TINA: What does yunjae represent to you?
ANNA:  Yunjae represents a relationship that is untouchable. Something that I want to achieve but it is still too far from me.

TINA: Why are we obsessed with Yunjae?
ANNA:  Yunjae is an iconic pair to almost anyone who enjoys kpop and has been here long enough to understand what Dong Bang Shin Ki as a group and each member as an individual has been through. They represent so many things or better feelings and hopes to each of us that it hard not to be obsessed even after all these years of only having our hope of seeing them together.

TINA: Why is that Yunjae in stories can do anything and we support them?
(Ex: affair, , home wrecker)
ANNA:  I think because we know that they are only stories. In stories we can have anything happen to them or with them and we understand that it isn’t real. We know, especially as authors, that the end will always turn out well because what is real is Yunjae themselves and they are alive and with us, giving us all of them through their hard work so it doesn’t truly matter what they do in the stories that are written.

TINA: Tomorrow headlines Jaejoong confirms he is in a relationship with a girl. How do you feel?
ANNA:  Jaejoong is and has been my ultimate bias for a long time. Of course I will feel a little sad knowing that he is unavailable for purely selfish reasons, however, I will be happy for him and support him no matter what happens. He has given so much happiness with everything he has accomplished that it is only fair that he is happy as well.

TINA: Asian celebrities often get married in secret and hide the fact they are indeed married..So one member of TVXQ is in that married status. How do you feel?
ANNA:  It is sad that celebrities cannot come out and love the way everyone else can love. They are often hurt or their loved one gets hurt for the simple fact that they fall in love, that they want to have families, that they want to get married. I feel bad that they have to hide their happy lives from the world, but if they can have a single moment of happiness and peacefulness by hiding their relationships then it is for the best.

TINA: How real is Yunjae and how much is in fact Fan service?
ANNA:  The answer is purely with yunjae themselves but I believe any true fan believes that yunjae is real and has been for many, many years. Maybe it started with the fanservice? Anyway, I like to believe yunjae is real. Maybe they are not gay and maybe they are not truly in love with each other, but I do believe they love each other like brothers and nothing could ever change that.

TINA: Do you think Jaejoong is gay?
ANNA:  Honestly, when I think of Jaejoong as himself I do not believe he is gay, but sometimes when I watch videos or clips of Jaejoong around Yunho or in the old DBSK days the thought that he could be does come to mind quite often.

TINA: When Yunjae comes out publicly……..
ANNA:  I WILL FREAK OUT! and pledge to support the both of them for the rest of my life. They would need all the support they can get.

TINA: Does yunho look gayer than Jaejoong?
ANNA:  Sometimes in the way Yunho dances and actions I believe he does look more gay.

TINA: Do you think they meet secretly and still friends or even lovers?
ANNA:  I think they are definitely friends and still meet. There are a lot of proof on the internet and youtube videos that they still meet. After all the years they spent together and put their blood, tears, sweat into their hard work I believe there is no way that their friendship or relationship could be cut off that easily.

TINA: I heard Jaejoong song Nine is for Yunho even though he denied it?
What do you think?
ANNA:  I believe it is for Yunho, but I believe it is for all of the DBSK members. They all put hard work in for all the years they were together and of course love and affection for each other created their success all over asia.

TINA: What is about Yunjae that makes you sacrifice your time and energy upon writing fictions..
ANNA: Besides the fact that I love writing, they are a great pair to use as subjects and topics. Their personalities are easy to use and the background as kpop idols help along with the different types of stories that are created.

TINA: Your future plans for fanfics?
ANNA: Right now I am writing a fanfic with the members of Vixx as the focus. I’d like to write another Yunjae fanfic but I am waiting for a unique storyline for the both of them to come along. Something that I would like writing and would fit the both of Yunjae and DBSK as a whole.

TINA: Thoughts on homouality?
ANNA: Love is love. No one should be hurt or judged for loving another person.

