01 - The Mission.

My Other Half.

Jo Kwangmin is the royal vampire prince in the Vampire Kingdom.

His parents are the queens and kings of the Kingdom.

Although he's treated royalty, he doesn't live in a big castle with his parents and the rest of the royal family members.

He lives in a small house with his closest friends, Donghyun and Jeongmin.

Together, they try there best to do their research and try to find someone very important.

This person is Jo Youngmin; The long lost twin of Jo Kwangmin.


Kwangmin's PoV:

I yawned as i trudged my heavy sleepy body down the stairs. I felt like I've been through a hangover, but in all honesty, i was just pulling an allnighter in the late night city, looking for someone really important to me..

Jo Youngmin. My twin brother. My so called 'other half'. 

He literally is my other half. Were twins, were supposed to do everything together. But sadly, I never got to do anything with him. I couldn't even get to hug him or even call out his name. He suddenly disappeared when I was really little. My parents think that someone 'stole' him and now he's somewhere in the Vampire Kingdom. But I highly doubt that. Sometimes I wonder if he's even alive.

Were both Vampire princes, and were supposed to take over the throne next year. But if I don't find him any time soon, then things won't go as smoothly as my parents planned for it to go. The Vampire Kingdom can't be ruled by just one royalty subject. There has to be at least two or things go out of control. He plays a big role. I need to find him, now.

But just where the is he?!

I've been looking everywhere. And i mean EVERYWHERE. I looked through the urban areas of the kingdom, i've looked through the rural areas of the kingdom, i've looked through the trashy and low class areas of the kingdom. I searched high and low for that boy, and I just can't find him anywhere..

Is he even alive?!

No. He's alive. I know it. If he was dead, my twin senses would be tingling.

Any how, I don't search alone.. I search with my closest hyungs, Donghyun and Jeongmin. And my parents search for him as well. But anyways, those two are like greek gods. They help me with everything, and they've been helping me search for my twin. Basically, they help me with anything. And not just because i'm a prince, but because there actually real friends of mine.

I let out a sigh as I made my way through the kitchen. I'm hella tired..

As i stepped into the modern looking kitchen, I saw Donghyun hyung cooking up some omelets and i saw Jeongmin hyung sitting on the counter looking at his precious little mirror. I swear he never gets rid of that thing. I wonder if he sleeps with it..

I sat down at the table that was placed in the middle of the kitchen and rested my head on it.

"Morning, Prince Kwangie!" Jeongmin chirped. "How was the search? Any luck?"

"No. None." I replied bluntly. "What about you? How was you're search at the country side?"

Jeongmin let out a sigh and he put his compacted mirror away in his back pocket. "Horrible. I thought i was going to die of boredom. But I couldn't find any information about Youngmin.. All of the farmers never heard of him.."

"What about you, Donghyun hyung?" I asked. "Found anything at the local markets?"

"I found some information. Not a whole lot though.." 

As soon as those words flew out of his mouth, I lit up like a firecracker. I instantly stood up from my chair and stared hard at Donghyun. I don't care if Donghyun hyung only found 1 thing about Youngmin. It's better than having none.

"He's alive and breathing." Donghyun explained. He put the fresh cooked omelets onto our plates along with a glass of fresh blood. "But I don't know where he is located right now.." Donghyun continued. "But locals say that he's down at Earth living with humans.."

"Why would he be with the humans?" Jeongmin asked curiously.

Donghyun shrugged his shoulders. "It seems like he's having a normal life down there.."

"That's impossible.. He's a vampire, he needs blood. He can't survive without it!" I exclaimed "And its not like he people's blood randomly when he needs it. That would be like murder!"

"...Maybe he has blood tablets?" Jeongmin said, sipping his glass of blood.

"But even with blood tablets, he wouldn't be able to survive long." Donghyun wiped his hands on a napkin to take all the grease off of his hands. "Listen, I've told the queen about this. She said we would have a little 'group meeting' afterwards around 10AM. We'll talk about it more then. But until 10, enjoy you're omelets~"

Jeongmin digged in right away, and Donghyun followed afterwards. I just sat there in my seat, all confused. My twin is alive, yet he might be living with the humans. Exactly how many years was he living down at Earth? And without any fresh blood? It just doesn't seem logical. He couldn't survive with just blood tablets like Donghyun said earlier. Those don't fill up an empty stomach. 

Everything is just...confusing..

...But hey, at least he's alive and breathing.


In the Vampire Kingdom, lies a very big castle.

It's called the Jo castle. 

....Pretty obvious why its called that

It's where Kwangmin's parents and the rest of the Jo family lives.

