Dose; Envying (Kyungsoo)

If We Were A Movie


✂- - - -  K Y U N G  S O O
There was a knock on the door, and Sulli, the happy camper that she is, gladly went to get it.
"Minho oppa!" she squealed, and I spun around.
My ears had not been deceiving me. It was Minho in the flesh, tall, manly and annoying as ever.
"Sup," he said, coming over, "How are things?"
"Oh, hey, uh, they're okay. Filiming's really getting good and--Minho what are you doing here??"
Minho chuckled, "I can't see my favorite girl now, can I? Now that she's going to be a famous movie star who's going to appear with the all too perfect Lee Taemin of SHINee, she doesn't even have  time for me anymore."
"Yeah, you can't see your favorite girl to annoy anymore," I said, rolling my eyes. "Planned anything sinister lately?"
"Ouch,' he smirked, and I just rolled my eyes again. "I just came to see how's it going with you and Taemin. And that confession we talked about."
I looked around to see if Sulli was still there before hissing, "We never talked about a confession!"
"Okay. Let's talk about it now."
"There will be no confession! End of conversation!" 
"Look outside."
Reluctantly, I looked.
Taemin was there, laughing with Sulli. He seemed to enjoy her company very, very much. Maybe that was what Younghae meant by "too late". What if Taemin falls for her? Too late. I can already hear Younghae's 'I told you so'.
And it felt horrible.
Apparently, Minho was allowed to stay for at least 3days, then he'd be going back to Seoul. He didn't pester me with questions, fortunately. But we were always together, because Taemin was always with Sulli. Unless of course, we had a scene together.
But seeing them together still bothered me. Was I jealous?
"Kyungsoo, is something wrong?" my co-actor, Soohyun asked me. I didn't realie I had been looking over his shoulder, to where Sulli and Taemin were filming.
"Nothing. I'm fine," I lied. "Now where were we?"
Soohyun pointed out the scene on the script and we continued.
Minho smirked at me as we were called to set. I ignored him and followed Soohyun.
At least this would keep my mind off of things.
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AThirteen #2
hi beshie bahahaha
AThirteen #3
bump (2)
Ughhhh I wanna read these bc Hannah Montana but I don't usually read straight fics xD
wuzita0 #5
It just stresses me out that the OC is named Kyungsoo. You know, D.O. from EXO. Lol =))) But nonetheless, will be adding this to my to read fics! Thank you! :)
Pxnellyxq #6
Chapter 33: RAWR oh MAH glob
Chapter 33: nice nice nice just so they really get to live the movie..urgh why am I so jelly????? that should be me .huhuhuT__T
Awe~ Cute!
I liked this. It was nice :)
chas_ssmentrok #9
Kyaaaaa...everything ended so well :D
I love how whats happening in the movie is what's happening in their real lives.
Well done ^^
chas_ssmentrok #10
Chpt 20:
OMG Minho too :0 starting to think this is all part of minho's plan..
oh wel..back to reading this really interesting fanfic ^^