So she ran away in her sleep

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Wendy is the sole heiress of her parents' mulitmillion motor company and Irene is her bodyguard






Wendy remembered it clearly when her father had called her out of nowhere, casually telling her that he’s hiring a bodyguard to protect her. It was a rainy Saturday night, and the blonde was just laying on the couch of her rented apartment lazily, watching some random kdramas. Her eyes were on the brink of closing if it wasn’t because of the sudden ringing of her phone, which didn’t fail to startle her. Wendy shrieked as her phone suddenly rang with the annoying default ringtone, and threw it on the floor as a reflex. Trying to ease her thumping heart, the woman took few deep breaths before taking her now-cracked phone on the floor.


Wendy frowned when she saw the caller id, which was her father. It was strange, since her father would only call her on Sunday morning. Shrugging her thoughts away, the unsuspecting woman swiped the screen to answer the call.


“Honey, I’m hiring a bodyguard for you.”


And that was when her life turned upside down.




Son Seungwan, or whom she preferred people to address her as Wendy, is no ordinary person. In fact, Wendy is far from ordinary. She’s the only child of her parents, who are the owner of a multimillion motor company, Son’s Motor Company. Which means, Wendy is the sole heiress of the said company, making her somewhat an important person. People doesn’t know the real her, but that was way before the news broke. Apparently, medias leaked information about Son’s Motor Company, revealing to the public that Mr. and Mrs. Son had a daughter, and they also revealed to the public that the said daughter is in fact, Wendy.


As soon as news broke, Wendy’s phone buzzed with uncountable notifications, either from her lecturers, peers and even from strangers. Most of the text messages were saying about how sorry and regretful they were, treating her like a wall, or how they were sorry about not listening to the time she was presenting in front of the class.


The blonde however, just snickered and threw her phone on the bed, fumed because of how fake people are to her. Before she was known to the public, people treated her like an outcast, not listening to whatever she had to say and even verbally bullying her. But, as soon as the news broke, all of the people started apologizing, even the ones she doesn’t even know exists. All because of money, fame and power. Just how easy humans change because of money, fame and power.


Rolling her eyes, she made sure to contact her lawyer to sue the hell out of the media that leaked the information about her.


Not to mention her paranoid parents, who would go the whole nine yards just to protect their beloved daughter. Wendy almost cried out of protest when her dad informed her about the hiring of the new bodyguard, who would be with her 24/7. She couldn’t do anything but to agree to her father, since she was too tired to argue with him.


She isn’t a little girl anymore. Wendy could take care of herself and she knew it. But her father was too paranoid to let her walk alone in public, or even with Seulgi and Joy. He’s scared that she would get hurt or kidnapped or something.


So, a bodyguard is the solution.




A knock on the door startled Wendy from doing her assignments. She heaved few deep breaths before standing up, walking to the front door where the source of knocking came from.


It’s probably the new bodyguard dad hired. The blonde sighed before opening the front door lazily.


As soon as Wendy opened the door, she was met with a very attractive, fine-looking woman who was a few years older than her, by her first impression of the woman. The woman was wearing a white button-up neatly tucked in her black slack pants, complimented with a black blazer with a black combat boots. She let her hair flow freely and Wendy swore, this woman came straight out of a model catalogue.


“Can I help you?” Wendy couldn’t help but to feel curious on why in the world does a stunning lady is standing in front of her door.


“I’m the new bodyguard your dad hired, Bae Irene.” ‘Irene’ said monotonously, with a straight face and bowed 90°.


“Oh.” Wendy was taken aback. Never in a million years would she think that her dad hired a woman as her bodyguard. All she thought of these whole time was a scary, bulky guy as her bodyguard. But this, damn. Wendy even think about thanking her father for giving her this beauty in front of her.


“Please. Come in.” The blonde said, and immediately showed Irene the way in her humble apartment.


“Certainly, Miss Son.” Irene said formally, before opening her boots and immediately started to inspect Wendy’s whole apartment for any source of threat. The bodyguard went into the kitchen, followed by a confused Wendy trailing behind her.


Walking to the kitchen with both of her hands behind her, Irene squinted her eyes to every nook and cranny of the kitchen. She frowned when her eyes trailed to the floor. “The floor is oily. It’s dangerous for you to walk here.” The bodyguard said short and kept looking around. Wendy on the other hand couldn’t respond to anything Irene was doing.


What is she bluffing about? It’s not like I can die because of that.


Irene’s eyes widen in horror as Wendy looked at her bodyguard curiously, looking wherever Irene was staring at.


“Unacceptable!” Irene bellowed angrily as she pointed to the sink.


“What are you yelling at?!” Wendy retorted, feeling somewhat scared at the angry bodyguard.


“Why do you just casually place the knife inside the sink? You could’ve cut yourself and die because of blood loss, Miss Son.” Irene immediately took the knife away from the sink and placed it inside the cabinet securely. She was frowning these whole time.


