Something Is Fishy Here

My Super Hot Neighbor

At The Courthouse 

Jihye:Sweetheart are you sure you're fine being here at the trial

Eunhyuk:Umma I'll be fine donghae is with me

Jihye:Ugh I just don't want you to be under so much stress it's not good for you or the babies

Eunhyuk:I understand umma but this is important this is our family battle I won't let you guys face alone

Jihye:Aish hyu-

Taecyeon:Love our son is a grown man besides donghae and his dongsaeng are there to watch over him

Jihye:That is true

Suho:Nae umma don't worry remember we got ninja skills..*makes a move*

Chanyeol:Not with that suit you don't babe

Suho:Aish really babe *slaps his chest*

Chanyeol:But you still looked amazing

Donghae:Alright you two stop flirting and let's take our seats *chuckles hand on eunhyuks waist*

Eunhyuk:*nervous sits down*

Police:All rise for the judge *everyne stands*

Judge Song:You may all sit down 

Jaehwan:*walks in with daniel*

Daniel:Well well well if it isn't my beautiful family..*smirks*

Taecyeon:Don't make a scene here daniel please

Daniel:*chuckles looks over at eunhyuk*

Donghae:*puts an arm protectively around him*

Daniel:*looks down at his stomach*How about my grandchild or may I saw grandchildren

Eunhyuk:*eyes widen nervous*

Daniel:I know everything remember that hyukjae...*smirks*

Eunhyuk:*tears form in his eyes*You're a monster..leave my babies out of your evil plan

Donghae:Baby baby sshhh don't let him get to you *rubbing his back kissing his temple*

Judge Song:Daniel-sshi please do not start anything here we are here because your life is at stake do you understand that

Daniel:All I understand is my familly is full of backstabbers after everything I've done for them

Suho:Like what abused and traumatize us you bastard

Chanyeol:Baby..*holding him kisses the top of your head*

Leeteuk:You've done nothing for this family but be the devil himself *snarles*


Leeteuk:What it's true noona what good is he is he's a man he's just a coward

Daniel:*laughs*Your words don't hurt me nothing can hurt me besides you my love..

Jihye:You disgust actually think I'll fall for you after what you've done 

Daniel:Seems like you were when you thought my dear brother was dead

Jihye:You tricked me and took him away from his own family..I needed someone *snarles*

Daniel:A just like your son like mother like son wow..what a resemblence

Donghae:What the hell did you call hyukjae *furious*

Chanyeol:Hyung..think of your kids and hyukkie hyung

Taecyeon:I'll take care of it hae just please watch over my son

Judge Song:ENOUGH DANIEL-SSHI you are under trial for domestic abuse...false identity...kidnapping and many more..guilty or not guilty 

Daniel:Aish you guys caught me I can't say not guilty 

Jaehwan:*shocked looks at the others*


Judge Song:Well then Daniel I hearby sentence you to life in prision under solidarty confinement 

Daniel:Done...arrest me once more officer *hands together*

Jaehwan:*confused looks at him*

Daniel:You know you need the handcuffs right 


Jaehwan:Take him back to his room..*says to hongbin another officer*

Hongbin:Let's go..*drags him off*

Daniel:Goodbye my beautiful family..I guess we'll all rot in hell..*smirks getting dragged back into the prision*

Jaehwan:*walks over to him*I didn't think he'd give up so easily

Eunhyuk:It's unlike him appa he has something under his sleeves

Suho:Hyung is right..and how the hell does he know hyungies pregnant

Taecyeon:That is what I'm trying to figure out

Leeteuk:You don't think we have a rat within our circle

Jihye:That's impossible who could it be

Donghae:It can always be your friends you never know

Chanyeol:But why would he make it so easily for him to be arrested

Donghae:There's someone who will be doing his dirty work or going to find a way to get him out 

Taecyeon:Whatever it is we need to find a way to find out before he does more damage




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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 35: When Siwon appeared again, I actually forgot who he was XD
kiahae #2
Chapter 39: Awww they forgive them :o
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 39: Wah.. They are very happy now and siwon and daniel being bail by them.. Such a kind hearted family... Love it so much :)
Chapter 39: Awww and wow ♥️♥️♥️and they live happily ever...cheers✌
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 38: Daniel and siwon deserved it but kinda sad too...
kiahae #6
Chapter 38: I feel happy and sad the same timen.-.
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 37: Lucky hyukkie and the twins are fine... Yes donghae punch siwon in his face...
Chapter 37: Good thing all of
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: I don't care about his leg, but hyuk better be alive and his babies better be alright...