Learn From Mistakes

My Super Hot Neighbor

At The Hospital 

Donghae:*holding eunhyuks hand caressing it*

Eunhyuk:I'm really sorry I didn't tell you babe

Donghae:How long have you known...

Eunhyuk:Yunho took me to the doctors 2 weeks ago because I was just not feeling well and that's when I found out I'm a month pregnant

Donghae:Huh well the things that matters most to be is that you and our child are safe now

Eunhyuk:Your not mad

Donghae:Of course not baby I understand you probably needed time to process it but I could never be angry at you

Eunhyuk:Really *shocked*

Donghae:It makes me love you even more than I thought I could ever love anyone..your carryiny my child baby it's a miracle

Eunhyuk:You're not disgusted 

Donghae:Never I'm more amazed of how more beautiful you can get

Eunhyuk:*smiles*I love you so much 

Donghae:I love you so much more *smiles they kiss*

Doctor Song:Oh my sorry if I am interuppting the moment *chuckles*

Eunhyuk:*giggles smiles*Sorry doctor

Doctor Song:It's alright with all you've guys been through you deserve the love reassurance

Eunhyuk:*blushes biting his lip*

Donghae:Is everything okay doctor

Doctor Song:Luckily he didn't punch you hard enough to cause any damage to the baby you just have a large bruise and there are no other damages then your bruises and cuts

Donghae:Oh thank goodness *kissing his temple*

Eunhyuk:So our baby is alright dr

Doctor Song:Very healthy and energetic *smiles*

Eunhyuk:*smiles rubbing his stomach*Your a strong one aren't you little one just like your daddy

Donghae:More like his mommy *pecks his lips then kisses his stomach*

With Jihye and Taecyeon

Daniel:*laying in his hospital bed asleep*

Jihye:How could you let him live

Taecyeon:Love..he's still my little brother

Jihye:After what he's done he put our oldest son in harm and our grandchild

Taecyeon:And I'll never ever let him live that down but he needs to learn from his mistakes

Jihye:Oh he'll live with his mistakes once he wakes up and my foot up his

Taecyeon:Jihye love...*chuckles kisses her temple*

Jihye:Honey you know I have a forgiving heart but not when it comes with this he literally took over our lives

Taecyeon:I didn't make it seem like he's getting away with it..for sure I'll make sure he learns from his mistakes like he's living in hell

Daniel:Mm..*slowly opens his eyes*

Jihye:Your lucky to even be alive you bastard..

Taecyeon:Love why don't you go visit hyukkie and hae

Jihye:But I have so much to say *pouts*

Taecyeon:I'll take care of it..

Jihye:You should burn in he-

Taecyeon:Go on love..*leading her out the door*

Jihye:Mmm your no fun *pouts walks out*

Taecyeon:*sighs leans against the door*

Daniel:You should've let me die I'd rather die than live in this kind of life

Taecyeon:What a life of wanting something you know you can never have...living in the pain knowing you'll never get what you want...living in pure envy 

Daniel:You saw it because your living the life I could've had

Taecyeon:The life you could have..or would have had if you didn't give into your envious mind 

Daniel:You don't know a damn thing of what I lived

Taecyeon:I'm your older brother and it pains me to see you like this 

Daniel:You are the reason I am like this

Taecyeon:No you're at your own fault you're like this daniel...there is no one else to blame but yourself 

Daniel:Do you really think this is over that I'd let you have your happy ending

Taecyeon:Oh it is over daniel now you get to wallow in sarrow over your envious mind

Daniel:I guess you don't know your little brother so much after all

Taecyeon:*sighs*Daniel it's game over there's nothing else for you to do

Daniel:Are you sure about that big brother

Taecyeon:What do you mean...

Daniel:I will get my say in this wether you like it or not

Taecyeon:Daniel what in the world are you saying

Daniel:Just wait and see big brother

Taecyeon:Gosh damn it daniel tell me...

Daniel:I'm not the only one you should be looking after..*smirks*


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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 35: When Siwon appeared again, I actually forgot who he was XD
kiahae #2
Chapter 39: Awww they forgive them :o
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 39: Wah.. They are very happy now and siwon and daniel being bail by them.. Such a kind hearted family... Love it so much :)
Chapter 39: Awww and wow ♥️♥️♥️and they live happily ever...cheers✌
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 38: Daniel and siwon deserved it but kinda sad too...
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Chapter 38: I feel happy and sad the same timen.-.
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Chapter 37: Lucky hyukkie and the twins are fine... Yes donghae punch siwon in his face...
Chapter 37: Good thing all of them.save
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: I don't care about his leg, but hyuk better be alive and his babies better be alright...