
Is it, is it not?

Her last day -

Last day with her team,

Last day with the department,

Last day with the company,

Last day with HIM.

Her colleagues, including managers had a farewell dinner with her on her last day,

and HE joined the session.

Taking turns to have a drink or shots with her - Everyone enjoyed the night

"I wish you all the best."

"Have fun with you rich boyfriend during the break."

Did he really have to say that?

He chuckled a little and continued,

"Just joking, but, I do sincerely wish you all the best in your future job."

And both took the shots concurrently.







She departed.

Nothing has happened since then.


Is it or is it not?

It is not.




Author's note:-

Here it is, the END! Thanks for supporting 'Is it, is it not?' story.

Some of you may not like the ending - since it is a sad one; whereby both of them didn't get together as A PAIR.

All the "sweet" incidents were only cherished by one party only, afterall.

It's up to your discussion on the reasons why things did not work out for them.

Nonetheless, I do hope that you still enjoy the cute little acts recorded here; those were the moments they shared together.

TAnd that's about it from me. Feel free to check out my other stories/fanfics!

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you mean idol pairing? it's not a fanfiction though.. so i didn't create any idol character into this story.
they stay mysterious and their character name are in numeric code instead.

Well, if i am to ask you, which pairing would b good to tis story then? xD
I am confused , why there is no pairing in the tag ?