C : Birthday

Work of Heart

Yerin is so tired afer her class end. She straight away walk herself to home, she just want to sleep on her bed. It been so tiring, they had PE class this morning and she had to run 5 rounds of their field. Later, she has to go to SM Building to take her dancing class.


A loud thumps come from inside of the house, a series of shouting can be heard from the door. Yerin startled, she wonder if she should open the door. Tears weld up, she cant control her tears, she sits down behind the bushed beside the door.


“Lets divorce”


Those words crash her heart, she can clearly hear the sounds of her dad giving up. Ever since her mom works for the designer brand, she been nowhere but keep going overseas. She can’t even remember the last time her mom pats her head. She been so workaholic.


While her dad, she knows her dad crave for some attention, working as business man can be really tiresome, especially his company going so well right now, the countless number of business trips, she bet sometime his father hoping for a wife to be at home. She tried to cheer her dad but it isnt possible anymore. Her dad spent most of his time with his secretary who is his secret wife now. He even bring her home, in front of yerin.


She sits on her knee, crying, the door open and she saw her father figure walking out. She run after her dad as she shout “Dad!!”


Her father look at her, there a feels of guilty in his eyes but his angers probably hold him back. Yerin hold his hand.


“Dad.. Please. Cant we rebuild this home?” She cries.


“I’m sorry Yerin, my heart change. I cheat on your mom, I did your mom wrong.” Her father explains in a slow tone but clear.


“Don’t you, at least love me?” Yerin ask, almost pleading as she is on her knees. Her father is silence, for a few seconds. He pushed Yerin’s hand away, don’t even answer to Yerin’s question but thats clear enough, for Yerin.


“I’m sorry.” He said as he walk away.


Yerin cry her eyes out as her father walk away from her view. She never hate herself so much, she just started to hate herself now. Father, mother……. what are those?


Out of sudden, she feels like someone put a coat on her, from the smell of the scent, she know its Jungwoo. She look up to the figure behind her, and her guess is right, her eyes are red already and the tears just wont stop holding back.


“Come, lets go somewhere.” Jungwoo help her to stand up and walk her out of her house, to somewhere, Yerin doesnt even know, she just want to walk away. She doesnt want to meet her mom now as she believes her mom is hurting too and needed space although she believes, she doesnt even need space anymore. She literally throw the family away when she chose to go for work on Yerin’s birthday last few years. She bet, her mom wouldnt even remember her birthday anymore, which is today.



They went into a cafe, choosing the most corner table, Jungwoo ordered two cups of hot latte. It is raining as if the clouds are crying with Yerin too. Yerin only look down while heating her hand, holding it together, her mind is just so messy right now, she couldn’t even look at Jungwoo, she is just too embarrassed with what happen. She take a sip of the hot latte, still not talking,


“Is it good?” Jungwoo asked.


Yerin looks up to him, blank. She just nodded, “Thank you.”


“Yerin-ah close your eyes? I have something.” Jungwoo asked, Yerin look at him, wondering why but she just not in the mood to talk, she just follow his instruction.


“Can I open now?”

“No- wait”

“What took you so long, what are you doing?”


“Okay, you can open your eyes now.” Jungwoo said again. Theres a mini cake in front of her right now, with candles. ‘Happy Birthday, Yerin’ written on the cake.


A curve of smile finally plastered upon Yerin’s face. She couldn’t believe that someone actually remember her birthday, although she doesn’t really hope for anything.


Jungwoo sings to the birthday song, with his soothing voice, Yerin’s heart finally at ease but she is so touched, that she cries again.


Seeing her cry again, Jungwoo panicked but he hold her hand, “don’t cry anymore, it’s your day.”


Yerin smacks his leg under the table, “You make my heart touched, how can’t I?”


Jungwoo almost shout at the pain but they both laugh.


“Lets eat this cake!” Jungwoo said. Yerin nods, taking the plastic knife beside the cake and the plate, she first cut it for Jungwoo and then, for herself.


“Ah- Its delicious.” Yerin smiles, “Thank you, this is my favourite”


Jungwoo nods. “Lets finish this and go for practice okay?”


Yerin nods. What did I even do to deserve such kind friend here? She thought.