TINA: What do you think of people who think homo uality is a sin and a disease which can be cured?
ANNA:  I’d tell them to mind their own business. Of course everyone has their own opinion, but that doesn’t mean their opinion has to be on everyone else.

TINA: What do you think we should do to make the world accept homouality?
ANNA:  I’m not sure there is anything we can do. I’m sure for a very long time to come homouality will be considered a sin by many. We can only spread our accepting and open mindedness to as many people as we can.

TINA: In the future your kid comes out to you. What will you do?
ANNA: I will support them till the end. Everyone deserves to be accepted for who they are and should not feel shame or worry.

TINA: Pride or love?
ANNA:  Pride can be a fault too. Love.

TINA: Love to me is…………
ANNA:  Life. If you do not find love in anything, then do you really live? Are you really living without any love in your heart, mind, soul?

TINA: Do you believe in love at first sight?
ANNA:  I believe it can be possible.

TINA: What are your views on Yoochun scandal?
ANNA:  Yoochun’s Scandal is difficult. If he really did force women to have with him then of course he is in the wrong. However, I feel that there are a lot of bad people in this world and those that would take advantage of those in the position of power or who have money. I truly believe that these people wanted Yoochun’s money and caused him a lot of ruin and pain to do so. However, I am sure there are a lot of sides to the story and only the people involved really know the truth. I just hope they can live with what they have done.

TINA: Since junsu has been public about his relation with a girl has yoosu ship sunk?
ANNA: Nothing is absolute. There is always a possibility and with that I think the Yoosu ship will never truly sink.

TINA: How did you react to the news of “Yoochuns” upcoming marriage?
ANNA: The news was a bit sudden and surprising, but if Yoochun is happy then I am happy.

TINA: I have read somewhere that Jae and chun are looking more like lovers than friends..what do you think?
ANNA: Jaejoong and Yoochun have always been the soulmate pair. Of course they as close as lovers, but I don’t see the pair like that. However, I’m not ruling out the possibilities. Once again, only those involved know the truth.

TINA: Are we deluding ourselves by making these OTP’s?
ANNA: I don’t think we are deluding ourselves. We should be free to make our own thoughts and opinions, and sometimes we have fun and even delve into the impossible. However, OTP’s are far from the impossible in my own opinion.


TINA: Opinions on plastic surgery?
ANNA:  I don’t really have one. I don’t think I could ever do it just because I’d probably end up looking ridiculous but some people really think they look bad and are unhappy with themselves. If plastic surgery makes them feel better about their looks or themselves, then there is nothing wrong with that.

TINA: Do you think jaejoong’s in famous beauty had help from the plastic surgeon?
ANNA: I had heard that Jaejoong had plastic surgery, but no matter how I look at him I can’t believe it. As much as I look at him and stare at his pictures and such, I don’t see that much of a difference from his pre-debut days.

TINA: Why should we be obsessed with pop idols when they don’t even know we exist?
ANNA:  They represent a bigger world and often they take us away from our own meaningless lives.

TINA: Still sailing in yunjae ship or has it sunk..
ANNA: I’ll forever be sailing the yunjae ship no matter what happens.

TINA: What other ships are you interested in ?
ANNA:  Not sure if you mean in all of kpop or just within DBSK, but there is still Yoosu, Minfood (really!) Neo, Navi, RaKen (VIXX) YeWook (SUJU) and I’m sure there are more but not many as serious..


Dearest Anna,
           For so long I wanted to have you on board of interview's and I am very thankful that you accepted my invitation and  took the time out for us..we enjoyed reading your stories..wishing to read an Yunaje fanfic from you again..ALL THE VERY BEST IN EVERYHTING YOU DO.
                                  With love,

To read ANNA's fanfics visit her AFF account CHOANNA320
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SORRY GUYS..i could not post part 3 on laptop was broken..everything is in working order now.


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Chapter 3: Thanks for your hard work!
Chapter 1: Hi Anna. I'm an ex FA.
THank you for all your efforts!