
En Route | Yoonmin

Jimin couldn’t help but think about what Yoongi had said at breakfast. He had never been more confused about his feelings than he was right now. Even when he was with Jungkook, no matter what happened between them, he was always sure that he loved him. Still, there was no denying that Jimin was developing feelings for Yoongi. He found himself thinking back to this morning and remembering how warm Yoongi’s hand felt against his cheek. He had craved a softness like that from Jungkook for their entire relationship and rarely if ever was satisfied in that aspect.

Now, sitting with Yoongi in their cabin on the ferry boat, he was all too aware of the swarm of emotions clashing within him. Jimin didn’t think liking Yoongi was a big deal for the most part, but what made him keep his distance was the guilt. Sure, it had been two years, but Jungkook was dead and it felt almost disrespectful to move on. For all those years, Jimin’s love for him never faltered. Until now. After two years of loyalty loving Jungkook, Jimin finally found himself wanting someone else. The thought of it terrified him because, besides Jungkook, he had never really had a serious relationship. Plus, wouldn’t it be weird to “fall in love” with someone he’d only known for a few days?

Jimin didn’t really know how to classify his feelings for Yoongi, but he could say for sure that he wanted to spend another night in Yoongi’s arms.

He sighed as he glanced over at Yoongi who was laying down with his eyes closed and earbuds in, making him completely unaware of Jimin’s gaze. He looked over Yoongi’s relaxed facial features, his eyes drifting to Yoongi’s softly pouted lips. He admired their pink hue and found himself wondering what it would feel like to kiss him.

‘What are you thinking?’ Jimin thought to himself as he rolled his eyes at his own juvenile daydreaming. He was bored out of his mind though and didn’t have much to distract him. All of the work he brought with him was finished and there wasn’t much to do on top of the deck. Maybe he could sneak off with some workout clothes and practice a routine he’d been working on at Hoseok’s dance studio on a secluded area of the deck. It’d been a week or two since he last had time to go in and practice anyway because he’d been so busy planning for this trip and visiting Jungkook’s grave.

He got up out of bed and watched Yoongi’s face to see if he was asleep. When he didn’t respond to the sound of Jimin going through his suitcase, he figured it was safe for him to quickly change into a pair of clothes better suited for the task at hand. He’d slipped his jeans and T-shirt off and was about to pull on his shorts when he heard Yoongi shift in his bed.

“Where are you going?” he asked casually. Jimin was cautious now because he expected Yoongi to say something flirty like he’d been doing since the two met.

“I’m bored and wanted to go up top and see if I can find somewhere to practice a few moves I wanted to include in a dance routine I’m thinking about doing.” Jimin finished pulling his shorts on and reached for his tank top.

“You make your own routines?”

“Sometimes. Hoseok’s much better at it than I am, but I’m not so bad. At least that’s what he thinks.”

“You should believe him, he doesn’t lie.”

“If that’s the case then why don’t you believe him when he says your music is good?” Jimin countered, now turning to look at Yoongi. He didn’t have a response for that, so he shrugged and directed his attention back to the ceiling. Jimin took in Yoongi’s lethargic movements and seemingly disinterested attitude and decided some movement would be good for him too.

“You’re coming with me,” Jimin commanded as he pulled out another set of clothes. He tossed them on the bed by Yoongi’s feet.

“I don’t dance,” Yoongi said, still looking up at the ceiling.

“Yeah well your attitude is a real downer right now and some exercise could do you some good.” When Yoongi didn’t budge, Jimin stood over his bed with his arms folded across his chest. Yoongi looked at him to challenge him.

“What are you gonna do, carry me there?”

“You wanna bet?” Jimin’s voice was strong considering he was so confident in his abilities to lift Yoongi. He was pretty thin and about the same height as him, it wouldn’t take much.

Still, Yoongi didn’t move. Jimin just shrugged and in one quick movement with much struggling from Yoongi, put him over his shoulder. It would have been easier to hold him in place had Yoongi not been squirming in protest, but he’d dealt with worse from the kids he helped Hoseok with from time to time.

“Put me down!”


“This is humiliating, let me go!”

“Say you’ll come with me.”

“Jimin, I can’t-”

“Say it and I’ll put you down.”

“Fine, I’ll go dance with you!”

“Promise?” There was a pause of silence as Yoongi tried to decide if it was worth it. He sighed.

“I promise,” he agreed quietly. Satisfied with this, Jimin put a very annoyed Yoongi down and waited for him to change. They made their way to the top deck which was surprisingly empty. It wasn’t hard to find a place towards the back of the ferry that was private and spacious.

Jimin picked a spot and sat down with his legs stretched out in front of him. He motioned for Yoongi to sit next to him, which he reluctantly did, mimicking the same position as Jimin.

“We have to stretch first,” Jimin said as he reached for his feet without bending his knees. He was able to completely fold over and wrap his hands around his feet. Yoongi watched in awe, knowing damn good and well he wouldn’t be able to do that ever in his life. Still, he made an attempt and reached for his feet. Immediately, he felt the burning sensation in his hamstrings and winced as he pushed himself a little further.

“Don’t force it if it hurts,” Jimin commented, noticing Yoongi’s discomfort. “I won’t teach you anything too strenuous so don’t pull anything.”

“Then why are we stretching?”

“Because it warms your muscles up,” Jimin explained as he stood up and bent over to touch his toes, his body once again folding completely over. “If you don’t warm your muscles up before you exercise then you have a greater chance at pulling a muscle when you start dancing.” Yoongi followed Jimin’s lead and got into the same position as best he could. In all honesty, it hurt him just to try and touch his toes. Jimin noticed and giggled to himself.

