The Giant

Together, Forever

Baekhyun took Taehyung by the arm as he was leaving for school.

'Tae....uh....I've invited someone over tonight, he's Park Chanyeol. Please by home by 5:00, that's when he's coming. He'll eat dinner with us. Be'll be seeing him very often.'

'Who is he? A relative?'

'Actually....' Baekhyun sighed. 'He's my boyfriend.' 

Taehyung was shocked; he couldn't process this unbelievable piece of information. 'I....uh....I'll be on time,' he stuttered. 'Bye Baekhyun.'

'Bye. Have a good day.'



5:00 came and Taehyung rushed into the house. 

Then he froze up, the air gone from his lungs. Because on the couch by his stepdad was the largest man Taehyung had ever seen.

His hands were big enough that he could hide both of Baekhyun's in one of his. His legs were neverendjng, it seemed, and his shoulders were so broad that Taehyung wondered if he was cousin to Elastigirl. A hood was pulled down to hide his face.

'Hi, I'm Ta-Taehyung,' Taehyung gasped out. 

'I'm Park Chanyeol, nice to meet you,' the giant replied, and if Tae had thought his own voice was deep, Baekhyun's boyfriend had a voice that reached the core of the earth. Taehyung had never been more afraid of a human being than he was now.

Then Chanyeol pulled the hood off, and relief flooded Taehyung like a tsunami. The man's face was the exact opposite of the body it belonged to, in fact, he had the youngest face Taehyung had ever seen on an adult.

He had wide, excited eyes and a dimple in one cheek; his face was slightly chubby like a baby's, and his ears- Taehyung held back a laugh. Chanyeol ears were huge too, they stuck straight out and were pointed like an elf's.

'Hi!' Taehyung grinned.

'You have a nice handsome stepson, Baek,' Chanyeol laughed. 'Did I scare you? I'm sorry.'

'It's okay, you're just huge, that's all,' Taehyung said in embarrassment. 

'Tae!' Baekhyun was mortified.

'I know,' Chanyeol said, laughing. 'I'm very big, yes. Let the kid speak his mind,' he told Baekhyun, seemingly undaunted by his boyfriend's red face.

Taehyung decided that Chanyeol would be an awesome dad, if he and Baekhyun ever married. He could give Taehyung the affection that Baekhyun never knew how to express. He'd make the house more like a home, and the awkward inhabitants more like a family. Taehyung prayed that he'd propose to Baekhyun someday.




Himchan finally made up his mind and pressed Call.

Yongguk's deep voice greeted him. 'Hi, you're the hot guy that ran into me, right? My soulmate?' 

'Yes,' Himchan replied confidently.

Yongguk laughed. 'So you agree that you're hot.'


'Why did you call?'

'Because I ing hate teenage kids and I have no friends to complain to, that aren't teenage kids themselves,' Himchan replied. 

'Why do you hate teenage kids? Why are you even around teenage kids?' Yongguk sounded amused.

'Because I teach school, which is another thing I hate,' Himchan sighed. 'And those kids are the most annoying little s, you can't even imagine.'

'I actually can,' Yongguk said, and Himchan swore he could hear the other man's smile. 'Some guys who work for me just came out of the angsty teenager stage. Rock music, black clothes, eyeliner, trying to be cool but just being stupid.....most notable of these kids being Junhong and his soulmate, Jongup. I swear if I have to listen to Avril Lavigne one more time....' by now they were both laughing. 

'That's great, you understand perfectly,' Himchan said, his annoyance gone. Maybe this random stranger who happened to be his soulmate would be good for him. 



Jungkook paced his room, thinking yet again about the kid his driver had almost run over. The guy's flawless facial features were engraved in Jungkook's mind, as well as his deep voice. And that electric energy he'd was like being struck by lightning. Was this handsome kid his soulmate? He couldn't be that lucky.







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FloraLeona #1
Chapter 2: I'm a hoe for soulmate aus and gosh darnit im hooked already (highkey all my fav pairings!). Cant wait for an update.