Chapter Nine

Exclusively Yours

“So, hyung. You haven’t chosen yet on which of my artworks you’ll buy?”

“Write an explanation at the back of one of your paintings. And I’ll buy that one.” Kyungsoo answered Sehun.

Sehun lightly tapped his shoulder. “Look, hyung. The thing is, you’re always looking for obvious meanings for everything. Can’t you at least look for hints? For hidden meanings?”

“It’s just a waste of time.”

“No wonder you’re still alone.” Sehun picked up two champagne flutes from a waiter who passed by. “Here. Get drunk. Maybe if alcohol fills your mind, it will become somewhat clear.”

He took the champagne from Sehun and took a gulp from it. “Sehun, is he… still here?”

“Who? Chanyeol hyung? Yes. And in fact, women are flocking to him over there.”

His heart is rebelling while he downed the remaining alcohol in his glass.

Sehun just chuckled. “You know, Kyungsoo hyung. If you’re jealous, why don’t you go over there and mark your territory?”

“I don’t want to meddle with those cheap people.”

“Everyone who falls in love becomes cheap.”

“I’m not cheap.”

“Hmm, good thing you are admitting your real feelings to Chanyeol hyung. That’s nice. But nothing will happen if you just sulk here and let everyone take your boyfriend away from you.”

Of course he doesn’t want people to snatch Chanyeol away from him. But who is he to stake a claim on him? Chanyeol doesn’t even like him.

“Maybe he’s happier that way.”

“How can you be so sure?”

“Sehun, he doesn’t like me. Don’t tell me you didn’t notice that because you are the one who’s with me when I planned this whole ‘seducing Chanyeol’ thing. I did everything that I can, right? But what happened? He just kissed me and told me that we can never be more than friends.” Kyungsoo wants to cry again. He took a drink from his glass but he realized it is empty. He grabbed Sehun’s glass and took a drink from it.

“Did you ask him why?”

“I’m brave, Sehun. But I’m not greedy. What I heard is enough. I don’t want to add any more pain in my heart.”

“So, you’re really giving up. Well, if that’s the case, you go with me.”

“I don’t want to. I’m going home.”

“You go with me for a second.” Sehun held his hand and pulled it. “Let’s just say goodbye to Chanyeol hyung.”

“You’re leaving your exhibit?”

“Oh, right. You’re the only one who will say goodbye.”

He tried to take his hand back but Sehun is stronger. Damn this brat. “Why would I have to say goodbye to him? Is he my father? Sehun, what are you doing?”

“Well, I don’t know. Maybe I just want to know if you don’t really like him anymore. It’s because I want to help you with your recovery.”

Kyungsoo didn’t try to fight Sehun when they saw where Chanyeol is. Well, he can easily locate Chanyeol because he is the tallest guy in that area, and the most handsome as well with his crisp black suit. Maybe it’s also because of the women surrounding him and just giggling at whatever he say.

Kyungsoo held at the pillar near him. “We might just bother him, Sehun.”

“Of course not. Don’t worry, those coquettes can’t do anything because I’m the star for tonight. Chanyeol hyung!”

Chanyeol immediately looked at their direction, resulting in them looking at each other’s eyes. He excused himself to his admirers before walking towards them. Kyungsoo averted his gaze.


“How do you find the paintings so far?”

“You’re really good. Your works are all beautiful. In fact, I already chose three paintings to buy.”

“Well, that’s good. I’m getting richer because of you. Anyway, I hope you will find more paintings to buy. I will show you more of my artworks after I bring Kyungsoo hyung home.”

“You’re leaving?”

Kyungsoo assumed that Chanyeol’s question is for him. So, he answered without looking at Chanyeol. “Yes. I still have work tomorrow.”

“I didn’t see your car outside.”

“I left it at the mechanic this morning.”

“If that’s the case, then let me bring you home.”

“No, th—”

“That’s a great idea!” Sehun slightly pushed him towards Chanyeol and then pushed the both of them towards the door of the gallery. “Be careful on your way home, okay? Good luck—I mean, good night!”

Kyungsoo turned to look at his friend, but Sehun is already walking away.

