hold me tight and don't let go

baby just do it

Yay I'm finally back with a new chapter for you guys! I haven't had a lot of time to write because of school but I'm pretty sure that will change once the summer break starts. 

But yeah. Enjoy the chapter and I hope you'll tell me what you think! 

Chapter title is from Symphony - Zara Larsson


Mina was b with excitement. This was absolutely one of her favorite sides of her job. She just had a meeting with the production team of the movie Momo was currently filming and she has some amazing news to tell Momo.


They are going to film on an island! They are going to go overseas!

It’s like a dream come true, like a miniature vacation while working.


Mina loves travelling. She loves meeting people with different cultures and experiencing how other people live. Being in a new city you can hear and smell so many new things while just walking around. It’s like walking in a dream world where everything is painted in pastel colors.


She’s been waiting for a moment like this since Momo started gaining some name to herself but somehow they’ve never had the chance of going. There has always been something that made the trip unpossible or the trips were never offered. Now Mina made sure to make it happen.


Sure traveling would be amazing but traveling with Momo, that would be like, like watching the clouds while lying down on a grass field with sun shining down on you.

Like drinking hot chocolate on a cold day.

The feeling of warmth while being next to someone, the joy of seeing someone dear to you smile with happiness clear in their eyes.

Traveling with Momo would be a dream but it was really going to happen.


She couldn’t wait to tell her. She was ready for it, she was ready for it all if it would be with her.

“No”, Momo said sternly with eyes blown wide.



Mina didn’t understand. She told Momo they would get to travel.


sunshine! the ocean! new people!


She thought she was coming with great news but here Momo was turning the opportunity down. Mina couldn’t utter a word out of . Her brain was too busy trying to understand what was going on in Momo’s head. She must be out of her mind to not want to go. Mina was just about to question how would she manage this but Momo seemed to read her mind.


“Tell them I won’t come. What will they film without their lead actress?”


“Momo you’re being ridiculous. Wouldn’t it be great to go and travel? For your whole career we’ve been staying close to home and always using the same filming sites over and over again. Imagine the beach. And the sun!


And besides, if you pull a stunt like this, not agreeing to what the production team wants this far along in the process you might as well kiss goodbye to this movie and your whole career once everyone else finds out.”


“No, I don’t care. I’m pretty sure I’ve made it clear to the production team that I need to stay here. No overseas filmings. That’s how every other production has been made with me so I’m pretty sure they can manage this one without any travelling as well.”

Momo was absolutely seething. She stomped away from Mina, away from her own living room to the kitchen. She had a modern apartment so her kitchen of course came with an island in the middle of the room. Momo walked behind it and leaned on it, watching how Mina sighed and left the couch to follow Momo. Mina was on the other side of the room, the only thing separating them was the island.


Island, how ironic, she thought to herself. Momo didn’t understand what part Mina couldn’t.  If she wanted to travel she sure as hell would have done it already. For her whole life she has stayed put in one place without any traveling that involved flying and she has been quite happy with this fact and would like to continue as so. What would there be that Momo couldn’t experience here and would absolutely need to see for herself.


“I know now that you don’t want to do it but can I atleast ask why? What’s the worst thing about this?”


Mina thought that if she approached the situation gently maybe Momo will then be more cooperative, maybe even calm herself down.


“If you know I don’t want to do it then why are you still trying to make me get on a death trap to fly me away from here without any certainty that we can even get to the island safely, let alone get back home? I’ve been perfectly happy with my feet on the ground and I would happily let it stay that way.”


It came quiet after that.


It seemed like the air was charged with something. Maybe it was the fact that Momo knew she said too much. The calculative look in Mina’s eyes told her that it was too much.


“Momo. Are you - are you scared of flying?”


There it came.


Momo closed her eyes and nodded. She was ready for the burst of laughter. She knew it was embarrassing and childish and that “there’s nothing to be afraid of” but you could try telling it to her head or her heart which started beating like crazy just from the thought of boarding a plane. She’s scared of heights too but flying takes it to the next level.


Mina had been silent and that’s what made Momo wonder. If she didn’t laugh and see it ridiculous then what did she think? She was just about to peek behind her closed eyelids but couldn’t do it before she felt hands wrap around her and someone’s body press close to her back. She was being held so tight some people would have thought it’s suffocating but to Momo it was just perfect. No one ever had reacted like this to Momo’s fear and she felt so right there in Mina’s arms. That’s why it felt so bad. She wouldn’t let herself be too attached to a person again and let it end in flames.

She needed to get away.

But not right now. Now she would let herself enjoy the small moment of joy before yet again someone would come and rip the carpet under her feet.

“No I can’t do this I really can’t Mina please don’t make me do this.”


