Preparing For Battle

My Super Hot Neighbor

Later That Day

Mr.Lee:I told you to keep an eye on her didn't I

Jiwoo:I'm sorry sir she was just begging me to bring me close to where your sons were

Mr.Lee:And look where it brought us now 

Jiwoo:Sir I'm sorry but why not just let her see her children she's been missing them

Mr.Lee:And what let her find out the truth as to why her brother has custody..that I'm hurt our children and abandoned them while she was away getting cured..she will never forgive me

Jiwoo:Atleast if she knows it can help bring your family back together as one

Mr.Lee:You honestly think she'd still want to be with me after what I've done I could lose my children but now jihye never her

Jiwoo:But hyukjae and junmyeon are your own flesh and blood...

Mr.Lee:Well there mother means more to me..

Jiwoo:So what are you going to do sir

Mr.Lee:*sighs*What else is there for me to do but to fight back for my ungrateful children

Jiwoo:But their old enough to make decisions for themselves

Mr.Lee:Let it be then there mother will see what ungratrful brats they are

Jiwoo:Sir they were ne-

Mr.Lee:Are you defending them now *arms crossed*

Jiwoo:*sighs*So what is your plan

Mr.Lee:Little did my precious boys know were closer to getting them back with their precious lovers...


Mr.Lee:Donghae and Chanyeol the park cousins are my sons lovers...and if they could talk sense into them then it'd be easier

Jiwoo:Sir I-

Mr.Lee:Are you questioning me....

Jiwoo:*sighs shakes her head*No sir sorry have a good night 

At The Lee's House Backyard Patio 

Suho:I was so scared guys then she had this like body guard with her as well

Eunhyuk:We've never ever seen them around gangman before either

Leeteuk:That's so odd it just randomly happens 

Donghae:*arms around eunhyuk*Wait so some random lady just walks up to you two claiming she's your late mother

Eunhyuk:*head rested on his shoulder*Yea it's so odd she knew our real names to 

Suho:And she was so determined to convince us she was our mother *in between chanyeols legs leaning against his chest*

Chanyeol:*hugging suho from behind*Have you guys ever seen her before

Eunhyuk:That's the thing when I saw her there was something about her that caught my attention can' t be possible

Suho:Our mother can't just rise from the death

Leeteuk:And my sister could never do anything as abandon her children and faking her death it's not like her to do something like this

Suho:Hyungie we know but there's just something about her she looks so much like umma...

Eunhyuk:We're not hiding hyungie

Donghae:If we may ask how does your mother look like

Eunhyuk:She is so beautiful breathe takingly beautiful *shows a picture on his phone*

Chanyeol:Wow now we see where you two get your beauty from 

Leeteuk:Pictures don't do my sister justice trust me *sighs half smiles looking at her photo*

Donghae:But the lady your talking about looks like your guys is mother

Eunhyuk:We're not kidding babe it could be her dopple ganger just a little older..

Suho:It's not even funny

Leeteuk:Let's say it is your is it possible we had a funeral for her...

Eunhyuk:It wasn't an open casket remember and the three of us were never allowed to say our goodbyes to her at the hospital 

Chanyeol:If this is all true and your mother is alive..then your father is truly ed up in the head to keep you guys away from her

Leeteuk:Knowing your father he probably fed your mother lies and she probably doesn't even know the truth of what he did to you two because if she finds out she'd drop your father in a second

Donghae:Is he that cruel I mean to do such a thing like that

Chanyeol:There has to be a way for us to find out if she is your mother and take legal action

Leeteuk:I've been wanting to take that bastard down for years..*snarles*and if I find out he's hidden Imma tear him apart 

Suho:You guys if you do this you don't know the consequences it can bring into your lives

Eunhyuk:Our father is a complicated man..

Leeteuk:Their right he isn't going to go down without a fight 

Donghae:I don't give a damn if it means fighting for your happiness *cups eunhyuks face*

Chanyeol:He's right your father abused his power of being a husband and father into wrong doings if we find out the truth to this and I'd do it all if it means bringing back the happiness in your life you deserved with your mother

Leeteuk:I guess I'm just a loaner in this battle *chuckles*



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EunhaeStan86 #1
Chapter 35: When Siwon appeared again, I actually forgot who he was XD
kiahae #2
Chapter 39: Awww they forgive them :o
MyeolchiHyuk #3
Chapter 39: Wah.. They are very happy now and siwon and daniel being bail by them.. Such a kind hearted family... Love it so much :)
Chapter 39: Awww and wow ♥️♥️♥️and they live happily ever...cheers✌
MyeolchiHyuk #5
Chapter 38: Daniel and siwon deserved it but kinda sad too...
kiahae #6
Chapter 38: I feel happy and sad the same timen.-.
MyeolchiHyuk #7
Chapter 37: Lucky hyukkie and the twins are fine... Yes donghae punch siwon in his face...
Chapter 37: Good thing all of
Chapter 36: Chapter 36: I don't care about his leg, but hyuk better be alive and his babies better be alright...