“If I didn’t know Sehun, I would think he’s pairing us up.” Chanyeol said.

Why does it seem like he is against pairing them up? He cannot believe that Chanyeol has a bad side. He turned away from him.

“My car’s over there.”

Kyungsoo continued to walk away. “I can go home on my own. Thanks for the offer. You can go back inside.”

“I said I’m going to take you home.”

“And I said don’t bother.”

“It’s not a bother.”  Chanyeol held his arm.

Kyungsoo almost flinched, not because of surprise but because of the heat Chanyeol’s hand brings him. His body and his heart recognized everything about Chanyeol. He’s sure that it’ll be difficult to forget him. But he cannot let himself get hurt again when he’s still not recovered with the pain that Chanyeol gave him a few moments ago.



“I don’t know.” Chanyeol brushed his hair with his hand and sighed. “I don’t really know what to do or say. But the only thing I know is that I don’t want us to be like this.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t hate me.”

“I don’t hate you.” That, at least, was true. “Look, Chanyeol. I’m trying to avoid you. And I know you know my reason for that. Maybe we can be good friends in the future. When I finally get over you and am ready to be your friend, you’ll be the first to know. But for now, just let me be. Give me time and space to forget my feelings for you. Can you do that?”

“I’m not sure.”

Me either. Kyungsoo rubbed his eyes to prevent the tears that are threatening to fall out from his eyes. Don’t cry out here, Kyungsoo. Not in front of him. You’ll just look more pathetic. “I have to go.”

“Wait, Kyungsoo.”

“What?” At this point, he is so frustrated with Chanyeol. And with himself. Because instead of learning to forget about him, it seems like he’s falling in love with him more. “If you’re going to say anything, just tell me now. I really want to go home.”

“Don’t go yet.”

“Why?” Kyungsoo waited for Chanyeol to answer. His heart waited for an answer that he longs to hear from the man the day he realized his feelings for him. But just like before, he is unsuccessful.

Kyungsoo continued to walk towards the bus stop. When will he experience a love story with a happy ending?

“Why are you still following me?” He asked when Chanyeol appeared beside him. “I said go back inside the exhibit. I can take care of myself.”

“I just want to make sure you’ll get home safely. “

“I can get home safely.”

“Kyungsoo, let me just do this—”

“No!” He faced Chanyeol. “I thought you don’t like me.”

“I didn’t say that.”

“Well, you want us to be ‘just friends,’ right? That’s what it means, right?”


“I already told you, Chanyeol. I don’t want to be your friend. I won’t settle for just being friends. If you don’t really feel anything towards me, other than just a friend, then it’s better to just stay away from me.”

“That’s the problem. I don’t want to stay away.”

Now he is really frustrated with Chanyeol. “You’re so confusing. You make my head hurt.”

“You think you are the only one who is confused? I’m confused too.”

“You? So what do you call the problem that you’re giving me right now? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m trying to avoid you. I want to get over the feelings that I have for you because I know I won’t get anything from it. And here you are, telling me you can’t stay away. Are you kidding me?”

Chanyeol just sighed. He really looked like he was having a hard time explaining something even to himself. Kyungsoo felt bad for him. He doesn’t want to see Chanyeol having a hard time.

“I’ll ask you one question, Chanyeol. I want you to be as straightforward as possible. Do you like me?”


He almost punched Chanyeol. “Then do something about it! Or you’re going to lose me forever.” As if on cue, a bus has arrived. He immediately headed towards the door, and at the same time, secretly hoping that Chanyeol would insist to bring him home. But the guy just stood there even if he boarded the bus already. What if he throws his shoe at him? Maybe Chanyeol will wake up from his trance and chase him. But when he looked at him, Chanyeol is still staring at him as the bus closed its doors and started to get away.

Is Chanyeol really the type of person who is all words and not doing anything to act upon it? He clearly said that he likes him. But why can’t he seem to prove it to him? Why is he not doing anything? Why is he always hurting him like that? Kyungsoo bravely showed his feelings for Chanyeol. Why couldn’t Chanyeol do something as simple as preventing him from leaving? Or maybe, Chanyeol just said those things so that he can’t hurt him even more.

