Chapter 2

Coming Home

“Okay! First order for today's lunch.” Chef Jinyoung holding the menu order that Jackson give to him. “Appetizer, one fruit salad and one chicken salad with fresh mayonnaise. Main course, two black pepper beef pasta and dessert is strawberry shortcake.” Jinyoung quickly pin the order sheet on the board behind him.


“Yugyeom, Pasta. Jihyo, chicken salad. And Chaeyoung fruit salad.” Jinyoung seriously commanding his coworkers, not aware that his boss approaching him. Mark lean his body on Jinyoung counter behind the man.


“Yes Sir!”


“Really oppa? I make the fruits salad?” Ask Chaeyoung.


“Yes Chae, you have to start making dishes too. You can do it right?”


“I can oppa!”


“Great. Make me proud okay?”


“Yes Sir!”


“Good. Jisung, give me the beef.”


Jinyoung turn to his counter, and startled to see Mark behind him.


“God! You scare the crap of me.” Jinyoung said rub his chest. Mark giggling to Jinyoung. “What are you doing here, Sir? Your coffee time is over and I'm busy now. Move aside.”


Jinyoung push Mark from his counter and get to seasoning the beef that Jisung brought, trying to ignore Mark intense gaze beside him.


“I just checking my employee. You do a good job on commanding your team. I like to see it.” Mark said. Jinyoung compose himself to stay with his stoic face.


“Thank you. I've work with them for 4 years now. They won't ignore my order. “


“That because you scary when you mad.” Yugyeom snorting beside him.


“Shut up before I thrown this pepper to your face.” Jinyoung glare to the tall boy, but the boy just mocking Jinyoung by sticking his tongue. “Kim Yugyeom. If you mess up the pasta, you'll die in my hand.” Jinyoung have to use all his mighty to not throw the thong he use to grill the meat to Yugyeom.


“You know what? I like watching the Tom and Jerry cartoon by watching two of you bickering.” Mark said while holding himself from laughing.


“Why are you still here? Go away!”


“Well.. Yugyeom is right. You're scary when you mad.”


“Try me.”


Mark put both of his hand up. “I'm sorry, Mr. Chef. I'll go now before you grab your knife.”


Mark slowly walk backwards, before suddenly he move forward to Jinyoung and whispering to Jinyoung ears. “Have someone else said that you're so y when you cooking?”


Jinyoung face suddenly become red because of Mark words. His heart was beating so fast that he is afraid that it will burst later. Jinyoung try to hide his blushing face, but it can't work since Mark face was so close to his face. Mark chuckles when he saw Jinyoung blushing face. Jinyoung quickly grab his knife.


“Alright Mr. I'm out.” Mark said half running from the kitchen area.


“Annoying jerk. Why I should have a boss like him? So annoying.” Jinyoung grump while flipping the meat on the grill.


“I know it, right? So annoying, but you can hide your happy face, by the way.” Yugyeom said placing the pasta on the plate and slide it to Jinyoung counter.


“I'm not. I'm annoyed right now.” Yugyeom rolling his eyes, how can a person with obvious sparkling eyes look ‘annoyed’? Don't forget the smile that never leave Jinyoung lips. Same way with the redden cheek.


“Yes Chef, you look so annoyed that you can stop smiling after your annoying boss said that you are y when cooking.” Yugyeom said with a mocking tone.


Jinyoung swear that he nearly throw the meat that he place on the pasta just now to the tall sous chef. But, Felix just come to get the order, so Jinyoung let Yugyeom slide this time. Beside that he also admit that the boy words is right, he is so happy now.







Mark still giggling when he come out from the kitchen. Jinyoung is so cute. Even his outer appearance was tough and so cool but the man always blushing mad when he tease Jinyoung. That's why Mark always spare a time for annoying and teasing the Chef. An entertaining time between his packed schedule. Speaking of schedules, He saw Bambam just come to the restaurant with a folder on his hand. Mark sighed.


“Bambam-ah, can we do it later?” Ask Mark before Bambam said anything.


“But Miss Suzy want it finish before lunch break over.”


“I'll talk to her later, do you have lunch?” Bambam shake his head. “Get lunch first. I'll take Suzy to lunch at another place, so don't worry.”


Mark just walk to the restaurant door when a man grab his shoulder and turn him around. Bambam standing beside Jackson with his hand holding to Jackson arm, restraining him to do something to Mark.


“Is there any matter, Jackson-ssi?” Mark said, doesn't understand why the man in front of him look so furious.


“Look, Mr CEO. I don't know why a person who had a high position come to this dirty kitchen. It isn't your place even you are the owner of this hotels. Give me a reason why you always come here.”


“Jackson Hyung stop it.” Bambam said while trying to tug the man away from there. But Jackson doesn't move a bit. Mark clenching his fist while his face stay calm.


