
The One and Only

Yein blinked and stared at the girl who was staring back at her. Her gaze moved to her beautiful curled hair that has been placed on one side of the shoulder. She then slowly lifted her gaze to meet her eyes and unlike the beauty in the mirror, she was meet with red eyes that brought fear and anxiety. Yein watched as the girl bit her bottom lip and registered the pain on her own.


“No matter how much you stare at the mirror, you’ll only see yourself honey.”Yein stiffed when she feel someone backed hug her. Sehun noticed her action so he turned her and held her shoulders firmly once they were standing face to face.


“You look beautiful, sweetheart. Don’t look down on yourself. I’m so lucky to have you”. She sighed and turned away to look into the mirror again, noticing how she had failed to smile despite the praise given to her.


“you got any plan today?” Yein looked at the reflection of sehun in the mirror and shook her head. “Good! Lets go out since its Saturday. Go get ready we will go out in 30 minutes.” He said as he kiss her hair.


As soon as she stepped outside the house Sehun grabbed her hand pulling it to rest around his elbow. “You can holding on to me, I’m your boyfriend after all.” He said quietly make her blush.


They decided to eat breakfast at Yein favorite cafe that close to famous shopping streets. She like to eat beside the mirror to see people pass by, it give her reassure that every people have they own battle they fight on.


After breakfast they decide to walk down the road to the shopping streets. It was quiet, mostly the both of them just looking around. Yein couldn’t help but notice the stares the two of them would get from time to time, often from other women who noticed sehun.


He was really tall after all, he stood out a lot and he was easy on the eyes. The silence was becoming a bit painful, even for Sehun. So he decided to ask something that was bugging him.


“Yein… is it I got do something wrong?” she stop walking and look at him “nope” she respond quietly.” its just that I felt you become distant with me, you rarely talk and always look down.” Sehun stared into her eyes.


Yein spotted her favorite place to go shopping. She hummed happily as she let go of his hand to look at the beautiful dresses and shirt they had on display. Sehun followed close behind. Is it she simply happy to see the clothes or she just want to avoid me?.


He then proceeded to take one of the dresses he was looking at and placed it over her body. “This is your size, right?” He bent a little to look at her. “Yeah.” yein mumbled, looking at the size number on the tag. With a little help from shop assistant yein choose 2 dresses that she want to try on. Sehun nodded placing a warm hand on her waist.


“come on, we have to see how they look.” he nudged her in the direction of the fitting room. Yein have been inside the fitting room for almost 20 minutes already make him worried. He popped his hear in her curtain, “ Are you okay, honey?”. Yein  startled “ the dress has buttons, I cant do them myself.” She pointed awkwardly to her back making sehun smile.


His fingers carefully buttoned up the back as she bit her lip embarrassed. The familiar touch made yein shiver. When done , he rested his hand on her shoulders and kiss her neck make her freeze. It felt like the touch lasted a second too short before he stepped away, pulling the curtain fully open gain the shop assistant attention.


After changing back to her original clothes, she stepped out, ready to buy it immediately . Saw she coming, he immediately got up from the couch and walked to her. He smiled under his nose as he took her hand in his.


“Do you like it?” He asked and she respond with a nod. She went to the cashier to pay but Sehun offering to buy it for her.”Do you want to grab something to eat before we go back?” she turned to him and nod with a smile.


“where do you want to eat?” he asked stared deep into her eyes. “Anywhere” she respond.”how about fried chicken? Your favorite”. Maybe with food I can get more reaction from her.


Yein eyes widened as she nodded without hesitation. Sehun laughed, covering his mouth with their intertwined hand. “Your eyes are almost sparkling, you know?”She smiled happily as Sehun turned to walk, her hand still firmly In his as she give him a light squeeze.

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