“I’m not a kid fyi ma’a-“


“This house needs a makeover.” Irene cut Wendy’s words off casually, and immediately going somewhere only god knows where.


“Umm, did I just heard that wrong??”


Today’s gonna be a long day for Wendy, and probably a longer day for Irene, her somewhat hot and annoying bodyguard.




I don’t know if this is a kindergarten or a home anymore. Wendy thought as she walked out of her room. Apparently, few hours’ prior, the blonde gave up and went inside her room, doing her long-forgotten assignments, letting Irene doing whatever she wants to. It couldn’t be that bad, couldn’t it?


Wendy was wrong. Wendy was very wrong. Her apartment now looked more like a safety room than a house. Irene ‘renovated’ the whole apartment with safety equipment. Corner guards on the corner of the walls and the edge of the table. CCTV here and there, and apparently an updated safety front door lock. How does she even do all of these in a span of few hours?


“Oh my god this is a disaster!” Wendy shrieked in horror as she looked around her apartment. She isn’t even sure if this is the same apartment few hours ago. “What have you done??”


“It’s for your safety Miss.”


“I’m gonna knock my head on the wall now.”


“No Miss Son you can’t do that!” Irene was on full guard and proceed to throw herself onto Wendy, preventing the latter to do whatever she was planning to do.


Both of them were on the floor, with Irene on top of Wendy who was squirming to get away from her bodyguard’s strong grip, but she was way weaker than Irene.


“I-I was j-just joking!” Wendy panted, feeling herself suffocating because of her own bodyguard, her bodyguard who was supposed to protect her.


Seeing that Wendy was getting calmer – tired, actually – Irene slowly let go of Wendy, who was laying on the floor, defeated.


“You’re probably the worst bodyguard ever.”


Before the older of the two could respond, suddenly, Wendy’s front door was opened and Irene immediately went to her full protection mode. Tackling whoever was at the front door.


“Hey Wan! Let’s hang ou- AHHH!”


It was Seulgi. And Wendy thought the updated front door safety feature is functioning.


“Who are you, intruder?” Irene asked menacingly to the ‘trespasser’, who looked as if she could cry any moments now.


“I-I’m Wendy’s friend.” Seulgi was trembling, her eyes were teary and she gripped her hand hardly, trying to calm herself down. This is absolutely not the way for her to die.




“I’m so so so sorry, Seul.” Wendy said as she was looking at Seulgi who was still trembling a little. They were sitting at the dining room, drinking the hot chocolate Irene made (Wendy forced Irene to make Seulgi a hot chocolate as a sign of apology. The bodyguard couldn’t do anything but to follow Wendy’s order, frowning all the time. I’m a bodyguard, not a maid. Irene hissed quietly).


“I-It’s okay Wan-ah.” Seulgi forced a smile. The incident will surely replay in her mind over and over again for a few weeks straight, it seemed.


“Dad had hired a bodyguard for me and it seemed like she’s a bit… crazy.” Wendy whispered the last word quietly, making sure only the two of them heard it.


Irene was unpacking her luggage inside Wendy’s guest room. The latter doesn’t even realize that her bodyguard came with a luggage in the first place. It’s probably because Wendy was distracted with her beauty and crazy antics. Wendy hoped it was the second one.


“Well, you could use a lil bit of crazy in your life, Wan-ah.” Seulgi tried to joke, which earned a cute giggle from Wendy.


She’s surely lucky to have such a nice friend like Seulgi in her life, even after the latter’s near-death experience.




“This is your emergency beeper.” Irene said as she gave Wendy a watch that looked like an ordinary watch. “Press this-“ she pointed to the button on the side of the watch, “-and I’ll come to you to save you from any danger and emergencies. Okay?”


“What if I’m hungry in the middle of the night and pressed this? Will you come to me with snacks?”


The older of the two just rolled her eyes and knocked Wendy’s head quite hardly. “For. Emergencies. Only.” The woman gritted her teeth.


“Sheesh I was just joking for god’s sake.”




When Wendy thought things couldn’t get any worse, uni happened. The moment Irene and her walked into the corridor, all eyes are on both of them and Wendy swore she could dig a hole and bury herself right there and then.


Walking with Irene was a nightmare. Especially when her bodyguard was clad in full tuxedo and combat boots, as if she was ready to kill anyone that walked into their way. So, all Wendy could do was look on the floor and pray no one would talk to her. It’s not because she was embarrassed, it was because she was scared that Irene would slaughter anyone who talk to her.


“You know,” the heiress whispered to her bodyguard, who was eyeing everyone in three-meter radius from them. “You don’t really have to follow me everywhere. I’m capable to protect myself.”


“No. Someone might kidnap you here.”


“Like who?? The janitor?” The blonde said as she rolled her eyes. Surviving a day with Irene is a pain in the . And it’s just the first day.