“I don't need a reason to see my own employees. I just check them up.”


“Check them up? What a joke. You see him everyday. You check him up everyday? Have you check your other employees as well?”


Mark stay silent. He looking for other reason for answer the man in front of him. But he can't find it.


“Can't answer it? So, what the real reason you have to meet him everyday? You like him?”


A chill run to his veins. His heart beating fast. Hearing Jackson’s statement, he suddenly feels like caught red-handed doing something wrong. Mark then avoided Jackson eyes. That couldn't be happening. He doesn't like the man, right? Jackson then break away from Bambam grip and grab Mark’s collar.


“Don't you dare to tell me that you like him. You have a fiance for God sake! Don't play with people heart, you er.”


Now some customers and employees give his attention to Jackson who look like will throwing fist to Mark who look like lost to his thoughts. Bambam trying to tear Jackson hands from Mark collar while pleading the angry man to calm down.


“Jackson Wang!” a loud voice come from the kitchen door. The chef quickly making his way to Jackson and Mark. He then grab Jackson hand, trying to pull it from Mark.


“Jackson, let Mr Tuan go.” Jinyoung said.




“Sseun-ah.. Listen to me and let Mark go!”


Jackson look at Jinyoung with an intense glare before let Mark go. He then take his way to the kitchen with Bambam following from behind. Mark still stay silent while looking at Jinyoung worried face. He cupping Mark face, checking every inch of it.


“Are you okay Mark? He didn't hit you right? Gosh… I'm so sorry, Jackson sometimes can be overacting. Please forgive him.” Jinyoung said. Mark unconsciously put his hand on top Jinyoung's on his cheek, squeezing it lightly. He feel heat from Jinyoung warm hands spread through his body. He feel so comfortable and so peaceful with Jinyoung touch. Mark then leaning his face to Jinyoung's hand. His eyes never leave Jinyoung soft gaze. He feel he have been on this situation before. Many times. The feeling is so familiar to him.


“PARK JINYOUNG! What the hell are you doing now?” before Mark can say anything to Jinyoung, soft yet cold voice come through their ear. Quickly a hands pull Jinyoung's hand from Mark face. Mark frowning, clearly doesn't like the warm hand leave his face. He look at the culprit and see his own fiance standing between them with face all red full of anger.


“What the hell are you doing just now, Chef Park? We're paying you to work here, not flirting with MY FIANCE.” Suzy said.


“Babe, it's misunderstanding. He not flirting to me. He just help me.” Mark try to explain everything to Suzy.


“By cupping your face and try to kiss you? Are you kidding me, Mark?”


“No baby. He isn't going to kiss me.” Mark hold Suzy hand, Jinyoung can't help but looking at the scene and trying to not cry so hard.


“Listen to me, just now Jack-”


“No. You're right, Miss Suzy. It was my fault. Forgive me, I'll not doing that again.” Jinyoung cut Mark words. She shouldn't know that Jackson trying to do something to Mark or she will fire his best friends. He can't let it happen. Jackson is a nice person. A very good friends.


“I'm so sorry for touch you with my dirty hand, Mr Tuan. I promise I won't do that again. Please forgive me.” Jinyoung said while bowing in front of the couple.


“Jinyoung-ah, you doesn't need to-”


“Don't ever come near to my fiance, or you know the consequences Chef Park.” Suzy said then pulling Mark out from the restaurant. Mark can't do anything but following Suzy. However, his eyes never leave Jinyoung who still bowing. And he also can see Jinyoung wiping his tears. Mark heart clenched. He feel so guilty and angry knowing that Jinyoung is crying. Because of him.


“Suzy-ah, I don't think you have to say that to Jinyoung. He just helping me.” Mark said when both of them on the elevator.


“I don't like him helping you.”


“What? Why?”


“I don't like him come near you.”


“Why? He is a good person.”


“I just don't like him.”


“You can't hate person without reason. That's make no sense.”


“Are you defending him, right now?”


“What? No.. It just.. You are too much just know.”


“I'm too much? He is touching you.”


“And what's wrong with that? Bambam have touch me. Youngjae too. And other person too. What's wrong with Jinyoung touch me?”


“Because he is the ing Park Jinyoung! That's the problem. That person trying to seduce you and try to steal you from me!”


“What? That's will never happen. Jinyoung is not kind of person.”


“Can you saw it? He clearly like you. He is flirting with you. He is trying to steal you from me.”


“No way.” Mark said while his heart beating fast. Is that true Jinyoung like him? Wait. He shouldn't be happy. He have engaged and his fiance is in front of him looking at him with angry face. He shouldn't be happy if Jinyoung like him. He can't be. But he can clearly feel the fireworks bursting inside his heart.


