

The city was a cold, uncaring place. The nights left the streets littered with those with no where to go and no reason to live. I was one of those people. By day I was a happy-go-lucky college student majoring in graphic design and film. By night I was a nobody, just an insignificant being in the throng of shadows living in the dark and cold world.

I wish that night would just stay away, that I'd never have to see the sun fall and the moon rise. By night I'd have to watch as the people retreated into the safety of their homes hile the monsters began to roam. By night, I'd have to hide, stricken with fear. I wish it was forever day, where I coiuld live in my own world of pictures and cameras. Forever day, where I'd feel the warmth of the sun, peer up at the blinding rays. Forever day, where the monsters would stay away instead of the people. But night always came and day always left. It was an eternal, inevitable cycle.

Save me from this insanity, I prayed, begged, cried. And you came. You came like Prince Charming on a white horse. You came for me like Superman for Lois Lane, Spiderman for Mary Jane, Yoon Jihoo for Geum Jandi. I thought you were the one. I entrusted you with my life and you threw me away. What am I supposed to do now, left with all the memories but nothing to keep me sane. I've already glimpsed at nights without fear, how am I supposed to go back to a life with no purpose? How am I supposed to stay awake when all I want to do is close my eyes and see your face again? Close my eyes and go anywhere but here.

How I am I supposed to keep on living when you're not here with me?

Let me close my eyes one last time and see your face. Maybe when I open them again, everything else will disappear. Maybe when I open my eyes again, we'll be together in a world of white. Maybe when I open my eyes again, it'll be just you and me in eternal daylight.

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Chapter 1: Its GOOOdD
ShineeBlack #2
Congrats ^^
Chapter 1: Nicely written. Great job!:)
sea0horse #4
LOangelVE #5
SummerSnowflakes #6
Congrats ^^
PSH4t-ara #7
IAmHuman #8
Congrats xD