Its quite big really...

The trio, Donghyun Jeongmin, and of course Prince Kwangmin, were all headed to the castle.




After we ate breakfast and just chilled out, all of us went to go get ready to head out to my parent's castle, which I haven't been to in like 2 years.. There's a reason for that though. I never really liked it there. I mean, I love my family, but being treated as royalty isn't my thing. I don't like having those annoying maids and butlers and what not following me everywhere. A lot of them tend to flirt with me. Also, it seems like I cant leave that damn palace for even a second. I have no social life there! That's why I've moved in with Donghyun and Jeongmin hyung~

Anyway, putting my side story aside, I went upstairs to go get dressed. 

"Make sure you wear something appropreite!" Jeongmin said, stopping me from closing my room door shut. "Were going to a castle, not at a casual hang out!"

I rolled my eyes. I'm the freaking prince there. They wouldn't mind if I dress like a damn hobo. They would still treat me like I was the last piece of gold on earth. 

"Right. Sure." I replied bluntly. I closed the door shut and walked over toward the light brown wardrobe and opened one of the drawers. I honestly don't know what to wear, and I didn't really care. Were going to a meeting about Youngmin. That's all I care about.  I just want to get my information, and leave.

After a good 10 seconds of picking out random clothes, I stepped out of my room and saw my hyungs standing there, judging me. As if i did something extremely stupid..

"What..?" I asked, cocking my head to the side in confusion. "Do i have something on my face?" 

Donghyun sighed and shook his head in disapproval. "Jeongmin, remind me to never buy this 'prince' pikachu clothing ever again."

I pouted while Jeongmin just laughed at me.

What's so wrong with wearing a pikachu costume..?



The Queen, King, and the Prince with his loyal friends discussed about the long lost twin for a good long 4 hours.

Yes, it was that long.

There was lots of things to be discussed..

But they were one step closer on finding him.


"Jo Youngmin. He's 16 years old. He's on Earth and he's living with some humans. He's pretty tall. My estimate is around 180 CM. Although he should look alike to Prince Kwangmin, he doesn't. His hair is now dyed bright blonde. The last time I saw him was 3 days ago hanging out with his friends. I've tried to encounter him several times, but he just keeps disappearing.." Hyunseong, one of my mom's loyal servants, explained. Hyunseong was my mom's favorite servants.. He works well at the palace and he would do anything for this castle. 

"You went to Earth? Since when?" Donghyun asked.

"About a week ago. I went because our highness wanted me to search for him down there. Fortunately, I found a great amount of information about him." 

"...So wait. He's on Earth. With humans. How the hell does he survive?" I asked curiously I still wasn't clear on this. "He's a vampire, isn't he? Last time I checked vampires NEED blood to survive!"

"I don't know about that. He could just be living off of those cheap blood tablets. But he is alive and seems healthy."

"Aish.." I mumbled. I rubbed the back of my neck. This is so stressful.. "So what do we do now?"

"We find him and bring him back here. He needs to train for next year. You two are taking over the kingdom, so you both need to train and learn about the kingdom and what not." My mother stated. "Kwangmin and Hyunseong, you're mission is to find Jo Youngmin and bring him back here within 2 weeks."

"Why me?! Umma, you know I don't like being around humans! It's too..creepy! I feel out of place and abnormal!" I exclamied. It was like a phobiea.. I don't know why, but I just don't like being around humans. I get this weird feeling..

"You ARE abnormal, Prince Kwangie.." Jeongmin chuckled. "You're a vampire. Of course you feel out of place!"

"Just deal with it. This is for you're brother, remember?" Donghyun said patting my back. "Just do it for him. You always wanted to see him anyway!"

I sighed. I hated this idea. But for Youngmin, I guess i'll do it..

"Fine.." I said pouting. "When do we leave?"

"Leave tomorrow on the crack of dawn. But remember, you're going to be around humans. You must act normal and not act like a vampire." My mother explained.

"I wish the two of you luck."

A/N: Yay~ First chapter finishedd ! Might have some spelling and grammar issues here and there ! But please enjoy the first chapter anyway :3 !

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youngkwanghyunjo #1
Chapter 2: please update! please!!! i thought this is kwangyoung. :)
Chapter 2: interesting,,please update soon!
Chapter 2: knwrgmeho OMG PLEASE UPDATE SOON DARLING !!! <3
FizUTwinS #4
Chapter 2: i just read your story and it really great,, don't you planning to update again?? please update soo,, ^^
Chapter 2: please update. =D
Cant Wait!!!
HappyMonster #7
New reader!!
Ohh can't wait to see what happens next!!