After hours of dance practice, yerin finally sit down, at the corner of the practicing room. Everyone else were packing and getting ready to go home. She stills wondering if she should go home. She dabs on the towel on her neck, she is sweating badly.




Baekhyun Senior : You still in the building?

Yerin : yeah~

Baekhyun Senior : Me too, come to the studio room!

Yerin : What for? It’s late..

Baekhyun Senior : Just a little while! Please T_T

Yerin : Okay, I believe you. Wait a little bit.

Baekhyun Senior : Okay!


I walk up to the lift, it’s so quiet, almost no one in the building at this hour.




Jungwoo : Where are you?

Yerin : Why?

Jungwoo : I’m waiting for you in front of the entrance.

Yerin : Why? I’ve something coming up.

Jungwoo : I afraid you wont go home.

Yerin : It’s okay, don’t worry about me.

Jungwoo : It’s okay, I’ll wait down here.

Yerin : Aiyo. Wait a minute, I’ll come soon.

Jungwoo : Okay, fast fast, it’s dark and I’m scared.


Yerin fasten up her pace and walk toward Baekhyun’s studio room. She opens the room and it’s so dark but then, boom!


Pop sounds all over the place, lights on and another birthday cake in front of her. Baekhyun singing him the birthday song while few members of exo are there clapping along. It’s the CBX. Yerin startled at the surprise.


“Happy birthday! Blow the candle, make a wish!” Baekhyun said, yerin smiles and close her eyes. She then, blow the candles. Everyone there clapping their hand.


“Nice to meet you, our baekhyun talk a lot about you!” Xiumin said as he greets Yerin.


Baekhyun smacks Xiumin, “when did I?”


“Nice to meet you too,Yerin!” Chen greets me.


Yerin laughs, “I am an EXO-L but I never thought I will be this lucky.”


Yerin greet them back, bowing as a sign of respect.


“wow, so who is your favourite member?” Chen asked.


Another tough question for the day, yerin thoughts. How can she choose one, it keeps changing. “I love all but em.. DO senior attracts me the most right now.”


Their eyes blinks, “W--why?!” Baekhyun asked, he was almost confident, he is her favourite.


“Em, I love how cool he is, when he didn’t smile, he always has that cool vibes but when he smiles, its so warm.”


“Thats it, you will never be allowed to meet Kyungsoo.” Xiumin add in, laughing. “We are here to support Baekhyun.”


Baekhyun nods agreeing, chen laughing at how pathetic s are. “yah arent she allowed to like whoever she want? Even if she is dating you”


“Right, Chen senior except that I’m not dating Baekhyun senior.” I nods, high five-ing Chen.


Baekhyun pretend to sulk while cutting the cakes, he lent the cakes to Yerin. Yerin nods and thanked him. Suddenly her phone rang again.


“Why did you reject our Baekhyun though?” Xiumin asked. Yerin’s eyes widen as surprised at the fact the other members know about it.


“I--” She gasped. Seeing how Yerin become so nervous, Baekhyun laughs it off by smacking Xiumin’s leg.


“Mind your business!”


“Ah- right, Jungwoo.” Yerin whines to herself, why she could forget someone is waiting for her downstairs. She take her phone and quickly text Jungwoo. 


Yerin : I’m sorry, I’m coming

Jungwoo : Nevermind, I’d figure out where are you, I’m in front of the door now.

Yerin : Ah--


She run to the door, the door is a little opened, perhaps she forget to close the door just now, she really cant believe it, Jungwoo is really standing there.


“I’m so sorry-- They were celebrating my birthday, I will take my bag. Wait-” Yerin smiles.


“Yerin, its okay if you want to stay longer, I will go back first.” Jungwoo replies.


Baekhyun suddenly come out, he looks at Jungwoo “Hi Yerin’s friend, come in, let’s celebrate Yerin’s birthday first.”


Jungwoo smiles, bowing at his senior. “I’m Jungwoo. Nice to meet you and thank you but we have school tomorrow.”


Baekhyun frowns but he looks at yerin, “Well I don’t want you to be late for school tomorrow, you should go home.”


Yerin smiles widely, she do feel bad if she didn’t stay but school is important too, “Thank you, senior!”


“Please take care of her” Baekhyun told Jungwoo. Jungwoo smiles back, nodding.


“I always do.”

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