Momo was absolutely terrified. She was shaking and if she would have stopped pacing for a moment she probably would have started crying. They were at the airport in a private room waiting to board the plane. If Momo had been there out in the public it could have caused a scene so people thought it would be better to be somewhere private but she was just glad she could freak out in privacy and her fans wouldn’t get to know this side of her.


She hated the feeling. She hated how her heart didn’t stop beating, hated how it felt like it would jump out of . Her stomach wasn’t helping her either. Other people had butterflies in their belly but to Momo it felt like there were rhinos running around. It was starting to be hard to breathe and it didn’t help at all that they were constantly announcing things from the intercom. Just some peace and quiet would be all that Momo would need.


“Momo. Please sit down next to me.”


She still kept pacing. It was like she didn’t hear Mina at all.


Mina was starting to get really worried. She’s never seen Momo like this, so afraid. It shook something deep inside Mina that made her frown. If she could help it, she would never let anyone, let alone Momo, feel like this. With determined steps she rose from her seat and walked across the dull white room to where Momo was walking around, took hold of her hand and pulled her back to where she was sitting.


There Momo’s breathing started to pick up. It was like Momo was so deep in her thoughts, deep in her fears that she would spiral further and further away until it would be too far, so far that there would be no coming back.


Mina started calling her name but it seemed like it was no use. Panic started rising up in Mina as well and she felt helpless watching Momo feel awful. Mina was at a loss of what do do. The only thing that came to her was to hold Momo so that’s what she did. She wrapped her arms around Momo and tried to comfort her that way and it seemed to help a bit as Momo buried her head in Mina’s neck.


But she was still shaking and Mina knew she had to do something more.With softness to her voice she started to reassure Momo with her words.


“It really will be okay. I’ve traveled loads of times and here I still am in one piece. It will all go really smoothly. When we first get on the plane there will be the take off. It will feel like rising up on a roller coaster with some tingling in your stomach. That and the landing are the only parts that feel any different than riding in a car. The middle part where you stay up in the air is just smooth sailing. You can actually get really comfortable in an airplane. We can have something to eat in there and we can nap during the flight and in no time we’ll be ready to land and then leave the plane.”


Momo seemed a lot calmer already and Mina felt really relieved that she could help her. There was still a lot of time left before they had to leave so to avoid Momo’s panic rising again Mina kept on talking.


“I’ve seen so many different people on planes. I’ve seen some really young babies, some people so old you fear for them and people in between these two. Most importantly, I’ve seen loads of people afraid. Most of the time the people calm down and get used to this new way of transportation. And I know you’re going to do just fine. Trust me.”

Momo was a lot calmer after the moment they shared before the flight. Everything went smoothly and it didn’t take long before they were seated in the plane. Mina sat next to Momo as she knew Momo didn’t want to be alone in this.


The take off was really hard for her. Momo kept muttering that they’re going to die and she shed a few tears.


But it didn’t matter. What mattered was that Mina was there through it all. She held Momo’s hand and said calming things to her. She did everything that came to her mind to take Momo’s off of what’s outside the window. But like Mina said, once the take off was behind them it was all smooth sailing. Mina could have sworn Momo actually enjoyed some of the time up in the sky. Mina could say she certainly did. She got to hold Momo’s hand for the whole time.


Being afraid and panicking really takes a toll on a person and Momo couldn’t keep her eyes open anymore while the plane had reached the correct altitude. Mina kindly said she could nap if she wanted but Momo claimed she didn’t need it. But a tiger can’t change it’s stripes and it didn’t take long for Momo’s head to roll on to Mina’s shoulder. Mina was instantly more aware of everything regarding the other girl.


The sweet smell of her invaded her nose and she felt the heat of Momo’s cheek through her shirt. She heard every breath Momo took and felt the exhales on her neck.


She felt blessed. She had an angel sleeping on her shoulder and that’s how she new that their trip would be amazing. Spectacular even.


And if Mina sneaked a small kiss to Momo’s hair, who was to know?


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I'll just re-read this again
Chapter 5: Mimoooo D;
I forgot which chapter I'm in
AugustK88 #4
Chapter 4: OH no my MIMo heart.. :(
Chapter 4: D;
Chapter 4: Mina sweetie fighting!!!
Chapter 4: I’m going on rollercoasters everywhere and this one just took the drop. I’m dying. Halp. Angst is a literal blackhole that all of the happiness from me and leaves me off balance on my centre of gravity called emotions. I’ll be off on a sad tea party with Spiritual Mina in a place called Sadness and Depression.

I was literally just happy about Mimo developing but then Momo just pulled this on Mina and I’m left reeling from the sudden transition. I’m sad. Mina deserves better TT SOMEONE GIVE HER A HUG AND MAYBE A DRINK OR TWO? Mina, be strong bb. Be strong.
AugustK88 #8
Chapter 3: Awwwww... MiMo sweetie... uwu