chapter 1~first sight..aish

i love you in secret,my coldhearted lover~

your POV :

"Aish..not again..Just the same boring school day.."i said and i heard girls screaming like mad..i decided to walk behind them..One of the girl with curly hair tied up with a green ribbon said,"yah!Chingu ah!!Have u heard that junhyung from BEAST is transferring to our school tommorow?I can't wait! I'll bake him some cookies today~!" 

After hearing the girls chat i walked away..I went to class and sat down at my sit and lay my head,since there's like half an hour before lesson.."What?! I can't believe Junhyung's tranferring!! I'm such a big fan of his..aish..probably won't be in the same class anyway..oops better stop thinking..I don't want people to know that a nerdy kid like me is a k- pop addict.."..And suddenly i felt someone tapping my shoulders..I turned around and saw key smiling showing his white shining teeth(Of course it's shining!!he's key remember!!The almighty key from SHINee!!)

"Oh~annyeong,key.." I said casually..

Key's POV:

"Ah..i just like this girl..At least she's not those loud screaming fan girls..aish..they are all like screaming mices!" Key said to himself.."Annyeong __(your name)___!!How are you!?"key asked.."uh..okay?What are you doing here?Are'nt your class nextdoor?"you asked.."ah!!i'm here just to see you!I'll better go..i hate to see all the fangirls looking at us..bye~!"Key answered and waved..

Your POV :

"Aish..jinjaa..why must key come to my class every morning just to see me?I don't want to chase him away..I hate seeing him begging me to let him stay with his aegyo..never mind ah..i just still can't wait for junhyung to come to our school~^^"i said smiling..Then someone started banging my table.."Oh no..not again the fake bully,Miryeong..even if she's pretty,she has bad attitude who will like her!!I just don't understand why boys like her!!"i whispered to myself.."EH!!Missy!!why are you talking to my oppa key huh??If i saw you talking to him again you'll get it from me!!"Miryeong said.." i care what she says..she justno one..i don't care if she's rich..I just feel like pulling her hair!!ARGH!!"i whispered to myself again as Miryeon walked away..Why could'nt i just be straight forward??Wae!!


That night,You were in the  bathroom brushing teeth..You just can't forget bout Miryeong..You feel like punching her..You splash your face with water and banged the mirror hardly and your hands were bleeding..

"_____-YAH!!!WHAT YOU DOING  AH!!SO NOISY!!!STOP BANGING THINGS!!"your  mom nagged..."aish..I better go to sleep.."i said..

"I hate my life..i hate school..But are'nt junhyung transferring tommorow?I better go..maybe i'll get to see him" I was thinking while laying on the bed..I decided to count sheeps..At last..I fell asleep...


"YAH!!!Wake up!!It's already late are'nt you going to school!"my umma nagged.."AH!!" i shouted.."Today junhyung's coming!And i have vocal practice after school!!(remember...u are a singer..)

"aish..this girl..jinjaa.."my umma sighs...

Your POV :

"Yay!!Junhyungie coming!!"i smiled as i unlock my bike chain..

I reached school..looked around.."aish..still lonely junhyung haven't come.." I sigh..And quickly walked to the classroom..And the school bell ranged.."Ah..just in time.."

It's already one hour and junhyung haven't come..maybe not my class..And suddenly someone knocked..I raised my head high up and turn to look at the door..

Someone who is shining brightly walked in the classroom.."AH!!!!It's junhyung!"i sreamed in my heart..Every girl in this room screamed their lungs out.." screams.."i said loudly..

And Junhyung introduced himself..After that homeroom teacher Mr.Shin appoint junhyung a seat right next to me.."ah!next to me?Eh..this seat used to be seulong's..i miss him.."i was thinking while looking at the seat..and tears nearly came to my eyes..And i noticed someone standing in front of's junhyung!I looked at him and turned i don't want him seeing me crying..

Junhyung sat right next to me,He put his books on the table and looked in front..I heard fangirl whispering about me sitting next to junhyung..I decided to introduce myself.."Uh..Hi..I'm _______..Nice to meet you.."I said trembling..

"ah!!Look Look!Nerdy __(your name)__ trying to be friends with junhyung oppa!!"Miryeong shouted to the whole class..And I looked at junhyung he looked at me.."ah!we stared!!"I whisper" And Junhyung replied ""and he looked away arrogantly..I was like "WHAT!!!the.."this can't be the junhyung i know..(I know him personally as i'm a singer(SAPPHIRE) in the same company as junhyung..remember?)..."What..andwaeh!!i meet junhung and he hate me??no!!"i told myself..



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MinJiOh #1
Update as soon as possible~~ Hehe ;)
The story is amazing and I love it but what thing I don't like to much is the writing style. I can tell your a great writer but there are a lot of grammatical mistakes and at some points I can't tell what your trying to say. But I really like the story and I think you should continue the story because I really like this story since I first read it a couple months ago and I was excited to see an update but I just think you should get a proofreader or an editer. :)
junhyung-lover #3
OMG>< update soon!! PPALI<br />
uh---oh.... <br />
update soon!
piscesdog #6
update soon pls !!!
yes i agree keep up the good work i cant wait till the next chapter
Your story is getting good, keep up the good work, update soon !!
minjinkpopsarang #10
@ LeahEyah: Deh^^ arraso~please continue to read on~