『 R E V I E W S ! 』

app count: 04
this here is where i shall write your review! the pictures are also linked to the app. i admit, i can be a bit strict and harsh, but i'll try to keep t as lenient as possible yet remain objective. also i write REALLY LONG reviews because i just really want to show my appreciation for u all aaa. also it's bc of this that my reviews can be a bit slow rip. and apologies for any typos bc i can't type right wow how am i even going to properly write this----

deku's opinion: 
minor points that isn't all that bad, but would give you a better chance if you do change it.

shouto's opinion:
now these are definite changes that you must make. these will be the mistakes that decide whether you would be in pending or accepted.

eraserhead's opinion:
accepted, pending, or chosen? what will you be?
hello there chexire and thank you so much for being the first applicant of the fic!! first of all---hOLY THE AESTHETICS OF THIS APP IS SO!!! AND YOU EDITED THOSE PICS I'M?? plus violet evergarden is just so aestetic in general so wow my eyes are very pleased. but now lets get to the review---

01. ohoho so a villain eh, known as the void too? that's really cool and i like how she used to be such an enigma and now she wants to change an be a genuine hero---i can't wait to write out her development omf. her nicknames are adorable and yES ACCENTS!! if only i could write accents sobs.

02. again---violet evergarden is so pretty i cri. and yeah she def doesn't look like someone who'd be a villain. she's very prim and proper with her uniform but i like how simple and practical her actual style was. rip shiho being stuck with a  body suit but her costume sounds so badass!! and i feel that in regards to bullets they probably have to be similar to haruto's wherein it's not lethal ( because heroes aren't supposed to do so much damage to anyone and guns look bad on them unfortunately ). at least there's another who uses guns other than haruto who he can train his marksmanship with xD. and ooo a connection to the league of villains. i imagine at this point the league of villains have been working in the shadows after some great battle between them and heroes once again. they're just waiting for a moment to strike.

03. now time for the in depth info!! i can already see everyone assuming her to be one of the usless or quirkless, and if the other u.a. kids wanted to antagonize 0-Z they would have thought of her as someone easys to deal with but unbeknownst to them she's a helluva villain. i like hoow soft she could be but htere's that steel to her that makes her more than just a generic gentle girl and i'd love to touch upon that willfulness of her but also the ideas of how wrongly placed that will can be depending on the situation because c o n f l i c t. her quotes, despite not being much, easily shows her character too which i like. her backstory's concise and oh poor girl just wanted to help her family out but sometimes you end up doing things you never wanted to for the sake of others. and i love that she actually is a kind soul and that deku would hands sown pick her because he knew that she truly was one of the villains that deserved a second chance as she turned herself in and truly wished to redeem herself. also LMAO at levi falling flat n his face----sort of reminds me of kagome when she gets mad at inuyasha xD.

04. your stats are good and the right amount and i see it matching her skills well, although by power i meant plain strength ( that's at least my interpretation of it anyways ) and she doesn't seem to be that much of a strength based character. so you might want to reconsider changing the stats? i love how unique her quirk is, and it reminds me of fairy tail's levy's magic along with the rune mages—except in her case it's by verbal command. however there are a few bits of confusion i have in regards to it. you said that she could also utilize the words she had written or typed which makes me think that you weakness of her being quirkless when she's unable to speak to be contradictory. i'd also like more of a clarification of the manipulation of a person's words and swapping them around and what it's impact and uses are for. i do feel that the manipulation of whatever she conjured up with her words to be quite over-powered so i sugest maybe you want to make it so that she couldn't necessarilly manipulate it per se but lets a burst of it shoot out by the comand of her words so the so called manipulation relied on her words. it's also interesting how those that she have a strong connection to could effectively use their words on her with strong enough emotions on their end. it's nice to see that shiho shows reliance in her quirk which would be a contrast to the majority of the other students considering a lot of 'useless' quiks were that which couldn't cause great impacts like shiho's has. i also like that she's a strategic fighter, suits very well with her quirk. and yaaaaaasssss guns---altho i'm sure the heroes and others are pretty iffy with how 0-Z seems to have students skilled with guns.

05. now for the extra bits! thhis section's all good and wow her room is really plain xD. i also love the bits of levi and shouto there ( oh! and minors. man i love that ). and akjsdh she didn't know how to use the phone at first i'm cri that's adorable. and i just love the idea of her with her own tea shop in the future it's just so fitting and cute.

06. can i just say i love miho? she's such a sweet mom and it's nice to see how supportive and caring she is of shiho and i can see why shiho was desperate enough to be a villain to gain money for her mother's treatment. and omg yes shouto! i like his relationship with shiho ( and levi too! ), just so amused at how he's going to adopt shiho ( and probably the rest of 0-Z too. that's what they get when your teacher figure in life is dadzawa :"D ).

