
treat you better ; taekook

"TAETAE," Seungwon whispered into Taehyung's hair, arms wrapped around his waist, "I love you so much. I'm terrified of losing you."

Taehyung turned around, feeling tears burn the back of his eyelids.

"I love you too, Wonnie," he nuzzled his head into Seungwon's neck, comforted by the throbbing of his pulse.

"I'm sorry I get angry so quickly nowadays. I'm just so stressed from work, my boss--"

"I understand, Seungwon. You never have to explain yourself to me."

Taehyung sat upright, his fingers trailing down Seungwon's abdomen. He positioned his body on top of Seungwon's lower half, lowering his head until their lips touched.

Despite the intimacy of the occasion, Taehyung felt something was lacking. There was no fire, no sparks or explosions of passion.

He craved something new- something exciting. With Seungwon, every day was the same as the day before except his temper got worse and worse.

But he knew that if he left Seungwon, all hell would break loose. Seungwon had an affinity for blowing things out of proportion and Taehyung wouldn't put it past him to spread a ridiculous rumour after they broke up, even if the decision was mutual.

Taehyung's feelings were contradicting. Sometimes, he couldn't imagine a life without Seungwon in it. Other times, he felt like he could go eternities without seeing his face.

On the one hand, Seungwon could be very sweet, however on the other hand he was borderline insane.

Taehyung shuddered as his memory drifted off to when Seungwon had snapped and thrown a vase at his head. Most of the shattering porcelain had missed, but a few shares had pierced the skin on his left cheek.

As a means of apologising, Seungwon stayed with him when he was getting treated at the hospital. He didn't eat or rest until he knew Taehyung was completely recovered.

"Taetae," Seungwon breathed after they'd slept together,  "I'm going to ask you a question, and you have to answer honestly."

Taehyung nodded.

"Me or Jungkook?"

Taehyung froze, contemplating his next words.

"You, Wonnie. It's always you."

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Chapter 3: This is really nice so far, can't wait for more. ^-^