Super Junior - A Day

Leesun's JeTi Drabbles Collection


“What?” Tiffany asked in an irritated voice as she felt her girlfriend’s stare.


Jessica just smiled and shook her head.


“There’s something on my face, isn’t there?” the dark-haired girl asked, the paranoia striking her for the nth time that day. 


“You’re being paranoid again. There’s nothing on your face, Fany-ah.”


“LIAR!” Tiffany hissed as she grabbed her purse and dug for her mirror.


Jessica reached out and grabbed her hand with one hand, the other tilting her head to meet her eyes. “Listen. There’s nothing on your face. And even if there was, it doesn’t matter. You’re beautiful, honey. You’re perfect in my eyes.”


“Aww.” A smile formed on Tiffany’s lips, her eyes immediately smiling along and forming perfect crescent shapes that even the moon would get jealous of.


She caressed her cheek and gave her a tender kiss. “I love you, Jessi…”


“I love you…” Jessica smiled back, both hands now holding hers.


“Don’t ever stare at me like that again. It makes me feel anxious. You know I hate it…”


“I can’t help it. I relax whenever I look at you, baby.”


Tiffany rolled her eyes. “You’re so cheesy.”


Jessica just laughed.




“Do you feel better now…?”


Tiffany sighed as Jessica squeezed her hand. “Just a tad…”


“Stop being paranoid, okay? This lunch will go well, trust me. My parents will love you... Krystal already does… And I’ll always be here beside you. You have nothing to worry about.”


“But what if they don’t like me, Jessi?”


“Then, we’ll elope.”


Tiffany’s jaw dropped… and Jessica laughed.


“I’m serious!!” Tiffany blithely pushed her arm.


“Ok, sorry!” Jessica stopped laughing and grabbed her hands once more.


Tiffany pouted. “And you think I’d agree to elope with you? You haven’t even asked me to marry you!”


Oh boy, here we go…


Jessica sighed. “I’m sorry. I was just trying to divert your attention… Things will fall into place on its own, Tiff. If my parents don’t like you – which I highly doubt – then they will just have to deal with seeing you for the rest of their lives… because I’m planning to keep you with me for a very, very long time.”


“And what if they hate you or disown you…?”


“They’d never do that… but in the 0.01% chance that they would, then so be it,” Jessica answered with another firm squeeze on Tiffany’s hand, her thumb caressing the other girl’s knuckles. “I have you, and that’s enough for me.”


Tiffany smiled, her heart melting yet again. “You’re so sweet, you know that?”


“I know,” Jessica smirked.


“…and cocky and narcissistic and sometimes stupid.”


“I know you love me for that unique combo of qualities…”


Tiffany rolled her eyes. “I love you despite those qualities, you babo.”


Jessica grinned, a mischievous glint in her eyes. “I love you, too… despite you being a complete worrywart and a ditz.”




The brunette let out another laugh. “Now… will you quit worrying about this lunch?”




“That’s my girl.”




“But what if –”


Jessica shut her up with a kiss. “I love you, Hwang, and you’re gonna be trapped in my life forever no matter what. That’s all you got to worry about. Now, shut up.”


Tiffany smiled. “Ok.”

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Ohh I love fluffy jeti
Jeti48 #2
Omg i love it ... Really.... U're one of my fave author....
i read all this drabbles.
entertain me so much :)
never too much for JeTi!

ps. i read the other oneshot too.
and i'm too lazy to post my comment one by one.
you are doing great though.
windyheartsnsd #4
so cute! These drabbles are awesome, pls keep writing, if u stop, I'll be sad! All ur works are good!
Wahae! super duper mega ultra cute!
I really love this! <3
OMO!! *u*
MojoJoJoseph #7
JeTiLoVe #8
i love all.. fluffy jeti is really needed..
write mooorrreee~~~