What will he do now? Kyungsoo is sure that his heart doesn’t have any plans on forgetting Chanyeol like that. Is he ready to pursue him even though it’s clear as a broad daylight that Chanyeol might reject him? Again and again? Could he risk another set of heartaches for another chance at love?

He moved at near the window seat when a couple boarded the bus. The man’s arm is wrapped on the woman’s waist as the two sat beside him, with the woman beside him. He ignored the couple but then he noticed the man’s hand touched his thigh. Kyungsoo moved closer to the window and leaned his body away because he might have accidentally touched his thigh. But when he noticed that the man did it on purpose, plus the fact that he’s irritated, he snapped.

He looked at the woman beside him. “Excuse me. Is this ert your boyfriend?”


He didn’t look at the woman. Kyungsoo just looked at the ert guy. If the woman isn’t sitting beside him, he might’ve punched the guy already. “You ert! Hey, I don’t let anyone harass me except for Chanyeol! Are you Chanyeol, huh?”

The man’s girlfriend snapped as well. “You bastard! You promised me that you will change!? How dare you!?”

“Honey—Ouch!” Another punch landed on the man’s face.

“Don’t call me that! We’re over! Sir, can you please pull over on the next bus stop?”

The driver easily complied.

“Honey, don’t get off the bus yet. Your house is far away from here. We should talk—”

“I won’t really get off this bus. You’re the one who should get off, you jerk!” The lady pushed the man towards the door. “Get out of my sight!”


Due to his annoyance, he just kicked the man out of the door. The other passengers clapped and cheered for them when the bus started moving.

“Are you okay?” Kyungsoo asked the woman.

“Yeah. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Don’t cry over that bastard. He’s not worth it.”

“I know. I don’t know why I got back with that monkey. Maybe I was easily swayed by his sweet words.” The woman just sighed. “It’s really hard to look for a good guy nowadays. So if you’re able to meet one, make sure you won’t let him go away.”

Kyungsoo saw one face when he heard those words. That face that was worth every tear and every heartache. And worth every second chance.

Kyungsoo immediately got off the bus when the door opened on the next stop and he didn’t waste any time and hailed a cab and told the driver where his heart points him, to the only man that he wants.

He wanted Park Chanyeol—entrepreneur, heartthrob.

“Oh, Kyungsoo hyung you’re still here?” Sehun asked when he went back to the exhibit.

“Where’s Chanyeol? I need to talk to him.”

“I see.” Sehun dramatically clutched his chest. “What should we do? Someone had him first.”


“When you left him here earlier, a woman was flirting on him. Maybe he took your lover boy home.”

“What? Where did they go?”



“Just relax, hyung.” Sehun tapped Kyungsoo’s shoulder. “I was just kidding. He went back to your place. He thought that’s where you are going.”

“Oh Sehun I really want to punch you in the face right now!” Kyungsoo started to run towards the hotel’s exit.

“Good luck. Hey, don’t forget to buy one of my works. It’s a lucky charm to someone who’s always heartbroken like you.”

“Shut up!”


Belated 27th birthday to our dear Chanyeollie! I'm happy our boys are having the time of their life in Hawaii right now :) Anyways, the next chapter will be the last and I'm going to start with the last book in this series which is Baekhyun and Yixing's story. Thank you for all the comments, likes and subscribes! I hope you'll stay with me until the end of this book. Thank you ❤❤❤

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whattalife #1
Chapter 10: Omg the memes haha I can feel the between ChanSoo ❤️❤️❤️ I really want them to a real couple of they're not already

ThAnk you author nim for this wonderful ChanSoo fanfic. Please write more ChanSoo stories
Chapter 10: One of the best fic I've read! Please write more about chansoo! I love your writing
Chapter 4: Can't stop giggling on every chapter!
foreveryeolo #5
Chapter 10: Chansoo for life!!! I love this series and this story so much
alanahanin #6
Chapter 10: I re-read this for 5-6 times and still not bored. I hope you will make the sequel of them 3:))
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