Kinse; Running (Taemin)

If We Were A Movie

✂- - - - T A E M I N


I was such a jerk.

So I apologized. Kyungsoo was my best friend, and I couldn't lose her. She was forgiving, and I was happy. Kyungsoo was too nice.

I apologized to Minho hyung first though. Guess what he said?

"Don't apologize to me. Apologize to Kyungsoo, and to yourself, for being such an idiot."

Then he hung up.



The next day, we had shooting in the beach. Kyungsoo was supposed to chase me, and I thought, "Just like old times," and blurted it out as I watched kyungsoo get ready.

She grinned. "And I'll win. Just like old times."

The scene was easy, since Kyungsoo had always chased me to ground, wrestle me, then tickle me til she was satisfied. Then I'd do the same. And she'd pinch me until I get off.

In a way, Kyungsoo did win, but I took over and said, "You're mine, Haneul."

Then there comes the disruption-- Soohyun, or Junki in the movie,  comes to get Kyungsoo then I am left alone, sitting in the sand.

The director screeches, "CUT!" and I get up, walking towards Kyungsoo. She congratulated me, and after a while, when the cameras were gone, Kyungsoo chased me again. Instinctively, I sprinted away from her.

I laughed, thinking about the times she chased me. Moments later, after running a few meters, I felt her on my back and fell to the sand.

I rolled over, and she fell on my chest. Inexplainably, my heart started to beat rapidly, and I could swear that it thumped against my ribs.

Fortunately, Kyungsoo got up before it could've gone worse and she felt my heart like that.

She was laughing as she extended a hand for me to take and once I did, she pulled me up.

Her hand was starting to slip away from mine.

I didn't ever want to let go.

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AThirteen #2
hi beshie bahahaha
AThirteen #3
bump (2)
Ughhhh I wanna read these bc Hannah Montana but I don't usually read straight fics xD
wuzita0 #5
It just stresses me out that the OC is named Kyungsoo. You know, D.O. from EXO. Lol =))) But nonetheless, will be adding this to my to read fics! Thank you! :)
Pxnellyxq #6
Chapter 33: RAWR oh MAH glob
Chapter 33: nice nice nice just so they really get to live the movie..urgh why am I so jelly????? that should be me .huhuhuT__T
Awe~ Cute!
I liked this. It was nice :)
chas_ssmentrok #9
Kyaaaaa...everything ended so well :D
I love how whats happening in the movie is what's happening in their real lives.
Well done ^^
chas_ssmentrok #10
Chpt 20:
OMG Minho too :0 starting to think this is all part of minho's plan..
oh wel..back to reading this really interesting fanfic ^^