“Why are you saying that?” The bodyguard asked in a hostile tone and quickly looked around, looking for a certain storage room. “So the janitor is trying to kidnap you and asked for ransom.” The tone of Wendy’s bodyguard turned venomous as seconds passed and she immediately pulled out her combat knife before walking cautiously to the storage room.


Wendy could feel all eyes are on them. Well, mostly at her weird companion who were dressed like Agent 47. The students around them started to whisper among each other as their eyes kept on trailing at Irene’s weird behaviour. After registering everything that was happening in front of her, horror was written all over Wendy’s face, realizing what her bodyguard was trying to do.


“Hey miss- ma’am- lady. Whatever you are!” The blonde hissed in a panicked tone. “What in the world are you doing??” Wendy whispered-screamed as she immediately took the knife away from Irene’s hand.


“You told me the janitor wanted to kidnap you!”


Wendy did nothing but groaned and massaged her temples in a frustrating way. “I was just kidding! Don’t you know sarcasm??”


Looking at the other woman’s expression, it’s safe to say that Irene has no idea what sarcasm means. The blonde know that she’d lose her mind by the end of the day if her bodyguard kept acting like this.


“Just stop trying to kill everyone you see.” Wendy said as she rolled her eyes and held the other’s right arm tightly, giving back Irene her knife. “And keep this away from sight! You’ll get me expelled and I’m sure my dad wouldn’t like that.”


Hearing the ‘warning’, the older of the two immediately kept her knife back to its place and brushed the inexistent dust on her tuxedo.


“Right. Let’s get to your class.” She acted as if nothing had happened just now.


Wendy can already feel the headache creeping in.




“Right, uhh… Wendy…” An elderly figure started to speak as she looked a bit scared at the figure standing behind her favourite student.


“I’m sorry Mrs. Lee. I swear she’s harmless.” The blonde stated as she looked at her trembling lecturer. “Dad hired her to, umm… protect me.” Wendy whispered the last word, feeling tad bit embarrassed. She’s a full grown adult (well, young adult. But still an adult) and having a bodyguard is the last thing she needed now.


The three of them (Irene included) were in Mrs. Lee’s office to discuss about Wendy’s assignments and seeing the creepy, poker face woman beside Wendy was the last thing she expected to face in her whole 54 years of living. The blonde actually told her bodyguard to wait outside but the latter was arguing about how risky and dangerous it is for Wendy to go inside the office alone.


“What if the lady has ill intention towards you and kidnap you and jump through the window while I wait outside??”


“That’s ridiculous! She can’t even hurt a fly.”


“You wouldn’t know what’s inside her heart and mind.”


Good god now Wendy wanted to jump off the window instead.


Clearing , Mrs. Lee finally started to compose herself and talked to her student about her assignments, looking at the scary figure beside Wendy every now and then.


Yep, here comes the headache.




“Alright.” Wendy started as they were seating on the dining chair, eating whatever Irene was cooking which was surprisingly very delicious. But compliments aside, they need to talk about something important now. “We need to make some ground rules here.”


“I don’t do rules.” The older of the two said monotonously as she was typing something on her laptop. Eyes never leaving the electronic device.


“What are you talking about? I thought bodyguards are disciplined and strict about rules?”


“Yeah. Rules that are decided by our boss.”


“Exactly! And I’m your boss!”


“Nope. Your father is my boss.”


Wendy groaned for the umpteenth that day. She thought her worst moment was finally over. She thought wrong. “… and what rules did he made?”


“To protect you of all threats no matter what the condition is.”


Great. Wendy thought as she buried her face on her palm, on the brink of crying of frustration. How funny was it that her life completely turned 180° in a span of one day?


Damn you journalists that leaked information about me.


“Can you please just listen to my one rule here?” The blonde pleaded as she was making her puppy eyes to Irene, which made the latter annoyed more than guilt.


Sighing, the bodyguard finally stopped typing whatever she was typing on her laptop and looked at Wendy with a poker

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Chapter 4: aww 😊
Chapter 3: Does this story have a sequel? Because I'm curious about the dating of the two of them
Chapter 2: It is indeed meant for each other 😂
Chapter 1: The grumpy Wendy is very rare in Wenrene's story
Chapter 2: 2nd time reading. Wendy is really sweet and protective of Irene. 🫠
Chapter 6: 😭😭 Bae Joohyun is so cool!! 💗💙💗💙
WluvsBaetokki #7
Chapter 6: They're so cute and fluffy I wanna squish them.

Thank you for making fluff author-nim
Chapter 6: When Joohyun shouted at the crowd, was it a reference to Dumbledore's line in HP? 😂😂😂

Anyhowww, it's cute as always. ❤❤❤
But I would've thought Wendy would be tryna play hard to get. 😂
luckytroll #9
Chapter 6: Amazing! I love it soo much 💕 thank you for this really
WoWoe17 #10
Chapter 6: want more sequel 😭💙