Suzy swift her gaze down. She can clearly see the spark on Mark eyes when she mention that Jinyoung like him. ‘He have steal you from me once. And I won't let him do that again twice. You're mine, Mark. Now and Forever.’


“I don't want you to be near him again. That's the end of discussion today.” Suzy said as the elevator door open and she walk out from the elevator to her office room.








It's been two weeks after that incident and Jinyoung have been avoiding Mark. Mark still come to the restaurant kitchen everyday, but he can't meet the Chef every times he come. The chef either change his shift or Jackson kick him out from the kitchen. Another times, the tall sous chef was the one who come to him and tell him that Jinyoung doesn't want to see him from now on and ask him to not looking for the Chef again. So, when later at night Mark saw the figure of the Chef when he is going to go home after overtime works, he quickly approaching the man.

“It's nice to see you this night. Just got out from the works?” Mark said suddenly appeared beside Jinyoung, making the Chef jolted in shock.


“Gosh! Stop making me startled!” Jinyoung said. Mark giggling because of that.


“Just finish your work? I can give you a ride to your house.”


“No Thanks. I can take the bus.” Jinyoung said while walking to the bus stop.


“It's dangerous to walk at night alone, Chef Park.”


“I'm a grown man. I'm not scared of anything. You should go home Mr. Your fiance will kill me if she know I'm near you.”


Mark sighed and grab Jinyoung's hands.

“Look. I'm sorry for the last time. I know she is rude to you. But please forgive her. She just.. You know.. Overprotective.”


Jinyoung stay silent while looking at Mark with unreadable expression. He slowly pull his hand from Mark's grab.


“No. It's my fault. I shouldn't touch you at the first place. I'm sorry.”


“No. It's not your fault. You didn't do anything wrong. Stop saying sorry.”








“So, are we good now? You wouldn't avoiding me again, right? We can be friend again, right?”


“Yeah, we good. But I'd like to you stay away from me. I don't want to meet you again. Don't come to kitchen again.”


“But why?”


“I just don't want to.” Jinyoung said nearly whispering. Mark grab both of Jinyoung hands again.


“But I want to be your friend. If that because of Suzy, I can handle it. I'll explain it to her.”


Jinyoung pull his hands again. “Listen, I-”


“Jinyoungie!” A deep voice interrupting them. Both Mark and Jinyoung shift their attention to the man approaching them. Mark know that man. He is the chief of security on his hotel. Im Jaebum.


“Jaebum hyung, you haven't go home?” Jinyoung ask Jaebum while walk pass Mark. Mark can see Jinyoung smiling wide to the man.


“No. One of my man got sick, so I have to work overtime. Just finished your work?” Jinyoung nodded. “Let's go home together, Peach.” Jaebum said while holding Jinyoung hands. Then he look at Mark direction.


“Oh.. Mr Tuan. Good Evening.” Jaebum said while bowing slightly. “It nice to see you here. Are you working overtime too?”


Mark only nodded. His eyes never left Jaebum hands that holding Jinyoung hands. He doesn't like it. They look so close, and he doesn't like it at all.


“You should go home then, it must be tiring day.”


“I know. You too.”


“Yeah, please excuse us. I have to take my Peach home, since our daughter is alone at home. I'm afraid she haven't eat because her mom also work overtime. Good night, Sir. Have a safe drive home.” Both Jaebum and Jinyoung bow to Mark before they walk pass their boss to the bus stop. Still holding each other hands.


Mark clench his fist. He still glaring to the couple who getting into their bus now. He is angry, yet he doesn't really know why he is angry. He doesn't like how casually Jaebum holding Jinyoung's hand. He doesn't like how Jinyoung smile when he saw Jaebum. He doesn't like Jaebum call Jinyoung Peach. And he clearly doesn't like how Jinyoung blushing when Jaebum call him Peach.




Something ringing on his mind because of that words. He can faintly remember that he also call someone Peach before. But who?



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Sophia1017 #1
Chapter 4: this is so so beautiful. falling in love twice. with the same person erasing all memories. mind could forget but heart cant. ?❤
Chapter 4: love it!!
Chapter 3: this chapter is really saddd ???
Chapter 4: I’m crying
I thought Jaebum is the husband lololol
Markjin is so meant to be together nothing can stop them ;;
Chapter 4: Can we have a sequel ? Can we ?
JinyoungsMark #6
Chapter 4: Soo happy mark remembered! Glad markjin had their real happy ending :")
blaqahgase17 #7
Chapter 4: Love it ♡♡♡♡
missynizzy #8
I read this on ao3 but i am still reading it here lol...the atory is really good
Chapter 4: moral of the story, it is a good thing to have a habit of writing diary/ journal, at least when you lose your memory, there is journal that you can reread your life back haha
Chapter 4: i still cant accept the fact mark didnt get his memory backk