Shades of Dark and Wild

Mr. Junmyeon parked his car,
when someone tapped his shoulder

You play hard, don't you, Mr. Junmyeon?
  I almost ended up in the hospital

Mr. Junmyeon tensed

Wha - What are you talking about?

  You made quite an impact, and here's what I think. If we're going to play, we should go all-out about it
  This is really the only time in my life that I can go crazy you know, being a minor and all
Oh is this your car, right?

He didn't respond

Be extra careful from now on not to get into any accidents

〄 〄 〄 〄

I wonder what happened.
I heard, Mr. Junmyeon quit.
Well isn't that good,
as I continued sharpening my pencil
with a paper cutter

Hey Tae, I heard you broke up with Miyoung-unnie. She doesn't suit you though

Can you take me for a ride on your bike sometime?


Why not?!

My bike gets jealous

What, really Tae?

Sometimes she scratches and stuff

I smiled as his comment.
What is happening to me?

❝  Oh sorry, my foot hit you

I know Irene did it on purpose,
what did I ever do to her?
As I accidentally
had a small cut on my thumb

What were you doing? You klutz!

As Taehyung went to my seat
and he the blood
on my thumb.
Everyone fell silent.
I can feel everyone
stare at us

Before the last period,
Irene and her friends
came looking for me

You've got an attitude lately

This is not good.
Please God,
help me

As Joy,
pushed me hard
on the wall,
causing me to gasp.
She's quite strong

Don't think so high and mighty, just because Tae notices you

Irene's other friend, Yeri,
lifted my chin and said

Do you even have a clue who you are here, you're nothing

When Yeri was about to slap me,
Irene stopped her before then

Don't even try flirting with him

I'm - I didn't. I just asked him to model for me

That's what I'm talking about

As she slapped me hard,
I didn't had the time to cover.
I never wanted to bullied like this

Pabo, you're an eyesore

Joy was smirking,
making me shiver.
What are they planning
to do with me?

Irene pushed me again,
my back hitting
against the hard wall

You never talk, you're always in your little world and you annoy me

Poor thing, we made her cry

That's what she get for making Irene mad

Those are shoes are cute

She took of my shoes,
tried it on herself.
What a brat

Too bad, it doesn't fit me

And she threw them
on the school's fire heater.
How despicable

They even took my sneakers

As I checked,
my gym locker.
This is great.
Just great!

For too long, our school
has shrugged of the topic about bullying.
Bullying as the matter of fact
is not just a simple problem,
but it creates traumatic experiences
and now, it's happening to me

Haven't you heard the bell?

Mr. Ahn Kangta asked.
I feel ashamed of myself.
Why does this have to happen,
to me, no less

I'm sorry Mr. Kangta

As I walk towards my seat,
I saw Irene,
smiling deviously.
The class was about to finish

What happened to your shoes?

He noticed it.
I wish he didn't,
hoping he'll ignore

I threw them as they didn't fit me

Hey, I'm not stupid

Why do you care ? Mind your own business

Is it really not my business?

Have any of your girlfriends been bullied before?


I mean, the problem is with me. I'm slow and stupid

Why don't you get mad? Fight back?

I looked down on my feet,
my socks are all dirty now.
I needed to get home.
I walked away from him,
just when he called out


Please, leave me alone

I'll take you home

He grabbed my arm,
as he carried his helmet.
Is he insane?

Where do you live?

Yo - You said no one's allowed on your bike

I changed my mind

I stared at him,
why is he doing this?
Why is my heart -

Oh right, you don't like men. It's my fault - 

As I reached my hand,
motioned at his helmet.
He gave me his helmet,
straped it on me
as he held me to sit on his bike

By the way, this is actually my first time riding with a passenger  

As I hugged him,
I hope that the police
won't catch us
as he's not wearing a helmet

Hey, if we die, I'm sorry

I don't care if I die

Yoongi, bye bye!
Hang on tight

I don't know what awaits.
But I want this to keep on going forever

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