07. and time for the love interest! with levi being mentioned so much i couldn't wait to reach this section. i love how there's a definite problem with the fact that the and how shiho's definitely a minor. admittedly i'm super weak for takao but levi definitely suits him more as takao's a literal ball of sunshine. levi is a cool character and honestly he's the sort of character i enjoy writing and would have fun with to touch upon the dynaics of shiho and him. although, considering their positions it would be difficult for them to meet up ( but i can see shouto pulling some strings and bringing levi in to help train the kids in hand-to-hand as aizawa is handicapped ). his quirk is fine, and i'll lalow it considering he's not even so keen on using it for good reasons. i love how they first met as police and villain but didn't fight each other, instead shiho admitted her identity to him and turned herself in. i also just love how shiho's hardcore crushing on levi and he's just what did i deserve to reach this point in my life? it amuses me a lot xD. i really love the two together and i just imagine her eventually being not underage and being very pleased and happy that the 'underage' problem wouldn't be that prominent ( or well, in her eyes at least ). a fun couple to develop in the story, that's for sure.

08.  a concise interview, and i'm very sure aizawa is extremely pleased with how short it was. i also expect a lot of shocked gasps from the public because how is such a soft looking girl a villain??? 

09. AND WE FINALLY REACHED THE END. i'm sorry for this word vomit for a review but dw! he summary's down here. and i truly enjoyed reading about shiho, she's a fun character for sure. n omg the pw im---but yes that aside i totally understand the changes hat's fine ( and wow i totally understand the need for height gap tRUST ME ). i just need some tweaks on shiho's quirk really but other than that it's all good! and their relationship is fine, i quite enjoyed it. omg those scene requests are adorable xD i'll see if i cna fit it into the story~ and oh my god these arcs----i'll definitely consider those! tbh that quirk switching arc is going to be such a wild ride i am so in for it ( who's going to be the unlucky bastard that got haruto's quirk i will be so a m u s e d. again, thank you for applying!

deku's opinion:
` possibly change the stats to suit her more considering power = strength.
` explain a bit more on the quirk and consider some alterations, detailed information found in 04.

` nothing anymore, good job!

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
congratulations, you are accepted!
i'm sORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG SHDKSDJHSD but a n y w a y s----aKAHIIII GOD BLESS love me my man from kuroko no basuke i say.

01. basics are all good! i like that you gave his name an actual meaning so that's nice. and i snorted a bit at taka because i was reminded of the actual guy with hawk eyes in knb ( who, fun fact, had the voice actor that also sang one of their opening or ending songs---forgot which one ). 

02. and onto visuals! again---love me some akashi ok. and yu must really like youichi hiruma huh xD---though i definitely think akashi is far more suitable for kenta here. i think his hero attire is pretty ocol too! simple yet elegant, i like that. though i can't help but think of scenarios where anime logic decided to fail him and his hood would get caught or fall off because of fast paced movements and kenta's just not again.

03. time to delve into his core!! a.k.a. one of---if not, my favorite--- section. did you know that one of my favorite kind of characters to write are the classy types? well, now you do! i'll love to write him out because of that. his personality is fine and well done, although i do believe that it's best to reconsider certain traits ( you know i'm picky with my personalities rip ). by that, i mean to seperate or combine calm and reserved. like---yeah, reserved is the result of calmness but i feel then if you were to make calm a neutral trait then you should combine calm and reserved ( because the way you wrote ti, it seemed more like they were seperate traits and despite how his reserved side was born from his calm side, his calm trait still seemed very much a positive trait. ). so, you can put reserved as a part of the calm trait to make calm a more neutral trait. OR you can put calm as a part of the mature trait ( because imo with maturity comes calmness ) and consider that as one full positive trait whilst you can explain reserved as a neutral trait. either way works, and if you wish to add one more neutral trait then it's up to you. now onto the actualy history! tbh, i saw copy cat and the first thing i thought of was knb's kise and bnha's monoma ( and  now i can't help but think that monoma may be distantly related to the gou family ). i think his backstory is perfectly fine! his father definitely went a bit too far, but i'm glad the man developed and wasn't as bad as good ol' endeavor xD.