“What?” Yoongi asked defensively.

“Nothing, grandpa,” Jimin’s smile widened so much his eyes squinted and Yoongi just stood up and rolled his eyes.

“I exercise my mind, not my body. What do we do now?” Yoongi said quickly and with annoyance. Jimin stood up too and moved in front of Yoongi so he could demonstrate a simple routine that he’d helped Hoseok create for some kids in Hoseok’s advanced class.

“I will show you this routine once like it’s supposed to be done, and then again in more choppy steps so you can see each movement. Then I’ll help you learn each move and you’ll put it all together at the end, okay?” Yoongi nodded and Jimin began to dance, his movements fluid and graceful. He didn’t need music to stay on beat and instead counted in his head to stay in rhythm with the moves. The routine wasn’t too long or too complex, but difficult enough for Yoongi to suddenly feel self-conscious about learning this and agreeing to Jimin’s request.

“Now slower for each movement,” Jimin said as he started up again. Yoongi kept his eyes focused on Jimin, mesmerized by the way he moved so effortlessly and with such emphasis on each move. When he finished the second time, he looked expectantly at Yoongi.

“Your turn,” he said with an encouraging smile. Yoongi immediately tensed up from nerves and Jimin could sense it when he tried to guide Yoongi's torso into the first position.

“Relax, you'll never learn this if you don't loosen up.” Jimin tried moving Yoongi's arms, but the movement was too stiff.

“I'm sorry, I... I'm not very comfortable with stuff like this.” Yoongi shrugged off Jimin’s touch and backed away, suddenly very anxious and shy about doing this.

“There's no one around to watch you, Yoongi, it’s okay.” He looked sincerely into Yoongi’s eyes, seeing for the first time how vulnerable he could be. Yoongi made a conscious effort to not be as tight when Jimin guided his body into the right positions. He felt like he was just tensing up even more, but Jimin didn’t seem to mind it as much since he was able to teach Yoongi the moves.

They got through about half of the routine and it took quite some time because of Yoongi’s hesitancy, but Jimin was patient with him. Whenever he’d misstep, Jimin would take his time explaining the proper stance and emphasis on each pose to help Yoongi. There was a lot of embarrassed blushing from his part, but he kept at it as best he could because even though he hated to admit it, he was having fun. Interacting with Jimin, in general, was full of jokes and laughter and parts of seriousness that gave their time together a bit more meaning. After all, in just a few hours, Yoongi had picked up a new skill.

“Ya know, you’re not as bad as you think,” Jimin commented as they headed back to their room.

“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”

“No, I’m serious. You tense up a lot and get nervous, but when you relax, you have a lot of potential. You pay attention and that makes you a quick learner.” Jimin smiled and Yoongi mirrored his expression. He was used to kids being discouraged a lot when they danced and cheering them up about their abilities whenever he helped Hoseok some afternoons. They were so hard on themselves at such a young age. Yoongi was always hard on himself and it made Jimin sad to see him do that to himself because he really wasn’t a bad person. He deserved to be told how great he was doing, even if it was something silly like dancing.

Yoongi was clammy with sweat due to his body not being nearly as conditioned for this kind of activity as Jimin’s was, considering the latter wasn’t even sweating. He was in need of a hot shower and both had grown quite hungry since their breakfast this morning.

When they returned to their room, Yoongi threw himself on his bed while Jimin sat on the edge of his and looked at Yoongi with amusement.

“This isn’t even the hard part,” Jimin commented.

“What do you mean?”

“The easy part is dancing. The hard part is dealing with the soreness the next day.” Yoongi groaned and buried his face further into his pillow.

“I’m too hungry to even think about tomorrow,” he said in a muffled voice.

“There’s a restaurant here on the ferry.”

“Just the one?”

“Well there’s also a breakfast buffet on the lower deck I think.”

“Then it’s settled, I’m getting waffles for lunch.”

“You had waffles for breakfast, that’s too many waffles in one day.” Yoongi sighed in disappointment and sat up.

“Jimin...there’s no such thing as too many waffles.”

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Chapter 36: Yoongi's more expressive w his depression while jimin keeps it all to himself, which is more worse i think (^~^) the more he represses it the harder it gets (^~^)
AQuestionWhy #2
Chapter 35: Love it love it love it yoongi is so loving i love him
Chapter 35: I thought yoongi would be disappointed and sad about the job offer ┐( ̄ヮ ̄)┌
Chapter 34: (͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)(͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Chapter 33: Maybe yoongi should be a therapist XD he seems to be always so good at observing people and giving advices ( ̄ω ̄;) lol
Chapter 32: Yoongis getting better while chims getting worse o(╥﹏╥)o
Chapter 31: Man, jungkook really broke him huh (T⌓T).. But wait, he's dead right? ಠ_ಠ
Chapter 30: It feels like he's been gone away for too long from home, .. Hmm i guess, reason why he still hasn't fully moved on is because there wasn't any closure between them before the accident happened \(;´□`)/
Chapter 29: Yoongi is so mature, funny coz you'd think jimins the more emotionally stable or mature one, coz he's got the stable job and successful, and yoongi on the other hand is unstable and chaotic, but he's so.good at observing amd giving advices, and lol is he a psychic? XD he always knows what jimin is thinking xD
Chapter 28: Idk why i find it weird to see yoongi w kids XD he looks like someone who hates kids lmao XD its even weirder that he knows how to braid lol XD