
En Route | Yoonmin

Yoongi watched as the scenery before him whizzed past the window as the train made its way to Busan. His arm was perched on the windowsill where he rested his chin in his hand. He was alone at his seat, thinking it wouldn’t be fair to be any more of a burden on Jimin than he already was. He parted ways with him when they got onto the train. God, he was so embarrassed around him. This man, who was surely younger than he was, clearly had a good job, much better than his own. Even under his big overcoat, Yoongi saw a sliver of the black, silk tie Jimin was wearing and the expensive looking leather case he had that probably had paperwork with words Yoongi didn’t even know the meaning of.

Here he was at twenty-five years old, still struggling to make ends meet, yet this young man probably made in one month what Yoongi made in six.

Yoongi sighed as he rubbed the heels of his hands into his eyes. He couldn’t get Jimin’s face out of his mind or stop thinking about the aura he gave off. He was so calm and collected. It seemed like he had his life together, more so than Yoongi thought possible for himself. The only thing wrong with Jimin that he could see was that there was no spark in him. He didn’t seem happy. When they talked, he sounded almost monotone and even when he smiled, he just looked tired. He guessed that Jimin was this way because of his job because he knew that voice and that same, tired smile all too well. It was his dad when he came home every day. 

Especially on that dreadful night when he looked the saddest Yoongi had ever seen him. He was defeated…

“Sir?” a man called his attention. He was wearing a uniform and beside him stood a couple dressed in rich furs and coats that probably cost Yoongi's rent bill.

“Yes?” Yoongi’s knowledge of Russian was about to run out very fast. The man spoke again and Yoongi didn’t understand a single word of it. He felt helpless and began blushing and stuttering in Korean. The man began talking quicker and with more bass in his voice and Yoongi just sighed and ran his hand through his hair with defeat.

Then he heard another voice, one he recognized immediately to be Jimin’s. He came into view when he stepped out from behind the couple. Yoongi didn’t understand what he said but he didn’t really care, seeing as he was more focused on the way Jimin looked than what he was saying. With his coat off, Jimin was even more attractive than Yoongi had imagined. The sleeves of his white dress shirt were rolled up, showing off his toned biceps and his black tie hung loosely around his neck. He was wearing a thin pair of round glasses now as well, but nothing could distract Yoongi’s attention from Jimin’s lips. How did they look so pink…?

“Yoongi?” Jimin said to get his attention. His gaze trailed from Jimin’s lips to his eyes.


“He said that they reserved this seat, you have to move.” Yoongi sighed again. He gathered his things, stood up, and was about to walk away when Jimin caught him by the arm.

“You can sit with me.” He said it as more of a command than a suggestion, but Yoongi wasn’t going to deny him either way, so he followed Jimin to his seat. It was in the car ahead of Yoongi’s and when they arrived, he noticed how messy Jimin’s area was. He had the table top down and papers were scattered all over it. Jimin blushed when he saw Yoongi notice.

“Sorry, I was just...going over some things,” Jimin said quickly as he gathered everything into one pile.

“Like what?”

“Boring stuff, numbers mostly.”

“Are you into accounting?”

“Sort of. I help keep track of the budget with the company I work for.”

“Which one?”

“It’s out of Busan actually, the choreography company Night Vibes Dance Studio.”

“Wait, you’re telling me you work for one of the most lucrative dance companies in South Korea?” Jimin blushed at Yoongi’s surprise.

“Yes, I do.”

“How old are you?”

“Twenty-two.” Jimin looked down at his lap, suddenly uncomfortable. It wasn’t that Yoongi made him uncomfortable, he just knew that whenever he told people his age and then what he did for a living, he was always judged for it. No one could believe he got the job on his own, he just had to have connections. It was unbelievable that he was good enough to get such a job at such a young age. It’s not like he was the CEO of the company, he was just an associate at best.

“It’s not as important as you think, I just make sure the numbers match like they’re supposed to, that’s all,” Jimin said, hoping to clarify whatever Yoongi was thinking.

Yoongi, however, didn’t know what to think. Sure, he was jealous of how much money Jimin was probably making, but that's where his jealousy stopped.  He knew that if he got a job like that, he’d be miserable. He promised himself that he’d never get a regular job like that, even if it meant he was homeless.

“It’s still a big achievement, you should be proud of yourself,” Yoongi commented as he leaned back against the seat. Jimin looked up at that. No one besides his parents had ever told him that, let alone a stranger.

It was nice to hear it from someone else for a change.

“Thank you,” Jimin said, blushing even harder now. Yoongi found it adorable.

“What about you, what do you do for a living?” he asked Yoongi to try and change the subject away from himself.

Yoongi sighed and looked out the window before answering. For a moment, Jimin thought that he had crossed a line by accident and that Yoongi wouldn’t answer.

“I’m a rapper and songwriter. Not least not yet. I mostly do a lot of freelance work with photography to pay the bills, but it’s not my end goal.”

“What is?”

“To have my name on billboards,” Yoongi said, smiling as he continued to stare out of the window. Jimin watched him fantasize about how he’d stand on stage and perform for hundreds of thousands of people. It made Jimin smile too.

“It’s a pipe dream, I know, but I promised myself I wouldn’t get a regular nine to five job.”

“Why not?” Yoongi paused as the memories came flooding back to him. Of his father. Of the screaming…

“It’s not the life I want for myself,” he said quietly and in a tone that implied he wasn’t going to speak any more of it. Jimin left it alone.

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Chapter 36: Yoongi's more expressive w his depression while jimin keeps it all to himself, which is more worse i think (^~^) the more he represses it the harder it gets (^~^)
AQuestionWhy #2
Chapter 35: Love it love it love it yoongi is so loving i love him
Chapter 35: I thought yoongi would be disappointed and sad about the job offer ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Chapter 34: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 33: Maybe yoongi should be a therapist XD he seems to be always so good at observing people and giving advices ( ̄ω ̄;) lol
Chapter 32: Yoongis getting better while chims getting worse o(╥﹏╥)o
Chapter 31: Man, jungkook really broke him huh (T⌓T).. But wait, he's dead right? ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 30: It feels like he's been gone away for too long from home, .. Hmm i guess, reason why he still hasn't fully moved on is because there wasn't any closure between them before the accident happened \(;´□`)/
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so mature, funny coz you'd think jimins the more emotionally stable or mature one, coz he's got the stable job and successful, and yoongi on the other hand is unstable and chaotic, but he's so.good at observing amd giving advices, and lol is he a psychic? XD he always knows what jimin is thinking xD
Chapter 28: Idk why i find it weird to see yoongi w kids XD he looks like someone who hates kids lmao XD its even weirder that he knows how to braid lol XD