04. and onto the ability! first of all, your stats are not the right amount. as a useless, you only have 15 points to distribute among your stats. as of now, your current stat points accumalated to 16.5. you have 1.5 stat points to eliminate. his quirk on the other hand, is alright! also why am i not surprised it's called emperor's eye xD. i believe that his quirk would actually be transformation as from what i've read, it's a quirk that's not permanently on yes? mutation and transformation are very similar in how the anatomy would be different due to their quirk but transformation tends to be the quirk that allows the user to be normal until they activate their qurik whilst mutation was when their quirk was permanently on and could not be turned off ( which was why aizawa's quirk did not affect mutation type quirk ). you could consider kirishima as a prime example of transformation quirk as he's normal most of the time but could harden his skin to the point of being a human rock, whilst tsuyu was a mutation type quirk because her frog phisiology is always present.  i'm going to have fun developing his abilities and quirk, especially since he's not a fighter yet. overall, this section is cleared sans your stats problem!

05. time to look at all the quirks of kenta! i'd prefer when dislikes and likes are the same amount but honestly that's not an issue so it's all fine. other than that, trivia's all good! nothing wrong here.

06. i see haruto so //throws bonus points at you. in all honesty rip haruto for being perceived as the normal of all normals. kenta's sharper eyes would definitely notice something rather off about haruto and haruto is very much thankful for  that ( though, i also believe there will always be a whisper in kenta's mind saying just ignore it so that he could still perceive haruto as normal ). amusing how kenta tries to protect haruto from bullies even though haruto very much believes that's not needed at all xD. awww i think the useless and quirkless especially are extremely thankful for midoriya coming up with this plan so that's sweet. and walking out on aizawa??? oh m y god. shouto being friends with the kids is a definite yes and i can't wait for the teachers to just adopt them all. so yes, relationship is good!

07. tiME TO DROWN IN FEELS FROM LI SECTION AAAA. ok but this ship ( shinta?? kensuke?? kenzoru?? what even is the name ) is adorable. i'm weak for opposites and i'm going to have tons of fun writing them out. and man am i going to enjoy writing them out already ( bickering couples got me weak i tell you. ). poor kenta, though, so worried about shin because he loves him so much aksdhaksd. 

08. we're getting there! and omg such a lil' move at the end for kenta xD. the interview is all fine and i can imagine people be in awe for his last words çuz kid got guts against aizawa. watch class 1-A of canon timeline be simply amazed by the audacity of this boy. overal, good interview and i like the added details of his actions!

09. AND WE ARE DONE!! ok i cri bc sir nighteye did not deserve that fate ok. but he definitely is someone i can see kenta looking up to especially due to the similarities in their quirks. i already pointed out that you need to switch it to transformation quirk so there's that. i love kenta and shin they're cute af and that's understandable---made my life easier xD. scene requests are good and i'll try to add them in when possible! also that interview idea sounds cool! it atually gave me an idea of how i want them to be introduced so thanks for that suggestion ( it'll be rather different but i can definitely say the interviews are still the main part of the teasers ). it'll be nice to see kenta break through and show so much development and that's the beauty of class 0-Z, the development of their skills and struggles to be great heroes some day. showing a darker side to kenta would be fun too, and i will definitely consider these arcs or try to implement them to the existing arcs already planned out! 

thank you for applying, kenta is an enjoyable character to read uvu.

deku's opinion:
` change the personalities a bit, specifically the two neutral traits.
` it's a transformation quirk, not a mutation one.

shouto's opinion:
` 1.5 stat points too much! fix that up please.

eraserhead's opinion:
currently pending.
currently reviewing...

deku's opinion:

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
a review here.

deku's opinion:

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
a review here.

deku's opinion:

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
a review here.

deku's opinion:

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
a review here.

deku's opinion:

shouto's opinion:

eraserhead's opinion:
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Thank you!
『CLASS 0-Z 』:: i'm sorry if i'm very slow with reviews!! life's a bit hectic rn kjsfkdjf


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its already 2019 is this still ongoing skshdkshd
Chapter 2: jfskajkjf i already corrected the mistakes! hope it's all fine now :")
and how do i apply? just comment? ahha
i'm actually rlly new to do this
Chapter 1: just a clarification, the quirks for villains doesn't have to be useless right? but not too overpowering as well?
wjdjsjxj are we allowed to like, apply one more time? i just finished watching bnha again and i got an idea for a villain boy ;;;;;
in terms of strengths and weaknesses, it'll just be in regards to their fighting style ( are they athletic? are they bad at fighting but a great strategist? stuff like that! )
Chapter 2: Chapter 2: Hey friend!
Question: is there a maximum number of languages the character can know?
Chapter 1: Anyone interested in collaborating with a quirkless girl who is basically a mom / older sister figure (despite being like 5 ft tall XD) hit me up. :D
(Honestly, nothing is done but...XD)
if anyone is interested to collab with a guy giving out cold&mysterious&lazy vibe but is constantly possessed by cat spirits, feel free to hmu!

i m actually looking for a love interest, probably a girl who likes cat— but i m open for other relationships too! please hit me up haahahah