Vente-otso: Realizing (Kyungsoo)

If We Were A Movie

✂- - - -  K Y U N G  S O O


10 seconds. That's how long the kiss was. I know because I counted it. 

Taemin's kiss was mindblowing, and I can't believe I pulled away that fast. But yeah, I had to. I'm pretending I'm cool, ain't I?


I went straight to my room after dinner. My phone was ringing. Younghae.

"So, how are things with Taemin?" was the first thing she had as I finally picked up. Aish, this girl.

"Uh... they're okay."

"Did you confess?"

"No. But he knows. Things are complicated right now."

"Tell me."

So I told her. I tried hard not to bawl over everything that happened.

"So Minho was telling the truth..."

I stopped at that. "What? What else did he say?!"

"That you kissed Taemin earlier. You left that part out! How can you not tell me!"

"It was for work!" I argued, feeling a blush creeping to my cheeks. "And... Taemin says nothing will happen if I kiss him or whatever so don't think too much about it!" I screamed into the phone, and Sulli came into the room.

"You love him, don't hide it, 'cause you will regret it. Mark my words, Kyungsoo."


She didn't have to tell me that. 

"Kyungsoo, are you okay?" Sulli asked me. Nodding curtly, I got out of the room, looking for Minho to strangle him before he goes back to Seoul. 

"Why did you tell Younghae??!" I yelled at him as he loaded his bags into his car.

He shrugged, "She deserves to know, and I wanted her to talk to you."


"Kyungsoo, I know you love Taemin. He loves you too. I love you too, but that's a different story."

"But I love you too!"

"Not in the way I do," he grinned, and ruffled my hair. "See you in Seoul." He kissed my forehead.

"Yay! I'll have my wifey to myself!" Soohyun rejoiced.

Minho threw him a glare and was off.

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AThirteen #2
hi beshie bahahaha
AThirteen #3
bump (2)
Ughhhh I wanna read these bc Hannah Montana but I don't usually read straight fics xD
wuzita0 #5
It just stresses me out that the OC is named Kyungsoo. You know, D.O. from EXO. Lol =))) But nonetheless, will be adding this to my to read fics! Thank you! :)
Pxnellyxq #6
Chapter 33: RAWR oh MAH glob
Chapter 33: nice nice nice just so they really get to live the movie..urgh why am I so jelly????? that should be me .huhuhuT__T
Awe~ Cute!
I liked this. It was nice :)
chas_ssmentrok #9
Kyaaaaa...everything ended so well :D
I love how whats happening in the movie is what's happening in their real lives.
Well done ^^
chas_ssmentrok #10
Chpt 20:
OMG Minho too :0 starting to think this is all part of minho's plan..
oh wel..back to reading this really interesting fanfic ^^