply send him away with almost unknown man. Sungmin can’t explain it too but he has a feeling that Siwon could help him. Yesung was okay when Siwon spent some time with him and Siwon promised to take care of Yesung. Sungmin can also come to check on him whenever he wants and also he called his favorite private nurse Ryeowook who will help to Siwon with taking care of Yesung. 


They asked Yesung what he thinks about living with Siwon but he only shrugged. He doesn’t care and he is sure that he will find some way how to kill himself. The hospital is safe, Yesung couldn’t get to knives or other dangerous things but Siwon will make a mistake, he will stop being careful and then Yesung will end his life.


The blind boy doesn’t have many things which need to be packed so Siwon only brings new clothes which he bought and helped him to get dressed. Sungmin gave him  bag full of medicine and other things which he might need and then said goodbye to Yesung. He is watching the patient leaving the hospital and feels bad for sending him away but he is also hoping that with Siwon Yesung will find something good again.


Siwon is holding Yesung’s small elbow and leads him to his car. Yesung is shaking a bit when he hears sounds off the engine and Siwon sensed his discomfort so he is driving very slowly. Cars behind them are honking and then angry drivers pass around them but Siwon doesnt care enough to show them middle finger as an universal symbol to go themself. They arrived to a luxury apartment building where is Siwon’s penthouse, well it isn’t Siwon, it belongs to his father. Thats another thing which is making Siwon worried. 


Siwon opened door of the car for Yesung and gently grabs his small hand and helps him out of the vehicle. Yesung’s legs are a bit shaking because he hasn’t walked in two last weeks and he is grateful for that help. Siwon leaded him to an elevator and it takes them on floor number 25 where is his penthouse. He unlocked the door and Yesung hesitantly walked inside. He is taking short steps because he doesn’t know this place and doesnt want to ruin something right in the first seconds.


“I will show you your room, okay?”


Siwon doesn’t wait for an answer and leaded Yesung in a room which is prepared for him. There are some clothes, the bed has fresh bed linen and there is a TV. Siwon takes few steps and opened door which leads to a bathroom which is connected to the bedroom.


“Here is your bathroom. You have your toothbrush, soap, simply everything.”

Yesung nodded a bit and then Siwon’s phone started to ring. Siwon left Yesung alone in the bathroom and goes to pick up the call. It is his father and Siwon answered the phone with loud sigh. His father only said that he needs to speak with him so Siwon is going to come in his office. He goes back to Yesung and leaded him to the bed and pushed a TV remote control in his hand.


“My father needs to speak with me, I will be back in really short time. Okay?”


Yesung nodded again and listens to Siwon’s quick steps. He sat down on the soft bed and waits for Siwon. The huge apartment is completely silent, not even sounds off the busy streets outside can be heard and Yesung feels anxious like this. In the hospital there was always some sound and this place is terribly silent. He is sitting on the bed and grips the TV remote control in his hand. He pushes few random buttons and flinched when the TV and some loud music almost deafened him. Yesung quickly turned it off again. He is sitting in silence again and after some time feels that he needs to use a toilet. Suddenly he can’t remember where is the bathroom. Siwon only leaded him there and didn’t say in which direction he can find that room. Yesung got up from the bed and decided to find the toilet on his own. He has no idea that he left the bedroom, he thinks that he actually found the bathroom. The truth is that he is walking through a long hallway and when he realized that he left his room it is too late and he doesn’t know how to get back. 


Yesung is wandering around the luxurious penthouse and can’t enjoy the nice view or wealth which is surrounding him. He needs to use the toilet even more but there are too many doors.




Yesung is desperately calling his name because maybe the man is back without him knowing it. Or maybe that there are some maids, or anyone. The penthouse is silent and Yesung started to cry. He kicks a near wall in frustration because he just needs to find some stupid bathroom. He feels so useless and stupid, Siwon is going to throw him back in the hospital again after finding out that he can’t even find a toilet. Yesung is too angry and stops paying attention and he realizes too late that he found a stairs. He fell down and caught the railing after he hit  few hard stairs. Yesung cries out in pain and holds his ribs only to notice that the warm thing on his clothes isn’t blood but urine. Yesung realized that he pissed himself and right then he hears keys rustling in the lock of front door. Thats all for doing a good impression.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 24: Aww..... I need a sequel for this....
And thank for the story authornim......
Chapter 24: Beautiful!! T-T
Chapter 24: I love your story!!!
394 streak #4
Chapter 24: as always love your story~ I can't believe it's over~ that fast >___<

PS : Still waiting for your -- story~
cherrycloud #5
Chapter 24: I need a extra chapter to know what happend when siwon out of jail and live again with Yesung!!! pleaaaseeeeee!! jejeje

I love your history
cloudykuro #6
Chapter 24: The end? O.O how....

But I'm kinda confused actually. Doesn't yesung mom still alive? The one who slapped him at the hospital. And jongjin too... But yesung's family was killed during the accident.. I don't get this. Or that was his step mother?

Anyway don't leave us hanging!
Chapter 23: Dammit jisung!!!
LongBanana #8
Chapter 22: what will jisung do? siwon please save yesung T^T i'm so scared
LongBanana #9
Chapter 21: Oh my! yesung is not a ! *0*
394 streak #10
Chapter 22: oh my goooosh! He's going to kill MY Sungie?!?